Naperville Park District Ordinance 641


upon District Property which is closed to the public, or after closing hours, unless permission therefor has first been obtained from the District. Section 4.04. Schedules, Fees, Rules, and Regulations. (25/50) Time schedules for the operation of, and the activities to be conducted on, District Property and the amount of facility, Permit and program fees, may be reviewed and approved periodically by the Board. As permitted by law, fees charged non-residents of the District need not be the same as fees charged residents of the District. The Board may otherwise establish policies, rules and regulations for proper conduct by Persons using District Property. Specific policies, rules and regulations pertaining to District Property and programs may be posted at or on the applicable District Property and/or published across any District-managed communication channels or otherwise made available to the users of District Property, who shall be charged with actual knowledge thereof and shall obey or comply with all such policies, rules and regulations. All Persons shall abide by all District policies, rules and regulations and with the direct orders or requests of employees and agents of the District when using District Property. Section 4.05. Admission/Identification. (25/50) No Person shall enter into, be, or remain in or upon District Property without paying any proper admission fees, without complying with registration requirements, if any, which may be established by the District, and without displaying the required admission identification. All admission identification cards, papers and tickets are non-transferable and must be individually registered, unless otherwise specifically noted thereon. A charge may be made by the District for replacing lost admission identification cards, papers and tickets. Section 4.06. Lost, Found, and Abandoned Property. (25/50) (a) No Person shall abandon property on District Property. (b) Property left unattended or property suspicious in nature that interferes with any park visitors' safety, orderly management of the park area, constitutes a nuisance, or presents a threat to park resources may be impounded or removed by the District at any time and disposed of in any manner deemed appropriate by the District Staff. The owner of such property shall be responsible and liable for all costs and expenses associated with the impounding, removal, storage, or other disposal of the property. (c) Any Person finding lost or unattended property on District Property shall report such finding to the District as soon as is practicable. Whenever a District employee or agent finds lost or unattended property on District Property, and subject to the authority given in subparagraph (b) and the lost-and-found policy in the personnel manual, shall report such find to their Department Head. The District will attempt to make every reasonable effort to locate the property's owner(s). (d) Unattended property that has been impounded or property that has been found shall be stored for no less than thirty (30) days. Depending on space available for storage of impounded or found property, the storage period for said property may vary considerably but in no case will be less than thirty (30) days. All property not claimed shall be disposed of as the District deems appropriate. Section 4.07. Building Use. (25/50) No Person shall use any District building or facility for an event or activity which is not conducted or sponsored by the District unless a Permit therefor has first been obtained from the District in accordance with Chapter V of this Ordinance and/or a license agreement has been executed with the District. All Persons using District buildings or facilities shall comply with the provisions of this Ordinance and with the provisions and conditions of the Permit and/or license agreement and with all other applicable policies,

Amended September 12, 2024


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