Naperville Park District Ordinance 641


Section 2.09. Camping. (25/50) (a)

No Person shall place, erect, or use any hammock, swing, tent, shelter, or any other type of temporary or permanent, housing or camping equipment on District property, nor otherwise camp in any manner on District Property, other than as a participant in a program, activity or special event conducted, sponsored or permitted by the District. (b) Any person who violates any provision of this Section shall be subject to a fine of fifty dollars ($50.00) for a first or second offense within a 12-month period, and a fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for a third or subsequent offense within a 12-month period. Each day that a violation of this Section continues shall be considered a separate and distinct offense. (c) Any person who violates any provision of this Section, and who continues to violate any provision of this Section, may be subject to an injunction to enforce this Section. (d) Any person who accumulates, masses together and maintains personal property such as supplies, goods, clothing, or personal effects upon District Property shall be required to remove such personal property from the District Property within twenty-four hours of the notice to remove. If the personal property is interfering with any Park District program or activity, then the personal property may be immediately removed to another portion of District Property in order to avoid the interference with the program or activity despite any previously issued notices from the Park District allowing for 24 hours’ notice to remove. Notice to abate the storage of personal property upon District Property shall be given to the owner or person in control of the personal property by personal service. Upon the failure of the owner of the personal property to remove the personal property within twenty-four hours of the service of the notice, the District may lawfully remove the personal property. The personal property removed from District Property by the District pursuant to this Section shall be disposed of if not claimed by the owner within thirty (30) days of its removal. Any costs associated with such abatement and storage may be charged to and assessed to the property's owner. Section 2.10. Charitable, Religious, Political, or Non-Profit Activities. (25/50) (a) For purposes of this section, charitable, religious, political, or non-profit activities shall include, without limitation, soliciting contributions, the sale or distribution of merchandise, soliciting votes or circulating petitions for or against any candidate for election to public office or with respect to any referendum or other public question. (b) Soliciting contributions for charitable, religious, political, or non-profit organizations is permitted on District Property, other than the Riverwalk, provided that a Free Speech Permit therefor has first been obtained from the District in accordance with Chapter V of this Ordinance. (c) The sale or distribution of merchandise by charitable, religious, political, or non-profit organizations is permitted on District Property, other than the Riverwalk, provided that a Free Speech Permit therefor has first been obtained from the District in accordance with Chapter V of this Ordinance. (d) Soliciting votes and circulating petitions for or against candidate for election to public office or with respect to any referendum or other public question is permitted on District Property in areas open to the general public, other than the Riverwalk, without a Free Speech Permit, subject to the limitations set forth in paragraphs (e) and (f) of this Section 2.10. (e) No Person shall engage in any activity described in subsections (a) through (d) of this Section 2.10, in District buildings (including lobbies, entrances, hallways, or rooms), or on District athletic fields, or in any other Facility when to do so will interfere with any program, activity, class, function, rental or special event.

Amended September 12, 2024


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