Naperville Park District Ordinance 641


property, or perform any similar grounds maintenance for any purpose, or in any like manner encroach onto District property from privately or publicly owned lands. (c) Place, stockpile or store any gravel, stone, dirt, sand, wood, lumber or any other organic or inorganic material on District Property. (d) Place any electrical wire, conduit, or pipe, or any public service or private utility, into, upon, above, or across or beneath District Property, unless a Permit, License, or Contract therefor has first been obtained from the District and the City of Naperville. (e) Plant vegetation of any kind on District Property without written authorization of the District. (f) Allow, authorize, build, construct, or place the discharge point of any sump pump, pool, water feature, or foundation drainage, or any storm water management measures, including but not limited to swales, drains and contouring, that directs or is intended to direct sump pump or foundation drainage discharge, onto District Property. All discharge of sump pumps and foundation drainage adjacent to District property, shall be setback from the District’s property line, in such a manner that the water flow is discharged onto the originating property and flows in accordance with Illinois drainage law. (g) Any person, who violates any part of Section 2.16, shall, after receiving written notification of violation from the District and in accordance with the timeframe and directions outlined in such notification, shall comply with the District’s directives, whether in writing or delivered orally by a person with authority to enforce this Ordinance. The District shall have the discretion to address the encroachment with a negotiated agreement, civil remedy at law, or any other lawful remedy available to the District, including the physical removal of the encroachment. (h) The District may remove any encroachment(s) from District Property and assess the person(s) who violated this Section 2.16 the cost of removing such encroachment(s), and such charge shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any other penalties or remedies provided for in this Ordinance or any applicable City of Naperville ordinance and/or State law. (i) Any person who commits a violation of any part of this Section 2.16, in addition to any other civil or criminal penalty imposed, may be subject to a District ordinance fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) and not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00). Section 2.17. (25/50) Fairs and Special Events: Sale and Distribution of Merchandise; Soliciting Contributions. No Person shall sell and/or distribute merchandise or printed or written materials or solicit contributions, votes or signatures during fairs or special events conducted or sponsored by the District except at a fixed location designated by the District and unless the appropriate Permit therefor has first been obtained from the District in accordance with Chapter V of this Ordinance. The District shall allocate space at the fixed location to applicants on a first-come, first-served basis until no more space remains available. Section 2.18. Fires. (25/50) (a) No Person shall light, maintain, or make use of any fire on District Property, except at such places and at such times as the District may designate for such purpose and under such rules as may be prescribed by the District and the City of Naperville. Use of park district designated fire rings (e.g., Seager Park, Knoch Knolls Park) requires permits from the City of Naperville and the District. Grills: See

Amended September 12, 2024


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