Naperville Park District Ordinance 641



"Ordinance" means the Conduct Ordinance of the Naperville Park District.

25. “Organized Activities” means any planned activity, which is advertised or otherwise promoted, or sponsored by any person, and conducted at a predetermined time and place at a District Facility. 26. "Park Police" shall include any sworn officer of the Naperville Park District Park Police. 27. “Park Service Officer” shall include any non-sworn member of the Naperville Park District Police authorized to enforce ordinances. 28. "Permit" is the written authorization issued by or under the authority of the District, by a District officer or employee empowered to grant said authorization, to a Person to engage in a particular act or acts on District Property. Said authorization is subject to the terms and conditions specified in the Permit, license, or contract as well as all applicable federal, state, local, and District laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations. 29. "Person" is every natural person and every organization, firm, partnership, association, corporation, or entity of any kind or any employee, agent or officer thereof. This definition shall not include the District and any authorized officer, employee (full or part-time, regular or short-term), or agent of the District when acting within the scope of their authority. 30. "Possess" or "Possession" means exercising direct physical control or dominion, with or without ownership, over any kind of property, or archeological, cultural or natural resource. 31. "Refuse" includes without limitation trash, garbage, rubbish, waste, papers, bottles or cans, debris, litter, oil, solvents, liquid waste, or other discarded material whether solid or liquid. 32. "Services" shall include but not be limited to labor, professional services, transportation, leasing or renting any article, object, privilege, or service, giving of instructions or lessons, admission to exhibits, use of telephone or other utilities, or any act for which payment is customarily received. 33. "Smoke or Smoking" means the carrying, burning, inhaling, or exhaling of any kind of lighted pipe, cigar, cigarette, hookah, weed, herbs, or any other lighted equipment facilitating such. "Smoke" or "smoking" does not include smoking that is associated with a native recognized religious ceremony, ritual, or activity by American Indians that is in accordance with the federal American Indian Religious Freedom Act, 42 U.S.C. 1996 and 1996a. 34. "Take" or "Taking" means to pursue, hunt, harass, lure, harm, shoot, trap or ensnare, gig or spear, net, capture, collect, kill, destroy, wound, or attempt to do any of the above. 35. "Vehicle" means every device in, upon, or by which a person or property is transported or drawn on land, whether motor powered or self-propelled, except baby carriages, or strollers, or Micromobility Devices when properly used on walks or trails. Transport devices in the service of the District are exempt from the regulations set forth herein. The regulations set forth herein for vehicles shall not apply where necessary to make a reasonable accommodation for use of the Park System under the Americans with Disabilities Act.. 36. "Vessel" means every type or description of watercraft or object used or capable of being used as a means of conveyance or transportation on water, including without limitation boats, rafts, canoes, inner tubes, air mattresses, kayaks, jet skis, inflated devices, logs, branches, or any other buoyant object permitting or capable of free flotation. “Vessel” does not include personal floatation devices or equipment

Amended September 12, 2024


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