Naperville Park District Ordinance 641


(b) No Person shall use (i) any still camera, television or movie camera, camcorder, video recorder or transmitter or any other device capable of recording, filming or transmitting visual images; or (ii) any cellular telephone, in any lavatory facility or locker room facility anywhere on District Property. (50/75) Section 2.37. Protection of Pedestrians. No Person using Micromobility Devices on District property shall interfere with pedestrian use of sidewalks or streets, nor vehicle use of the streets, nor otherwise act negligently, recklessly or without due caution, or in any manner so as to endanger any person or property, nor use same where such use has been posted as prohibited. Section 2.38. Winter Activities (25/50) (a) No Person shall skate, sled, toboggan, inner tube, ski, snowboard, slide, or engage in similar activities on District Property except at such places and at such times as the District may designate for such purposes, nor engage in any such activities at such places, that are closed due to inadequate snow covering or other environmental conditions, or when notified of such conditions by any Park Police Officer, Park Service Officer or any other District employee authorized to control such activities. No person shall otherwise enter upon any frozen District Waters to skate, slide or walk for any purpose. (b) No Person shall skate, sled, toboggan, inner tube, ski, snowboard, slide or engage in similar activities on District Property, contrary to Winter Activities rules and regulations, published and posted by the District for control of such activities. (c) No Person shall engage in any such activity in a reckless manner that endangers that Person or others, or at a speed greater than is safe and proper under the circumstances. (d) No Person shall tow, push, pull, or otherwise propel another Person on skis, sled, or other sliding device by use of any vehicle on District Property. (e) No person shall bring onto the frozen waters of any lake, pond, or waterway controlled by the District, any race boat or wind-driven-like device or other vehicle with the prior written permission of the Executive Director. (f) No Person shall operate, drive, ride, park, sit upon while stationary a snowmobile on District Property. For purposes of this subsection, a snowmobile shall be defined as any self-propelled vehicle intended for travel primarily on snow, driven by a track or tracks in contact with the snow, and steered by ski or skis in contact with the snow. Section 2.39. Sleeping on District Property. (25/50) No Person shall sleep on benches, sidewalks, parking lots, picnic grounds or tables, playgrounds or playground equipment, stairways or doorways of District buildings or other District Property so as to unreasonably obstruct or hinder the movement of other Persons or the use of facilities. No person shall make use of any District property as a place to sleep in a manner designated or calculated to act as a substitute for a residence or means of support.

Amended September 12, 2024


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