



Summer Session


Semester Audit Fee Per Unit*



Semester Tuition

Annual Tuition


Per Unit

Per Unit

Per Unit

Sclwol/Degree/Program Undergraduate Tu ition

(12- lSu nits)

(12-18 uni1s)

(1-11 , 19+) S663

(incl uding A.S. fee ) S15 ,9 14 Engl ish Language S1udies (102-109) - No course may be audi1ed. Special Student Tuit ion (non-degree seeking) Undergraduale Special Studenls 7,957 15,914 Continuing Studies Adul1 Degree Program Engli sh Language lns ti1u1e (100-101) - No course may be aud i1ed. Graduate Tuition (includingA.S. fee) School ofA11s and Sciences & Graduate Special Students (pos1baccalaurea1e excepl Rosemead) School of Continuing Studies School of lntercultural Studies (i ncluding A.S. fee) Mas1er's Programs and special s* Doctor of Education / Doctor ofPhilosophy Doctor of Missiology Talbot School of Theology (includingA.S. fee) Master 's Programs and specials Doctor of Education S7,957









375 34 1


34 1

327 327

327 327

327 327


327 663 663

327 663 663

327 663 663

50 663 663

327 663

327 663

327 663 902/Course

50 663 902/Course

Doctor of Ministry

902/ Course

902/ Course

(9-16 units) (1-8, 17+ unit s)

Rosemead School ofPsychology (9-16 unit s)

(includingA.S. fee) Mas ter of Ans and specials

15,862 15,862 15,862

7,931 7,931 7,931

661 661 661

661 661 661

661 661 661

661 661 661

Doc tor of Philosophy Doctor of Psychology

*Sr.mi':Sler Audit Ft,,, rha~6 ed rrgardleu of ,miit wurse /oa,/.

Allhough this catalog covers the 1999-2000 and 2000-2001 academic years, this section contains linancial information pertaining only lo the 1999-2000 academic year . Acatalog supplement containing any updated information tor the 2000-2001 academic year will be made available prior lo the 2000-2001 year.

MEAL PLAN Meal Tickets ( requiredfor all undergraduate resident students) Per year ..... ......... ..... .. .. ........ .. .. ... .. ........ ... .. ... .. .$1,956-$2 ,594 Per semester ...... ...... .................................. ....... .$978-$1,297 APARTMENT RENT One-bedroom, unfurnished (familyhousing up to 3 people) $670/ month , all utilities incl uded Two-bedroom, furnished (si ngle students) $315/ person / month, all utilities included, based on four-person occupancy Apartment rents are NOT /Ji/led to students' accounts, they are due separately the first of each month. GENERAL FEES (In addition to tuition, only as applicable to the individual student) *Enrollment Deposit (non-refundabl e) Undergraduate .... ...... .. ...... ..... ......... .. ............ ... ....... .$100.00 Graduate Psychology.. ... ...... ....... ........ .. .. ... ........ ......... ! 00.00 All other programs ................ ........................ ............. .. 50.00 *Upon notice of acceptance, an enrollment deposit is required. This a1/l0unt is applicable toward the total expenses during the stu­ dent's last semester of enrollment, /Jut is forfeited if the applicant fails toreport for the semester for whid1 application was 11lade, ordoes not complete a depa rture card during thefinal semester.

Biola University seeks to provide a quality education for all its students at the most reasonable cost possible. ~ a pri­ vate, non-profit institution, Biola University receives no sup• port from taxes or other public fund s. Tuition paid by the students does not cover the costs of providing a quali ty edu­ cation. Consequently, every student who attends Biol a Uni­ versi ty receives a substan ti al subsidy made possible by the gifts of alumni, individual friends , interested churches and, in a few cases, businesses and corporations. The expenses of students at Biola Universityare shown in the following schedules. The University reserves the right to change all studen t charges, modi fy its services, or change its programs of study should economic conditions, curriculum revisions or national emergencymake it necessary to do so. APPLICATION FEE An application fee of $45 must accompany each applica­ tion . This fee is non-refundable. Applications for spring received after January I, or for fall rece ived after June I must be accompanied by a fee of $55 rather than $45. ROOM Per year in residence hall ... ...........................$2,490-$2,790 Per semester ........... ... .... ....... ... ..................... ..$1,245-$1 ,395

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