Naperville Park District Ordinance 641


decision on any matter connected with the reward shall be final, conclusive, and binding and shall not be subject to judicial review. Section 2.32. Public Indecency. (50/75) (a) No Person shall perform or commit any of the following acts on District Property: (1) An act of sexual penetration or sexual conduct as defined in 720 ILCS 5/12-12; or, (2) A lewd exposure of the body done with intent to arouse or to satisfy the sexual desire of the Person. (b) Breast-feeding of infants is not an act of public indecency. (c) No Person shall exhibit, sell, give away, offer to sell or give away, display or hold or place in such a manner as to be open to public view any obscene book, pamphlet, drawing, picture, photograph, video, model, cast, instrument, or any other obscene item while on or upon District Property. For purposes of this subsection, obscene shall have the meaning ascribed to it in 720 ILCS 5/11-20. Section 2.33. Reporting Accidents. (25/50) A Person involved in an incident on District Property resulting in personal injury or property damage, other than an accident reportable under section 3.06 of this Ordinance, shall report the incident to the Park Police within twenty-four (24) hours after the incident. Section 2.34. Restricted Areas. (25/50) (a) No Person shall enter or remain in any building or portion of District Property where Persons are prohibited by the District from entering. (b) No Person shall enter or remain in any District Property when it is closed to the public. (c) No Person shall enter any District Property which is reserved or scheduled for a specific group or activity, unless such Person is invited by the individual, group, or agency responsible for such activity and, if applicable, such Person has paid all appropriate admission and/or registration fees. (d) No Person whose admission privileges to District Property have been terminated, revoked, forfeited or suspended by the District pursuant to Section 7.01 shall enter or remain in any District Property that is the subject of the termination, revocation, forfeiture or suspension. Section 2.35. Restrictions Applicable to Specific Recreational Activities. (a) Golf. (25/50) No Person shall play or practice golf on District Property, except on a designated golf course or driving range or pursuant to a Park District program and further provided that the Person has satisfied all requisites before playing or practicing, including without limitation the paying of appropriate fees. (b) Team Sports. (25/50) (1) In those parks having athletic fields/courts established for specific uses, partic- ipation in team sports in areas other than athletic fields/courts established for that specific purpose is limited in accordance with the District’s Athletic Field & Facility Allocation and Usage Guide and signs or notices

Amended September 12, 2024


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