institution where this man was kept until his death. He could be found walking up and down in his padded cell like a caged lion. It went on day and night, as he rarely slept. He kept re peating over and over, “Oh, if only I had! If only I had! If only I had!” Thinking about our own lives, we must come to the realization that some day it will be eternally too late. Like this poor bridge keeper, we will say, "If only I had!” What about those to whom you’ve been intending to speak about their salvation? Some day for them it will be too late. Behold, now is the accepted time. Behold now is the day of salvation. WHAT IS A SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER? Sunday school teachers are dedicat ed souls who are the church’s tithe to Christian education. They represent the 10 per cent who are doing six jobs already. Sunday school teachers are ordinary people who are doing a task for which they may not feel they’re qualified, but they’re doing it any way as unto the Lord. Sunday school teachers like quiet boys and girls, private classrooms, short opening worship services when their lesson is well-prepared, and long opening exercises when it’s not. Sunday school teachers don’t like squeaky chairs, classes in furnace rooms, pupils who talk too much, pupils who don’t talk enough, visiting hornets, Sunday-school-minded dogs and cats, runny noses, and a late final bell. Sunday school teachers are often the most tested of the Lord’s servants. Yet, in the long run, they may well receive the most satisfaction from their work. It remains a wonderful truth that they are helping to mold impressionable hu man lives. Sunday school teachers are those who have obeyed the Saviour’s com mand when He said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” 27 It’s just good horse sense to bridle your tongue.
are Christians. But, in a time like this, if they believed as we did, none of our lives would be safe.” Certainly, when one receives the Word of truth, he is a new creature. The Bible clearly re veals that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. He who criticizes the Bible may have knowledge, but he certainly doesn’t have true wisdom, for the Scriptures stand like a mountain towering far above the works of men. The Word of God is a discerner of the thoughts and in tents of the hearts. Read the Bible. It will keep you from sin, while, con versely, sin will keep you from the Bible. “IF ONLY I HAD” How true it is that just one little twist of fate can change life’s entire destiny. Many years ago, some of the railroad drawbridges across rivers had to be moved up and down through sim ple man power. The bridge keeper had been told to keep the bridge shut for a a special train was coming. A t the same time he heard the whistle of a small boat heading up the river. To let it pass would require just a slight lifting since the mainmast wasn’t too high so he opened the gate. After the craft had passed, the bridge tender tried to move the bridge back into place, but it was stuck. Panic now hit the man. He pulled and pushed with every degree of energy'he could pos sibly muster. By now the special limited was racing down the tracks and it was too late to flash a warning. A terrible tragedy resulted with a number of lives lost and many seriously injured. Although he was still under 50, the bridge keeper went through such agony that that very night his hair turned as white as snow and he lost his rea son. Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman, the fa mous Bible teacher, told of visiting the Unfortunately some minds are like concrete, all mixed up and permanently set.
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