Naperville Park District Ordinance 641


(c) Any Person engaged in the sale or distribution of printed or written materials under this Section 2.29 shall not obstruct or impede pedestrians or vehicles, harass park visitors with physical contact or persistent demands, or interfere, interrupt, or engage in conduct incompatible with the purpose of, any program, activity, function, and/or special event conducted or sponsored by the District. Section 2.30. Protection of Animals. (50/75) (a) No Person shall hunt, pursue, hurt, molest, wound, kill, trap, catch, poison, abuse, chase, shoot, touch, throw or propel objects at, endanger in any way, remove or cause to be removed, have in their possession, or release or cause to be released, any Wildlife on or upon District Property unless they obtain permission from the Chief of Police or a Park District Police Officer. (b) No Person shall give or offer to any Wildlife any harmful, poisonous, or noxious substance on or upon District Property. (c) No Person shall touch, tease, frighten, disturb, or otherwise intentionally interfere with any Wildlife while feeding, nesting, breeding, sleeping, resting, flying or otherwise moving, conducting or participating in any activity on or upon District Property except as directed by the District. (d) No Person shall molest, touch, throw or propel object at, destroy, dig up, crush, shake, or in any way tamper with or damage the nest, lair, den, burrow, or home of any Wildlife found on or upon District Property except as directed by the District. Section 2.31. Criminal Damage and Protection of Property. (50/75) (a) No Person shall mark, carve, bend, cut, paint, deface, affix any sticker or sign to, break down, destroy, damage, alter, change, sever, uproot, dig, excavate or otherwise remove, or attach or suspend any rope, wire, or other material or contrivance to, on, or from, District Property or anything or object on or upon District Property, or otherwise take, damage or destroy such Property, thing or object unless a Permit, license or contract therefor has first been obtained from the District. (b) No Person shall climb upon, walk on, hang from or stand or sit on, any plant, fence, structure, or other District Property of any kind except such benches or other property designated or customarily used for such purposes, or recreational equipment installed for such purposes. (c) No Person shall bring into, throw, cast, drop, deposit, or otherwise leave or lay down any smoke bomb, stink bomb, or other offensive smelling compound on District Property. (d) No Person shall bring any plant or portion of a plant or plant product onto District Property, except as part of a program, activity or class conducted or sponsored by the District, or as otherwise permitted by the District. (e) No person shall operate or drive any motor car, automobile or vehicle of any kind in, or on, District property in places other than designated roadways, drives, parking spaces, loading spaces, or aisles, or in such a manner as to cause the same to collide with, run against, strike or cause to strike, injure, deface or damage any District property or appurtenance of any kind. The District may give rewards to the Person(s) (other than District employees or agents, or members of the Park Police) who furnish information to the District, directly resulting in the arrest and conviction of any Person who unlawfully takes, damages, or destroys District Property. All claims for said reward must be made to the District within thirty (30) days after conviction and the District shall be the sole judge of any dispute arising over a reward, if any, and the Person(s) entitled to share therein. The District's

Amended September 12, 2024


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