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provide, he observed, and whether there BSFBOZPUIFSXBZTGPSUIF6$13UPIFMQ CAPRAC reduce some of its operation costs are topics for discussion between CAPRAC BOEUIF6$13 Parisien indicated that CAPRAC does need TPNFGVOEJOHBJEGSPNUIF6$13UPQSPWJEF “breathing room” for its current operation costs. .BZPS1JFSSF-FSPVYQSPQPTFEUIBUUIF 6$13BEWBODFSJHIUBXBZUP$"13"$TPNF or all of the $100,000 already allocated in UIFCVEHFU.BZPS-FSPVYTBJE6$13 council and administration can then deal with the funding increase request at a later date. 5IFPUIFSNBZPSTPO6$13DPVODJMBHSFFE with Leroux’s suggestion. 5IF6$13BENJOJTUSBUJPOQSFTFOUFEB draft resolution to the board for consideration at its February 22 meeting. The resolution would expedite the release of the $100,000 BMMPDBUJPOGPS$"13"$JOUIF6$13CVE - get, once the funding agreement is confirmed. 5IFSFTPMVUJPOBMTPTUBUFTUIBU6$13BENJ - nistration and CAPRAC officials will continue discussions to determine the terms and conditions of the additional $50,000, should the board decide to provide the additional amount.

Vache! project which resulted in the public display of cow statues, painted in colourful and exotic themes, in almost every commu- nity in Prescott-Russell. Both projects have become cultural tourism attractions for the region with maps available online and in hard copy at selected outlets to direct visitors to the various display sites. 5IFBOOVBMTVQQPSUNPOFZGSPNUIF6$13 goes towards all the administrative costs for CAPRAC, continued support for existing projects like O La Vache! and Popsilos , improving and increasing the number of services CAPRAC provides to its members and also to artists in the region who may not be members yet of CAPRAC. CAPRAC does seek out other sources PGTVQQPSUHSBOUT CVU.BMCPFVGOPUFEUIBU those are dedicated funds for a specific pro- ject or program and cannot be used to help with any general administration expenses. 3JHIUOPX .BMCPFVGPCTFSWFE $"13"$JT debt-free with “a minimal reserve” of about UIBUXJMMTPPOCFFYIBVTUFE 6$13 $IJFG "ENJOJTUSBUPS 4UÊQIBOF Parisien told council that CAPRAC’s funding increase request “is not unreasonable” given the impact of inflation on everything now. )PXNVDIPGBOJODSFBTFUIF6$13TIPVME

Le projet Popsilos s’est avéré une véritable fascination pour les touristes qui visitent Prescott-Russell. L’agence régionale des arts, responsable du projet Popsilos et d’autres projets artistiques locaux, programmes et événements spéciaux à Prescott-Russell, a besoin d’un financement supplémentaire pour poursuivre son travail de soutien aux arts et à la culture régionale. —photo d’archives



$"13"$BTLTUIBUUIF6$13JODSFBTF support funding for the group to $150,000 each year for the next three years. The group also asks for a three-per-cent annual adjustment, when needed, for inflation. .BMCPFVG EFTDSJCFE $"13"$ BT UIF “umbrella organization” that focuses on supporting arts and culture in the Pres- cott-Russell region through programs and activities that include: providing information to its members from the arts community on opportunities to showcase their works; find grants available to artists from various sources, including government, the private sector, and community foundations; help local artists network with each other; spon- sor or assist others with organizing projects and events that deal with arts and culture. Two of the best-known arts and culture projects that CAPRAC has been involved in are: Popsilos , which saw many storage silos on local farms serve as giant-sized “canvases” for local artists, and the O La

Prescott-Russell’s regional arts council received a sympathetic hearing from the counties council to a request for more funding support. “What $100,000 got you five years ago EPFTOPUHFUGPSZPVOPX uTBJE.BSHPU.BM - boeuf, director general for the Conseil des arts Prescott-Russell Arts Council (CAPRAC), EVSJOHBQSFTFOUBUJPOUPUIF6OJUFE$PVOUJFT PG1SFTDPUU3VTTFMMDPVODJM 6$13 EVSJOHJUT February 8 committee of the whole session. .BMCPFVGSFGFSSFEUPUIF JO support funding for CAPRAC already alloca- UFEJOUIF6$13CVEHFU5IF6$13 was involved in the creation of CAPRAC in 2014 through its economic development and tourism department. The original fun- ding support was about $50,000 then but was later increased to $100,000 and has remained at that level up to this year.

Enbridge Gas has teamed up with The Nation Fire Department to protect against carbon monoxide and house fires. —supplied photo


monoxyde de carbone est un gaz toxique et inodore qui est un sous-produit de la combustion incomplète de nombreux types de combustibles courants. « Ce n’est pas pour rien que le monoxyde de carbone est connu comme le «tueur silencieux», et les preuves montrent que la prévention sauve des vies », a déclaré Rick Gazda, superviseur des opérations de la SÊHJPO&TUDIF[&OCSJEHF(BTjø/PVTTBWPOT que la meilleure façon d’éviter l’exposition au monoxyde de carbone est de l’éliminer à la source en entretenant correctement les appareils de combustion, et que les alarmes constituent une deuxième ligne de défense essentielle pour se protéger contre les intoxications au monoxyde de carbone. » « La municipalité et le service d’incendie espèrent que cette collaboration permettra de sensibiliser et d’assurer une protection supplémentaire contre l’exposition au monoxyde de carbone pour nos résidents », BEÊDMBSÊMFNBJSF'SBODJT#SJÍSFjø/PVT sommes fiers de jouer un rôle dans la grande initiative du Projet zéro ».

L’initiative « Projet zéro de Safe Community » a fourni plus de 76 000 détecteurs de fumée et de monoxyde de carbone au cours des 14 dernières années. Enbridge Gas et le service d’incendie de MBNVOJDJQBMJUÊEF-B/BUJPOPOUBOOPODÊ qu’ils s’efforcent d’assurer la sécurité des foyers et de ramener à zéro les décès liés aux incendies et au monoxyde de carbone. La municipalité a reçu 180 détecteurs combinés de fumée et de monoxyde de carbone dans le cadre du Safe Community Project Zero, qui vise à fournir plus de 8 000 détecteurs aux résidents de 50 municipalités de l’Ontario. Cette année, Enbridge Gas a investi 250 000 $ dans le Safe Community Project Zero et, lorsqu’elles sont correctement installées, les alarmes fournies par ce don donnent une alerte rapide en cas d’incendie ou d’exposition au monoxyde de carbone. Le

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