haps by the time the Rapture takes place, the United States may cease to exist as a potent force in the world. There are many his torians who have made studies of the rise and fall of nations and who are speaking of the twilight of the United States as a world power. We may be the strongest nation militarily, yet we are the most “stymied” nation of all when it comes to a show-down for right eousness. We can only expect such moral decline if all our military power has not been backed up by a true zeal for God by people nation wide. The Bible reminds us that righteousness exalteth a nation, but that sin is a reproach to any people. We know that the decline of nations occurs not from without but first of all from within. We are now seeing a tremendous de cline in morals, in spiritual values, even in the power and authority of our own government. HOW MUCH I OWE? When this passing world is done. When has sunk yon glorious sun, When we stand with Christ in glory. Looking o’er life's finished story: Then, Lord, shall I fully know, Not till then, how much I owe. When I stand before the Throne, Dressed in beauty not my own, When I see Thee as Thou art, Love Thee with unsinning heart: Then, Lord, shall I fully know, Not till then how much I owe. E’en on earth, as through a glass, Darkly, let thy glory pass; Make forgiveness feel so sweet, Make thy Spirit’s help so meet; E’en on earth, Lord, make me know, Something of how much 1 owe. Chosen not for good in me, Wakened up from wrath to flee; Hidden in the Saviour’s side, By the Spirit sanctified; Teach me, Lord, on earth to show, By my love, how much I owe. 25
angels are the protectors of the children. The atonement of Christ covers those not old enough to make a decision to receive Christ. Q. Canoga Park, Calif. — "There are many references in the Bible about relationships between mas ters and slaves or servants. Does this mean that God perhaps con dones slavery or the selling of people?" A. It certainly does not. The Bi ble takes conditions for what they are, and urges those who have re ceived Christ to live exemplary lives, even if they have been en slaved. Slavery is not the desire or purpose of God, for in His sight all men have been created equal, so far as their soul’s need is con cerned. The Spirit of God takes the present economy as He finds it. In Ephesians 6:5, He tells us how masters are to treat servants and how servants are to react to their masters. (See also Colossians 3:22.) The important thing is that the soul be not enslaved to Satan but trust Christ and know freedom. If the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed. Q, Stockton, Calif. — “What part will the United States play during the Tribulation in the Ten King doms ?" A. This question arises frequent ly ; however, no one but God knows the answer for sure. There is not a reference in Scripture to the United States. The Bible deals al most exclusively with countries near or immediately around Pal estine and th e Mediterranean area. Many Bible teachers feel that America will have its place in the Western federation of na tions which will eventually be headed up during the tribulation by the anti-Christ. Then, again, there are those who feel that per
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