Naperville Park District Ordinance 641


(f) No Person engaged in the activities described in subsections (a) through (d) of this Section 2.10 shall obstruct or impede pedestrians or vehicles, harass park visitors with physical contact or persistent demands, or interfere, interrupt, or engage in conduct incompatible with the purpose of, any program, activity, function, and/or special event conducted or sponsored by the District. Section 2.11 Commercial Sale, Exhibition, or Distribution of Goods or Services. (25/50) (a) No peddler, vendor or any other Person shall, absent a Permit, license, or contract, from the District, engage in any activity for gain or for which any charge is made or any commercial sale, rental, exhibition, or distribution of goods or services, including without limitation the giving of instruction or lessons for a fee, upon District Property. The District shall not issue any Permit for a Person to engage in any such activity that is deemed to be in conflict or in competition with District programs. The District shall not issue any Permit for a Person to engage in any such activity on the District Property known as the Riverwalk, but may issue a license or contract allowing a Person to engage in such an activity at specified locations on the Riverwalk as part of a Park District program. Persons interested in conducting commercial sale, exhibition, or distribution of goods or services must apply for and receive a permit from the Park District, and pay associated permit fees, prior to using or advertising the use of District Property. (b) Still photography by commercial photographers is allowed on District Property without a permit under the following conditions: 1) that the photography and associated activity do not, regardless of duration, unreasonably interfere with usage by other persons; 2) in addition, no one location within a park may be used by the photographer for more than 15 minutes for any of the photographic activities; and 3) in addition, no one park may be used by the photographer for more than an aggregate total of 60 minutes on any single calendar day for any of the photographic activities. Photographers unable to meet these conditions must apply for and receive a permit from the Park District, and pay associated permit fees, prior to using or advertising the use of District Property. The use of District Property for film productions requires a Permit, license, or contract from the District prior to use of the property. (c) No Person engaged in any activity for gain or for which any charge is made or any sale or distribution of goods or services under this section shall obstruct or impede pedestrians or vehicles, harass park visitors with physical contact or persistent demands, misrepresent the affiliations of those engaged in such activities, misrepresent whether the goods or services are available without cost or donation, or inter- fere, interrupt, or engage in conduct incompatible with the purpose of any program, activity, function, and/or special event conducted, sponsored, licensed or otherwise permitted by the District. Section 2.12. Cooperation with Authorities. (50/75) (a) No Person shall physically hinder, threaten, resist, intimidate, disobey, bribe, and attempt to bribe, or otherwise intentionally interfere with any member of the Park Police or any District employee or agent in the performance of their duties. (b) No Person shall falsely represent that they are, or otherwise pretend to be, a District officer or employee, a member of the Park Police, or an agent or other representative of the District. (c) No Person shall knowingly give a false report or false information (including, without limitation, information requested in a Permit application) for the purpose of misleading a District employee or agent, or a member of the Park Police in the conduct of their official duties.

Amended September 12, 2024


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