Naperville Park District Ordinance 641


domesticated or wild animal. Section 2.06. Assault, Battery or Fighting. (50/75) (a)

No Person shall, without lawful authority, engage in conduct on District Property that places another Person in reasonable apprehension of receiving bodily harm or physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature. (b) No Person shall intentionally or knowingly by any means cause bodily harm or make physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature with another Person on District Property. (c) No Person shall provoke or engage in any fight, brawl or riotous conduct so as to endanger the life, limb, health or property of another while on District Property. (d) No Person shall assemble or congregate with another or others for the purpose of causing, provoking or engaging in any fight or brawl on District Property. (e) No Person shall knowingly and intentionally jostle or roughly crowd or otherwise push or shove any person on District Property. Section 2.07. Begging, Panhandling, Soliciting. (25/50) (a) No person shall beg or panhandle on District property or in District buildings, facilities or playgrounds or the entrances or stairways of such buildings or facilities. (b) No Person on District Property shall obstruct or impede pedestrians or vehicles; harass park visitors with physical contact or persistent demands; misrepresent their affiliations; misrepresent what the solicited funds will be used for; or interfere, interrupt, or engage in conduct incompatible with the purpose of any program, activity, function, and/or special event conducted, sponsored licensed or otherwise permitted by the District; or coerce or intimidate another person into giving money, goods or services. Section 2.08. Boating/Watercraft. (25/50) (a) No Person shall launch any Vessel in District Waters, except from such places as may be designated therefor. (b) No Person shall use, employ, or be in or upon any District launching ramp except during hours when the park in which the ramp is located is open. (c) No Person may launch or remove a Vessel from District property or traverse any waterway under the jurisdiction or control of the District, including but not limited to the DuPage River, unless said Vessel is subject to the Illinois Boat Registration and Safety Act, 625 ILCS 45/1-1 et seq. and displays the appropriate registration decal, numbering, water usage stamp or permit as required. (d) No person shall traverse any waterway closed for safety reasons by the District, where the District owns both corresponding sides of the waterway, including but not limited to relevant portions of the DuPage River. The closure of waterways within the boundaries of the District by authority of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources shall likewise be enforceable. This section does not apply to the use of vessels to be used in approved park district programs or events (e.g., paddleboat, paddleboard, kayak rentals, watercraft lessons, etc.).

Amended September 12, 2024


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