Naperville Park District Ordinance 641


other rules and regulations set forth in the Naperville Park District’s Ordinance 641. Section 3.03. Change of Oil/Cleaning. (25/50)

No Person shall change the oil or grease of, or wash, clean or polish vehicles on District Property, unless a Permit therefor has first been obtained from the District in accordance with Chapter V of this Ordinance, or unless the Person is authorized by the District or is performing community service under District supervision, as provided in Section 7.01 of this Ordinance. Section 3.04. Commercial Vehicles. (25/50) (a) The term "commercial vehicles" as used in this section shall include, but not be limited to trucks, station wagons, vans, pickups, passenger cars, or other vehicles when used in transporting Persons or movable property for a fee or profit, either as a direct charge to another Person, or otherwise, or used as incident to providing services to another Person (except when transporting passengers or movable property to or from District Property), or used in connection with any business, except during the course of doing business with the District. (b) All roadways on District Property shall be used for pleasure driving only. No Person, other than District employees, shall drive any truck, tractor or other commercial vehicle of any kind on District Property without first obtaining a contract or permit therefor from the District. (c) This section shall not apply to commercial vehicles making authorized deliveries to or performing authorized services for the District. Section 3.05. Driving Areas. (25/50) No motor vehicle shall be driven or otherwise operated upon District Property except over and upon such roadways, parking lots, or other areas designated by the District for use by motor vehicles. A sidewalk or trail shall not be deemed a roadway for the use of motor vehicles under this section. Section 3.06. Duty of Operator in Accidents. (50/75) No Person shall leave the scene of a vehicle collision with another vehicle, Person or property occurring on District Property, without giving their true name and residence address to the injured Person or any other Person or member of the Park Police requesting same, and in the event no public officer is present, he must immediately report the occurrence to the nearest police station or police headquarters. Section 3.07. Emergency Vehicles. (50/75) (a) For purposes of this section, emergency vehicles shall include all ambulances, fire trucks, police, fire, and other vehicles used to protect the public health, safety, and welfare. (b) The provisions of this chapter regulating the movement or parking of vehicles on District Property shall not apply to the operator of any emergency vehicle when responding to an emergency call or pursuing an actual or suspected violator of the law. However, such operator shall exercise extreme caution when on or approaching District Property including without limitation slowing down as necessary for safety, cautiously proceeding through traffic lights or stop signs, and having the vehicle's warning system signals operating (e.g. siren, lights). (c) When not responding to an emergency call or in the pursuit of an actual or suspected violator of the law, the operator of an emergency vehicle shall obey the provisions of this Chapter.

Amended September 12, 2024


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