2024 NSTA New Orleans • EDVOTEK® Workshops

04 - Put the M into STEM: Quantitative Techniques for Biotechnology

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Principles of PCR For 8 gels. Introduce students to the principles and applications of the Poly- merase Chain Reaction (PCR). This simulation experiment does not contain human DNA and does not require a thermal cycler. Cat. #103 Discovering Quantitative PCR Amplification and Analysis For 4 groups. In this specially adapted education qPCR experiment, students will quantify the DNA concentration of four experimental samples using a standard curve approach and then confirm the experiment’s specificity and accuracy through gel electrophoresis, melt curve analysis, and data analysis. Cat. #380 Quantitative ELISA For 6 groups. Now with NEW substrate! Antibodies are highly specific in their recognition of antigens. This ELISA experiment demonstrates the quantitation of varying concentrations of viral antigens as detected by the intensity of the color reaction due to the accumulation of products. This laboratory activity meets the requirements in the BSCS Blue Biology curriculum. Cat. #278 AIDS Kit I: Simulation of HIV Detection by ELISA For 10 groups. An HIV test detects HIV infection indirectly using an ELISA test against HIV antibodies in the blood. The test works by taking antibod- ies from the patient’s blood and adding them to a microtiter plate coated with HIV antigen. If HIV antibodies are present in the blood, they will bind to the antigens on the plate. This binding is detected with an enzyme-linked secondary antibody that causes a color change upon addition of substrate. In this experiment, your students will perform an ELISA test by coating microtiter plate wells with simulated HIV antigen and then test simulated donor serum for anti-HIV antibodies. Cat. #271 Introduction to ELISA Reactions For 10 groups. Your students will learn the basic principles of the Enzyme- linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) in this precise and sensitive antibody- based detection kit. Experiment components do not contain human serum. Cat. #269


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