Biola Broadcaster - 1968-11

To brighten earth a little while; One year to sing my Master’s praise; One year to fill with work my days; One year to strive for a reward When I should stand before my Lord, Then, would I surely spend each day, In just the very self-same way That I do now? For from afar The call may come to cross the bar, Or raptured be to meet my Lord At any time, and I must be Or just one day in which to give A testimony true, a helping hand, A mind that tries to understand, A fellow-creature when in need, 'Tis one with me— I will take heed To try to live each day He sends To serve my gracious Master’s ends. HOW TO PRAY "The proper way for a man to pray,’’ Said Deacon Lemuel Keyes, “The only proper attitude Is down upon your knees.” "No! I should say the way to pray,” Said Rev. Dr. Wise, "Is standing straight with out­ stretched arms And rapturous, upturned eyes.” "It seems to me, his hands should be Devoutly clasped in front, With both thumbs pointing toward the ground,” Said Rev. Dr. Blunt. "Last year, I fell in Hodkin’s well, Head first,” said Cyrus Brown, "With both my heels a-stickin’ up, My head a p’intin’ down "And I made prayer right then and there— Best prayer I ever said;! The prayin’est prayer I ever prayed Was standin’ on my head.” Prepared to meet eternity. So if I have a year to live,

THEY SAY They say that children can't be won, They're much too young to know The saving and the keeping power Of Him who loves them so. Just wait until they realize The step that one must take, And understand completely What a difference it should make. When one commits his life to Christ, And claims Him as His Lord . . . A little child is much too young To understand God’s Word. They who thus speak have never known The joy of children won . . . The way they trust, the way they love Jesus Christ the Son. Their hearts to Him they freely give And claim Him as their own . . . Their Friend, their Lord, and Sav­ iour, then Go forth to make Him known. Our gracious Lord makes no mis­ takes When He bids children come. He knows their hearts are open wide To enter as His home. All those who doubt, remember not The Holy Spirit's power. He is not limited by time By age, by years, by hour. He plants the seed down deep, deep Into their little hearts. Using us as instruments His Word to them impart. If you would know the fullest joy The Christian life can bring, Start now to seek the little ones, And bring them unto Him. IF BUT ONE YEAR If I had but one year to live; One year to help; one year to give; One year to love; one year to bless; One year of better things to stress; One year to sing; one year to smile;


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