Biola Broadcaster - 1968-11

O ur L ord told us that among the disturbances which would pre­ cede His return would be earth­ quakes. There are many of them to­ day which' are not just physical and found recorded on seismographs. There are political, social, moral, and religious earthquakes convulsing the world. Crime, violence, lawlessness, anarchy, bloodshed, perversion, riots, wars and rumors of wars, cause every continent to tremble in world upheaval. Unfortunately, most of the earthquakes that are shaking the world today are not the work of God. Satan is the prince of this age. Many of these convulsions are the mystery of lawlessness working up to its cli­ max through the antichrist. We had a major earthquake in 1917 when Communism started an upheaval. It has kept the world in turmoil ever since. Lawlessness has made streets no longer safe. Humani­ ty has gone sex crazy with perversion eating like a cancer. Science has had its own revolution making men so self-sufficient that they have sought to give God His “walking papers.” The church, too, is in the midst of an earthquake. Recently one of our lead­ ing magazines carried an article on the coming church of the future. Thank the Lord I won’t live to see it. The ecumenical movement heads steadfastly toward a colossal world church. We need the power that shook the world 20 centuries ago. The apos­ tolic age has the answer to the atomic age. The only way to meet this demonstration (this demonstration of demons) is with a demonstration of the Holy Spirit in power. The Gospel really started with two earth­ quakes. When the Saviour died on Calvary's cross (Matt. 27:51) and

when He rose from the dead (Matt. 28:2). He died for our sins and rose again for our justification. I believe those were literal earthquakes. God invaded history visiting the earth through His only begotten Son. This was the greatest double event the world has ever known. The Gospel started with earth­ quakes and so did the Church. The fourth chapter of Acts illustrates that. You see, God is in the earth- shaking business. These early Chris­ tians were in partnership with the Lord. Instead of shrinking in fear, they asked for more of the very thing that got them into trouble the first time. This was boldness. We are at the crossroads today. Shall we let the hostility of Satan snare us into becoming diplomats on good terms with the world? The ear­ ly Christians stirred up the devil. Our best endeavors today are usually met by a polite “yawn.” The liquor business hardly knows we are in town because too many church mem­ bers make it, sell it, buy it and drink it. We need to stop passing resolu­ tions and begin promoting “revolu­ tions” such as did the apostles. They had prayer meetings which ended in earthquakes. The only time some churches shake today is when they have a dance in the recreation build­ ing. If the emphasis were put on re -creation in s te ad of recreation, what a difference would be made. The salt of God’s people needs to be shaken out of its smug compla­ cency into the carcass of a putrifying society. We are not going to have a spiritual earthquake in the world until we have one in the Church. When the Gospel hurts the devil’s business, trouble always starts. When Paul’s preaching in Ephesus turned 5

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