by Al Sanders
their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.” This means that He does not answer the prayers of those who are still in their sins. There is only one prayer the sinner can offer which is heard by Almighty God. This is when he is willing to pray, “God be merciful to me a sinner, and save me for Christ’s sake!” The second essential of prayer is for a believer to come with a clean heart. There is something about the rehearsal of one’s faults to the Lord that gives him a sense of God’s for giveness as well as a realization of the heinous aspect of sin in the sight of Christ. The Psalmist rightly de clared, “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.” He knew that unconfessed sin would rob him of joy in fellowship with the Lord. Do your prayers seem to
D oubtless most people, regardless of their denominational or reli gious persuasion, would be willing to say that they believe in prayer! Such persons, without meeting the essen tials, would be like someone saying he believes in cashing checks. With out money deposited in the bank, no matter how much we believe in cash ing checks, it will do us little good to espouse this virtue. God guards the prerogatives of prayer as rigor ously as a bank guards its operation and monetary system. Prayer doesn't need to be proved; it needs to be practiced. Before his home-going, Phil Kerr used to say, “Why don’t we sing ‘Sweet Five Minutes of Prayer’ or ‘Sweet Thirty Seconds of Prayer,’ because for most people that’s about all the time they spend!” The first essential of prayer is that we must believe in God. That means not just that He exists, but that He sent His Son to this earth to redeem fallen mankind. Hebrews 11:6 re minds us that “He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” A listener re cently asked, “What are the mini mum and maximum essentials for salvation?” Have you ever thought about it? The answer is that the minimum requirement is exactly the same as the maximum. It is that we must believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and receive His saving grace. It is not enough to believe about Christ or about God, but we are to believe in Him, in all of the aspects of His redemptive work. In Psalm 34:15-16, again repeated in I Peter 3:12, we find that “The eyes of the Lord are over the right eous, and His ears are open unto
Mr. Roger Booth (standing), generalmanager ot Biola's radiovoicetor San Diego, KBBWstereo, checks over broadcasting equipment with Mr. Robert Me- Keehan, announcer and salesman tor the facility. KBBW stereo with 70,000 watts of power has been on the air since May, 1963, and presents outstand ing Christian programming and informative broad casts 18 hours a day.
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