Naperville Park District Ordinance 641


subparagraph (d) below. (b)

No fire shall ever be left unattended. Every fire shall be under the continuous care and direction of a competent Person 18 years of age or older from the time it is kindled until the time it is completely extinguished. All fires must be properly and completely extinguished prior to any Person leaving the site of the fire. (c) No Person shall throw or otherwise discard lighted or smoldering material in any manner that threatens or causes damage to, or results in the burning of, District property or park resources, or creates a safety hazard. (d) Grills. No Person, without a permit shall build a fire (including but not limited to gas or charcoal grills, stoves or pits) anywhere for any purpose except in District owned and furnished charcoal grill appliances or where authorized by permit. The use of non-District grill appliances at Centennial Beach is allowed subject to published facility rules. Section 2.19. Fishing. (25/50) (a) No Person shall fish or otherwise take aquatic life from District Waters in areas at which the District has posted signage prohibiting such activities. (b) Every Person fishing in District Waters shall comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations of the State of Illinois as administered by the Department of Natural Resources and comply with any rule or regulation or restriction posted by the District controlling the size, species and number of fish that can be taken from a designated body of water. Each fish possessed by an offender in excess of the fishing limit shall constitute a separate violation. (c) Fishing in District Waters shall be conducted by means of a hook and line, using no more than two hooks per line, each line being closely attended. No Person shall use drugs, poisons, explosives, electricity, or missiles of any kind to fish in District Waters. (d) No Person shall dig, scratch, or otherwise disturb District Property in order to locate/take bait. (e) Every Person shall carefully and immediately return to the water from which it was taken any fish that does not conform to size or species restrictions imposed by any applicable state, or District law, ordinance, rule or regulation, or that the Person chooses not to keep. (f) Ice fishing is prohibited on any District Waters. Section 2.20. Hunting or Trapping. (50/75) No Person shall hunt nor trap, nor bring any device for hunting or trapping into or onto District Property or District Waters. No Person legally hunting on adjacent private property, shall firearm hunt within 300 yards or bow hunt within 100 yards of an occupied District structure. No Person legally hunting or trapping off of District Property shall retrieve crippled wildlife unless they obtain permission from the Chief of Police or a Park Police Officer to enter upon District Property for such purpose. This section does not apply to Person(s) acting under authority of the Executive Director who remove, replace, eradicate or cull domestic animals or wildlife on District lands or properties.

Amended September 12, 2024


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