Naperville Park District Ordinance 641


14. "District Property" is all of the property, real and personal, of every kind and description located within the jurisdiction of, or owned, administered, leased or licensed by, or otherwise in the possession or under the control of the District including without limitation every building, shelter, street, sidewalk, trail, path, beach, park, wilderness or open space, or other public place or facility and all District Waters located on or adjacent to or flowing over property located within the jurisdiction of, or owned, administered, leased or licensed by, or otherwise in the possession or under the control of the District. 15. "District Waters" shall include all water located on or adjacent to or flowing over land owned, leased, or generally administered or operated by the Naperville Park District, including without limitation all natural or man-made lakes, rivers, creeks, streams, ponds, lagoons, bays, and drainage ways. 16. "Department Head" is the person immediately in charge of a given District department and its activities and to whom all employees of such department are directly responsible (e.g., Director of Recreation and Director of Parks). 17. “Drones” means any unmanned aircraft system that is capable of sustained flight or suspension in the atmosphere including unmanned aircraft commonly referred to as model airplanes, small, unmanned aircraft or aerial systems, aerial hover craft and any other remotely piloted or unmanned aircraft of any kind. 18. “Drug Paraphernalia” is defined as provided by the Illinois Drug Paraphernalia Control Act (720 ILCS 600/1d) as amended hereafter. 19. “Electric Cycle” means any device with a seat and two or three wheels that may achieve locomotion through human power (pedals), and which has an electric motor to assist with locomotion. “Electric Cycle” does not include a device assisting or accommodating a person with a disability. An Electric Cycle must also meet the following criteria: 20. “Facility” means any property or improvement thereon under the jurisdiction of the District, whether owned or leased through intergovernmental agreement. 21. "Fish" or "Fishing" means taking or attempting to take aquatic life in or from any District Waters by any method, and all other acts such as placing, setting, drawing or using any device commonly used for the taking of aquatic life whether resulting in such taking or not. 21. "ILCS" is the Illinois Compiled Statutes. 22. “Micromobility Devices” refers to a range of small, lightweight vehicles operating at speeds typically below 20 mph and driven by users personally with no more than two passengers. Micromobility Devices include unicycles, bicycles, tricycles, shared cycles, Electric Cycles (as defined herein), scooters, skateboards, and electric skateboards. Micromobility Devices do not include “low speed electric scooters” as defined by the Illinois Vehicle Code, 625 ILCS 5/1-140.11, which are prohibited within the Park System. The regulations set forth herein for Micromobility Devices shall not apply where necessary to make a reasonable accommodation for use of the Park System under the Americans with Disabilities Act. 23. "Operator" means a person who operates, drives, controls, or otherwise has charge of, or is in actual physical control of a Micromobility Device or any other mechanical mode of transportation or any other mechanical equipment. (a) It must be low speed (an electric motor of less than 750 watts). (b) It must have a maximum speed of less than 20 miles per hour. (c) It must have functional pedals. (d) The rider must be at least 16 years of age.

Amended September 12, 2024


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