King's Business - 1953-10


ness: come before his presence with sing­ ing ' 1 (Psalm 100:2) After the Lord Jesus Christ had died and risen from the dead, He returned to His Father in heaven. Not long after His ascension, the Holy Spirit came upon the first Christians and gave to them special power to serve their Lord. Soon, there were several thousand who received God’s Son as their Saviour and were baptized ac­ cording to His last command. These early Christians formed the first church. There were no committees nor constitutions nor church boards. These new believers had a very simple kind of church, but it was a church ruled by the Holy Spirit and filled with love. Eagerly the Christians obeyed those things which they had been taught by the apostles; they spent much time talking about their risen Lord and praying to Him. They sold all of their possessions and shared with one another and with the poor. There were no arguments or difficul­ ties, for the love of God completely filled their hearts with peace and joy. Others noted the change in the lives of these be­ lievers. Each day more souls found the Saviour. Does this description of the first church sound like your church? Is there love and joy and lack of arguing in your church? When the unsaved look at your church do they see quarreling and envy and unhap­ piness, or do they see such love and joy that they want to know your Saviour too? Nov. 15, 1953 Good Stewards Of God's Gifts Psa. 24:1; Lev. 25:18-22; Mol. 3:7-10 1 Cor. 16:2 Pointers on the Lesson A steward is one who takes care of the things that belong to another. The steward on a ship takes care of the things belong­ ing to the company owning the ship. The steward in a household cares for the things belonging to the owner of the house. And so we might go on. Stewards of God are those who take care of the things of God. Every believer is God’s steward. Who Owns the World? Psa. 24:1 There is a sense in which Satan is “ the god of this world” (2 Cor. 4:4). He has control of this present world system. But ultimately God who created this wonderful world will come again into full possession of it. Through sin Satan got- a mortgage on it for a time but through the final tri­ umph of the Lord Jesus Christ it will he clearly evident that this world belongs to our heavenly Father. The verse before us declares this fact. How it Should be Cared For Lev. 25:18-22 Under the old dispensation God provided a time of rest for the land. Every seventh year it was to lie fallow that it might re­ cuperate its strength and fertility. Maybe also in this way as in many others God wanted to teach that He is the God of rest. At any rate, we see in the present passage how the land was to yield enough during the sixth year for the people’s provision during the seventh when both land and people were to rest. Doubtless there are some practical lessons from this account CONTINUED ►

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