editionap.ca gŏđŏ New arborist supervisor for Cornwall communautaire Le lien community link The
CORNWALL | The City of Cornwall’s Parks and Landscaping section has a new face on board to help combat the emerald ash borer. Scott Porter recently joined the city as the new municipal arborist supervisor. In this position, Porter will be charged with implementing the city’s Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan as well as over- seeing the city’s entire tree inventory. The new arborist supervisor worked with the City of Brantford in a similar position be- fore making the move to Cornwall. “I am excited to be joining the City of Cornwall and working with a great team of people to combat this serious issue,” Porter exclaimed. The emerald ash borer (also known as EAB) is a very destructive wood boring bee- tle that attacks and kills all native species of ash trees. It was !rst detected in Cornwall in June 2013. Earlier this year, City Council approved an active management plan to deal with the EAB threat to ash trees on city- owned property, including streets, parks and other public spaces. This strategy will involve a combination of approaches, including removing dead ash trees and preemptively removing others at risk, replanting at a 1:1 ratio with other tree species, and treating existing mature ash trees in good condition. “The EAB presents a serious threat to our tree population and it will demand a signi!- cant amount of time, money and resources in the years ahead,” said Christine Lefebvre, Division Manager for Planning, Parks and Recreation. “We are thrilled to have Scott on board. His combination of skills and experi- ence make him well-suited to oversee this important initiative.” Along with the EAB initiative, Porter’s re- sponsibilities will also include the long-term care and management of all city-owned trees. There are over 13,000 trees on city properties, right of ways and public spaces. More information on the emerald ash borer and the city’s Emerald Ash Borer Man- agement Plan is available on the Environ- ment section of the City of Cornwall web- site, www.cornwall.ca.
Souper spaghetti Le cinquième souper spaghetti des Chevaliers de Colomb aura lieu le 14 septembre prochain au 205, rue Amelia, de 16h à 19h30. Au menu, spaghetti avec salade et dessert. Tous les pro!ts seront remis au Centre de traitement pour enfants de Cornwall. Les billets sont en vente à la Banque Scotia ou à la porte. Spaghetti supper The 5th annual spaghetti supper in support of the Children’s treatment center will be hosted on September 14 at 205 Amelia Street from 4 to 7h30 p.m. The menu includes spaghetti, salads and desserts. Tickets are avail- able at Scotiabank or at the door. St. Columban Church The Patrons of St. Columban Foun- dation are presenting their fundrais- ing concert on September 21 at 2 p.m. at the St. Columban Church. The concert, featuring the well-known Seaway Winds Concert band, will be directed by Barb Hunter and will bene!t the restoration work done to the historic church. Tickets are avail- able at the St. Columban parish o$ce during o$ce hours, by calling Brian Lynch at 613-933-8353 or at the door. Centre Charles-Émile-Claude Danse en ligne les lundis de 13 h 30 à 15 h 30 et mercredis de 13 h 30 à 15 h 30 et 19 h 00 à 20 h 30. À compter du lundi 15 septembre, Initiation à la danse en ligne, les lundis de 13 h 30 à 14 h 30. Le CCÉC o"re deux programmes d’exercices, en collaboration avec le Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie : 1) Exercices avec Tania les mardis et jeudis de 9 h 00 à 10 h 00 et 2) P.I.E.D. avec Stéphanie les mardis et jeudis de 10 h 00 à 11 h 30.
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