Biola Broadcaster - 1968-11

Prairie Bible Institute in Canada; missionary organizations such as radio station HCJB in Quito, Ecua­ dor, the Wycliffe Bible Translators, Africa Inland Mission, Sudan Interi­ or Mission, the Central and Latin American Missions, Overseas Cru­ sades as just examples. Here is our own land are such works as the American Sunday School Union, Child Evangelism' Fellowship, the Kentucky Mountain Mission and numerous others. I hesitate to name just these few for there are so many more. May God bless each one of them including the Christian Busi­ nessmen’s Committee, the Christian Women’s Clubs and broadcasters such as Back to the Bible, the Radio Bible Class of Grand Rapids and the Morning Chapel Hour with Wilbur Nelson. Yes, the Lord has raised up these people and these organizations to proclaim God’s Word. I say to you, that we as the Lord’s servants here at Biola want to affirm our faith and confidence in those of you who perhaps may be able to send in only the very smallest amount and yet whose hearts are in tune with the message of God’s Word and the proc­ lamation of His truth. Queen Elizabeth the First had summoned a successful businessman whom she intended to send as an ambassador on a special mission to a far country. He wanted to do Her Majesty’s bidding, but anxious­ ly asked, “What will become of my business?” The queen answered him, “Sir, you take care of my business, and I’ll see to it that nothing hap­ pens to yours.” My friend, we can safely and confidently commit all that we are and all that we have into the hands of the Lord. Don’t be short­ sighted. When you see others who may not be wealthy or glamorous, or appealing, remember that inside them is the grace and the glory of the Lord God if by faith they have received Christ as Saviour.

WORTHY OF PRAISE Loaded with benefits daily, Sent from the Father above; Mercies and blessings abounding, Gifts of His marvelous love. Daily the Lord is my keeper. Daily He’s taking my part, Daily for me interceding, Bearing my cause on His heart. Strength for the day He supplieth, Daily He meets every need; Bears every burden arising, He is a Shepherd indeed. What shall I render to Jesus For all His mercies so free? Showered in amazing abundance, On a poor rebel like me? For all His merciful kindness, For all His marvelous grace, What shall I render to Jesus . . . Jesus, who died In my place? Offer Him praise and thanksgiving, Praising His name with a song, This would be pleasing to Jesus, Praises to Jesus belong. Worthy is He of our worship, Worthy is He of our praise, “Magnify Him with thanksgiving,” Gladly our voices we raise. LET ME WALK WITH YOU “Will you take my hand in yours?" Said a little child to me; “And let me walk beside you, There’s so much I want to see. I would see God in the flowers That bloom about my feet, And find Him on the stars that shine Like lamps along the street. “I would read the loving message Of sunshine golden bright, And feel His love about me When I get to bed at night, I would know what work of His A child like me can do; So please take my hand in yours And let me walk with you."


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