Naperville Park District Ordinance 641


Facilities or where such activity would be contrary to the guidelines or regulations of the FAA. (d) No person shall operate, launch, take off, land, cause to launch, take off or land unmanned aircraft systems (“drones”) subject to FAA Part 107 of any kind from or on or over Park District Property without a permit. This restriction does not apply to any operation of a Drone at altitudes greater than 150 feet above ground level. (e) No person shall operate, launch, take off, land, cause to launch unmanned aircraft systems (“drones”) subject to FAA Part 101 unless such activity is conducted within an area and at times that the Park District has designated for such activities either by policy or permit and in no case: (1) in violation of the Federal Aviation Administration rules, regulations and safety guidelines governing such flight; (2) over or within fifty (50) horizontal feet of the property line of the following facilities: playground, athletic court or field, aquatic facility, golf course or skate park; (3) directly over any person, group of people or occupied space; (4) for the purpose of conducting surveillance (which is defined as the gathering of images, sounds, data or other information in a manner that intrudes upon the solitude, privacy or seclusion of a person or their private affairs or concerns), unless expressly permitted by law; (5) that is equipped with a firearm or other Weapon or with the intent to use the Drone or anything attached to the Drone to cause harm to persons or property; (6) whenever weather conditions would impair the operator’s ability to do so safely; or (7) in a reckless or careless manner. The restrictions set forth herein on the operation of drones shall not apply to operations at altitudes greater than 150 feet above ground level. (f) To the limited extent that this policy conflicts with regulations promulgated by the Illinois Department of Transportation, said regulations shall supersede this policy. No Person under the influence of Alcoholic Liquor shall enter into, be, or remain on District Property. For purposes of this Section 2.02 (a), “under the influence” means affected by Alcoholic Liquor, in any determinable manner. A determination of being “under the influence” can be established by a professional opinion, a scientifically valid test, a lay person’s opinion, or the statement of a witness. (b) No Person, other than the District or its agent, shall sell or deliver any Alcoholic Liquor on District Property, unless said Person has first obtained a Permit, license, or contract therefore from the District and, where necessary, the City or County. (c) No person shall distribute, provide or allow any person under 21 years old to possess or consume Alcoholic Liquor on District Property. No person under the age of 21 years old shall possess or consume Alcoholic Liquor on District Property. (d) No Person shall bring into, possess, consume, take, use, or transfer any Alcoholic Liquor Section 2.02. Alcoholic Liquor. (50/75) (a) on District Property without having first obtained a Permit therefor from the District unless they are in or on District Property where the possession, consumption, use, or transfer of Alcoholic Liquor is permitted, or unless the Alcoholic Liquor is legally possessed in an unopened container stored in the trunk of a motor

Amended September 12, 2024


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