Naperville Park District Ordinance 641


Section 3.02. Micromobility Devices. (25/50) (a)

“Low speed electric scooters” as defined by the Illinois Vehicle Code, 625 ILCS 5/1-140.11, are not Micromobility Devices as defined herein and are prohibited within the Park System. (b) When two (2) or more Persons in a group are operating Micromobility Devices on District Property, they shall not ride abreast, but shall ride in single file. No Person operating a Micromobility Device on District Property shall cling or attach themselves or their Micromobility Device to any other moving vehicle. (c) No Person operating a bicycle on District Property shall carry another Person on the same bicycle. This restriction does not apply to tandem bicycles equipped with two or more seats or saddles or an ordinary bicycle equipped with a seat or saddle for an infant or small child if used properly. In that event, there shall be only the number of Persons on the bicycle as there are seats or saddles. (d) No Person shall operate a Micromobility Device on District playgrounds, athletic fields, athletic courts, or sidewalks except that children under the age of 4 years old riding three- or more-wheeled cycles may operate such cycles on sidewalks while under the supervision and control of an adult. (e) No Person other than a member of the Park Police shall ride a Micromobility Device on any District street or path where signs are posted prohibiting riding such devices including, but not limited to, the Riverwalk. (f) Micromobility Devices shall not, at any time, in any place, be indiscriminately parked on District Property in such a manner as to interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or with Persons getting into or out of vehicles. No Person shall leave a Micromobility Device on District Property lying on the ground or paving or set against trees or otherwise in a place other than a bicycle rack when such is provided and there is space available. No Person shall move or in any manner interfere with, any Micromobility Device which is properly parked on District Property, nor shall any Person interfere with, or, in any manner, hinder any Person from properly parking a Micromobility Device. (g) All Micromobility Devices, when operated on District roadways, shall be kept to the right and shall be operated as nearly as practicable to the right-hand edge of the roadway. (h) No Person shall operate a Micromobility Device on District Property at a speed faster than is reasonable and proper under the circumstances, and every Micromobility Device shall be operated with reasonable regard for the safety of the rider and of other Persons and property. (i) Every Person operating a Micromobility Device on District Property shall obey all federal, state, local, and District traffic laws, rules, and regulations applicable to motor vehicles, except those provisions which by their nature can have no application to the operation of a Micromobility Device and except as otherwise provided by this section. (j) Only Class 1 and Class 2 electric cycles are allowed on Park District trails. By federal standards, an electric cycle is considered a “cycle” (not a motorized vehicle) as long as it meets the following criteria:

(1) It must be low speed (an electric motor of less than 750 watts). (2) It must have a maximum speed of less than 20 miles per hour. (3) It must have functional pedals. (4) The rider must be at least 16 years of age.

If the Person making the request meets all four of the above criteria, then they are allowed to use this cycle on District trails. No permit is required. However, that Person must follow all posted speed limits and

Amended September 12, 2024


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