專家說 嶺南二高原學師隔山派,多繪鳥蟲 等庭院動物。後受日本現代繪畫流行風 氣影響,改繪虎、鷹、猿猴等大型猛獸,背 景也多襯托以月夜或是雪景,凸顯其凶 猛特性。相較於其兄劍父,奇峰的虎更趨 寫實,可見於是作。 With their early training under the Geshan school of painting, the Gao brothers at first specialized in garden creatures such as birds and insects. They turned to larger beasts such as tigers, hawks, and primates upon influence from Japanese painting of their time, in which the beasts’ ferocity was highlighted against backgrounds of snowy scenes or moonlit nights. Gao Qifeng adopted a more naturalistic approach in the depiction of tigers when compared with his elder brother Gao Jianfu, as evident in the present piece. The expert says
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