King's Business - 1953-10

m B Have American Bible Society Annuities Been Called

YOUNG PEOPLE continued 103 is indeed a wonderful Scripture for this season of the year, and ought to be read and studied and prayed over with great delight. The Necessity of Thanksgiving There are many reasons why men ought to give thanks to God. One of these reasons is that God expects men to praise Him. The praise and worship of God is due Him as the Creator and Re­ deemer. Praise and worship of God is man’s highest and noblest occupation. God is sensitive to the responses of His people. He feels it keenly when man will not praise Him and thank Him for His good­ ness. One of the outstanding illustrations of this fact is in the account given in Luke 17:11-19. The Saviour, out of love and mercy, had graciously healed ten men who were lepers. These men, when healed, had gone on their way without even so much as one word of gratitude expressed to their great Healer. But along the way one of these cleansed lepers remembered the sin of his ingratitude, turning back, he found the Saviour, and falling down before Him, poured out his thanks for healing. The Lord Jesus, answering said, “Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?” You see, His heart is tender toward the attitude of the people; when He is not acknowledged as the Giver of every good and perfect gift He feels it. Another reason for the expression of thanksgiving on the part of man is that God deserves it. The Psalmist, speaks of “ all His benefits” (Psa. 103:2). The bene­ fits of God are innumerable. W e could never even begin to list all that comes from the bountiful hand of God in both spiritual and physical blessing. Paul tried it and found that there was not room to list all the blessings which the believer has in Christ; therefore, the Apostle sim­ ply ascribed praise to the One who had blessed with “ all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ” (Eph. 1:3). A third reason for giving thanks to God is that a thankful attitude enlarges a man’s soul. It is a good thing to give thanks to God because such enables a man to reach beyond himself and his own un­ worthiness to the Lord, and this very exercise increases man’s appreciation for God and his capacity for the worship of the Lord. The Occasion for Thanksgiving In the Psalm which provides the basis for our study we have listed some of the most priceless benefits that belong to the child of God. It is for these, especially, that the Psalmist urges us to bless the Lord. In the first place, David mentions the forgiveness of sin. Here is the greatest gift of all. Here is the gate through which flow all the blessings of God to the be­ liever. Again, David mentions the blessing of health—“ who healeth all thy diseases” (v. 3). In Old Testament times God prom­ ised His people physical health if they would obey Him and love Him. This promise He kept according to David’s confession here in verse 3. In the days of Christ He went about healing all manner of diseases. The apostles' were given the power of healing in their time (cf. Acts THE KING'S BUSINESS


Among the thousands of American Bible Society annui­ tants are many lawyers and business men who consider these Annuity Agreements their finest investment—for these excellent reasons: SAFETY: Larger-than-legally-required reserve funds. Super­ vision by a great bank and a competent finance committee. Annual outside audits. A record of unfailing payments for more than 100 years. SECURITY: Steady, fixed income as high as 7%, depending on age, begins immediately, is guaranteed for life, and is partially income-tax exempt. SATISFACTION: Proceedings from this enterprise go to help the vital Christian Cause to which the American Bible Society is dedicated—the translation and world-wide distri­ bution of Holy Scripture in all languages, to all people, without note or comment and in cooperation with all denominations.

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