Naperville Park District Ordinance 641


commit any unlawful act (c)

No Person shall organize, promote, encourage, or otherwise participate in a breach of the peace involving crowds of two (2) or more Persons gathered, without authority of law, for unlawful purposes or any purpose of disturbance or obstruction of the lawful activities of other Persons. Section 2.26. Parades, Public Assemblies or Meetings. (25/50) (a) Public parades, processions, theatrical or dramatic presentations, meetings, assemblies, gatherings, and demonstrations are permitted on District Property, except that no parade, procession, theatrical or dramatic presentation, meeting, assembly, gathering or demonstration shall create a public nuisance (e.g., noise, litter) nor unreasonably obstruct or impede the use of a Facility. No parade, procession, theatrical or dramatic presentation, meeting, assembly, gathering or demonstration shall be held on any portion of the Riverwalk other than the Smykal Shelter, Oliver Hoffman Shelter, Grand Pavilion, or Millennium Carillon Amphitheater (hereafter, the Smykal Shelter, Oliver Hoffman Shelter, Grand Pavilion or Millennium Carillon Amphitheater shall individually or collectively be referred to as the “Free Speech Pavilion”). Where the number of participants in any parade, procession, theatrical or dramatic presentation, meeting, assembly, gathering or demonstration is reasonably expected to exceed twenty-five (25) or more persons and/or vehicles, a Permit therefor must first be obtained from the District in accordance with Chapter V of this Ordinance. The capacity designated by the District for the Permitted location shall not be exceeded for any purpose for which this Section 2.26 provides. (b) This section shall not apply to students going to and from school classes or participating in educational activities under the immediate direction and supervision of school authorities or their agents, a governmental agency acting within the scope of its functions, or normal or scheduled District programs or activities. Section 2.27. Posting Printed or Written Material in Designated Area. (25/50) (a) The District shall designate any areas for the posting of printed or written public information material (hereafter, “Community Bulletin Board”) as a limited public forum and, as set forth in Section 2.28, no materials may be posted on any other property or area owned or controlled by the District (such as the District’s outdoor communication kiosks which are not public forums and which are available only for Park District communications). (b) No Person shall post, place, display, or cause to be posted, placed, or displayed any printed or written material on the Community Bulletin Board without first presenting the material to the District for review and approval. The Community Bulletin Board is a limited public forum that is not a forum for advertisements for commercial businesses, establishments, or operations. Material containing any of the following content will not be permitted on the Community Bulletin Board and are subject to removal and/or denial of posting: 1. Obscene, sexual, or pornographic content 2. Content that promotes discrimination based on race, age, religion, gender, or another protected class 3. Content that is defamatory 4. Credible threats to any person 5. Content that violates a legal ownership interest (copyright or trademark) 6. Content that violates any federal, state, or local law or encourages illegal activity 7. Promotion of any commercial activities not related to Naperville Park District business 8. Content that advocates or promotes a candidate, referendum, or campaign Material posted by a member of the public on the Community Bulletin Board is the opinion of the poster only, and publication of content does not imply endorsement of, or agreement by, the Naperville Park

Amended September 12, 2024


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