BBST :l06 EarlyChristia11 History- Arn 3 BBST 300/ 400 Bibl e Elective 2-3 BBST 300/ 400 Bib le Elec tive 2-3 Information about the biblical studies requirement is availabl e in the BOLD oflice . GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS ABachelor of Science (B.S. ) degree is awarded upon complet ion of the degree requirements, which include: ■ Completion of the BOLD General Education Requirements ■ Completion of the BOLD Biblical Studies Requirements ■ Comp letion of the BOLD majo r ■ A"C" average (2.00 GPA) or above in the maj or and at Biola Uni ve rsity ■ Aminimum of 120 semester un its. Note: W1i ting Competency is met by
as some forms of profess ional , mili tary, and tec hni ca l training. .-\ comple te application must be sub mi11ed and the appli ca tion fee must be paid . Official transcrip ts fromerery ins1i n11ion prniously a11cnded must be sent directly from those institutions 10 the Biola University BOLD office or lO the BOLD educatioual center oflice wh ere the appli ca nt plans lO attend classes. Note: Official documents presented for admission ore11a luatio11 become part of the student 's academic file and 11on11ally can not bereturned orcopiedfor dist,ibution. Admission of International Students See Univemty Admimo11 and Registration sedionof theUnivmity Catalog. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bache lor of Science degree in Organ izational Leadership is ofTered upon the complet ion of the university baccalaureate requirements and th e Organi za tional Leadership major. They include the fo llowing: A. Satisfac torily complete a minimum of 120 semes ter units for graduation. B. Compl etion of the Organizational Leadership (41 units) majo r at Biola Uni versi ty. C. Ob tain a "C" average (2.00 G.P.A.) or above on all work taken with in the major and at Biola Unive rsity D. Complet ion of the general educa
102B Reading/Writing (6) Continued pract ice of JO!B and read in g and un derstanding academ ic material. Paraphras ing and composi tional development. Fee: $25. 102C Grammar/Oral (3) Review of all grammar structures in oral and written form. 1020 Effective Communication (2) For non -n at ive speakers des iring to improve their communi ca tion skill s. Ac tivities include role plays of situa tions encountered on campus, conver sational strategies, informa l presenta tions, and discussion of aspects of cul ture that afTect communicati on. Pro nunciation is also emphasized. 102E TOEFL (2) An elective cour s·e for non-n ati ve speakers desiring practice for the TOEFL examination.
109 Engli sh for the Non -Native Speaker: Writing Workshop (3)
Individu al ized instructi on in essay organization aud coherence, wi th spe cia l at ten ti on to persistent error s. A "passi ng" score on th e Engli sh Depart ment Exit Test (EDET) permits stu dents to enroll in departmental writ ing cou rses (i.e. , undergraduate Eng lish 100 or Talbot SS500) the semester immedi ately fo ll owing successfu l com plet ion of 109. Prerequisit e: 107 or department pl acement. Fee: $25. Note: Students who are repeating ENGL 109 for the second time or more will be mtricted toa maximum of 12 unitsfor undergraduate students a11d 9 units for graduatestudents. B.S. IN ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP Director: Edward H. Norman, Ed.D. Associate Director: Dean Kroeker, M.A. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION 1l1e Biola Organizational Leadership Degree (BOLD) is a "degree completion program" of upper-<li\1sion course work designed specifical~ to enable moti\ated adults to earn college deg rees, often while working full time. The courses and learning projem develop ski ll in human relations and leadership, and improve occupational effectiveness. Small groups of students (24 maxi mum ) attend class one evening per week or on Saturday morning, comple t ing every course in their majo r as a "cohort." The BOLD programenhances peer motivation and permits completion of the degree in as few as 18 months. Courses are offered in La Mirada as well as at an expanding list of edu cational centers: ■ Ali so Viejo ■ Chino Valley ■ Inglewood ■ Newbury Park ■ Vista Specific requirement lists and detailed program analyses are pro vided for each student by personal academic advisers. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Appli ca nts must be at least 25 years of age and must have completed approximate ly 60 semester hours of transferable college credit at accred ited communitycolleges, colleges, and universities before beginning BOLD. These uni ts can include credit via the high schoo l Advanced Pl ace ment (AP) program and the Co llege Leve l Examination Program (CLEP) as we ll
103 English for the Non-Native Speaker: Research Methods and Library Skills (4)
completion of theSenior Project.
Some course requirements may be 11U1t
by Credit for Prior Leaming (CPL) . GRADUATION HONORS
Practice in accurate summarizing, para phrasi ng, and quoting of sources with proper citation, avo iding plagiarism. Development of library research, note taking, and proper formatting of research papers. Intensive practice in punctuation and mechanics. If this is the first El.SP course required, it must be taken during the first semester of residence. Fee:$25. 105 English for the Non-Native Speaker: Oral Skills (3) Emphasis on listening skill s, pronunci ation, intonation, and conversational strategies. Weekly interviews, field work and oral presentations are required . A second section for graduate students is ofTered when there is sufficient enroll ment. This is a preparatory course for both Biblical and tJ1eological studies. It is an intensive course covering Biblical and theological vocabul ary, Bibli cal idioms, and pronunciation of names and places of the Bible in addition to oral presentations . If this is the first El.SP course required, it must be taken during the first semester of residence. Prerequisite: department placement. 107 English for the Non-Native Speaker: Essay and Academic Writing (3) Studies in essay organization and devel opment and critical reading. A "pass ing" score on the English Department Exit Test (EDET) permits students to waive El.SP 109 and to en roll in depart mental writing courses (i.e., undergrad uate English JOO or Talbot SS500) the semester immediately following success ful completion of 107. Prerequisite: 103 and 105 or department placement. If this is tJ1e first El.SP course required, it must be taken during the first semester of residence. Fee: $25.
BOLD students who have earned a minimum of 48 graded unit s at Biola University and who have com pleted th ei r Biola coursewo rk with a 3.95 GPA are graduated with high honor. Those with a 3.85 GPA are graduat ed wi th hono r. CREDIT FOR PRIOR LEARNING Underg raduate students at Biola University frequentl y are granted acad emic credit through the evaluation of college level techn ical and professional training and learni ng that has been acqu ired through life exper ience . Credi t is awa rded byuniversityfaculty. SENIOR PROJECT Eac h BOLD student prepa re s a Senior Project involving research of a sign ifi cant issue in the workplace or community. Knowledge and problem solving abi lities are acquired while com pleting the project, and skills related to thinking, research, writing, and efTect ing change are developed. The project is conducted over a nine montJ1 period in consultation with a project advisor. CURRICULUM This is a preferred program for adu lt students preparing for a wide range of managemen t and leadership roles in profit and non-profit organiza tions. This major consists of 41 units, 24 of whi ch must be upper division - 210, 240,3 10,330,340,350,360,370, 380,410,430,440,450,470,480.
tion requi rements. G.E. Requirements
Fine Arts
3 3 6 3 8
Communicat ion
English Composi tion
Litera ture
Western Civi lization(4) United States (4)
Behavioral Science*
3 3
Philosophy* Math/ Science
Mathematics (3)* Science (3) Math / Science (2)
Foreign Language 4 (The genera l education require men t for a foreign language may be met by two years of the same hi gh schoo l language or four units of a college language. ) *Two of the requirements i11 the following three areas may be met by courses in the BOLD ma;or: behavioral science, mathe matics and philosophy. E. Completion of the BOLD biblical studies requirement. BBST 150 Old Testament Survey 3-4 BBST I JO New Testame nt History & Literature 3
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