Naperville Park District Ordinance 641


rules, and regulations of the District regarding the use of District Property.


Section 5.01. Permits. (a)

Permits may be granted upon proper application and approval where the applicable section of this Ordinance or any other District ordinance, policy, rule, or regulation provides for the issuing of a Permit in order to engage in a particular activity. (b) Every Person requesting a Permit shall complete and file an application with the Director or their designee, on forms provided by the District, and pay the applicable fees. When received, the date on which the application is received shall be recorded and a receipt or response issued to the applicant. (c) Applications for Permits must be received by the District at least 21 days prior to the activity for which a Permit is sought. The Director may waive and shorten this timing requirement for good cause shown or in the interests of the District. (d) Except as provided in subsection 5.01(d) (6), the District shall issue the Permit without unreasonable delay unless: (1) The application for permit is not fully completed and executed; or, (2) The applicant has not timely tendered the applicable application fee, user fee, security deposit, proof of insurance, indemnification or hold harmless agreement, or other required materials; or, (3) The proposed activity violates any federal, state, local, or District law, rule, or regulation; or, (4) A prior application for a Permit for the same date, time, and location has been or will be granted and the activities authorized by that Permit do not reasonably allow multiple occupancy of that particular area; or, (5) The proposed activity is of such a nature that it cannot reasonably be accommodated in the particular location applied for, considering, without limitation, the likelihood of such things as damage to park resources or facilities, damage to an environmentally sensitive or protected area's ecosystem, impairment of a protected area's atmosphere of peace and tranquility, unreasonable interference with District functions, buildings, facilities, operations, programs or activities, or unreasonable interference with the use or purpose of the District Property applied for; or, (6) The proposed activity would substantially impair the operation or use of facilities or services of District concessionaires or contractors; or, (7) The proposed activity would so dominate the use of District Property as to preclude other Persons from using and enjoying the park; or, (8) The proposed activity is deemed to be in conflict or in competition with District programs; or, (9) The proposed activity is prohibited by, or inconsistent with, the classifications or permitted uses of the park, or a part thereof, designated pursuant to Section 1.04 of this Ordinance; or, (10) The District does not have adequate time to plan for the security services required to adequately address the proposed activity. (11) This subsection 5.01(d) is not applicable to applications for commercial activity Permits under sections 2.11 and 2.17 of this Ordinance and Permits for alcohol under section 2.02. The District reserves the right to exercise its discretion in issuing Permits under sections 2.02, 2.09 and 2.17.

Amended September 12, 2024


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