Cd;!J•X•tii=t PROGRAMS
the Talbot M.A in Ph ilosophy of Reli gion and Ethics. Some courses in the Christian Apologetics program do 11 01 transfer 10 that program. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS The M.A. in Christian Apologetics is a 32-unit program 1ha1 in cl udes the following: A. (,Ompleting thereq11imd program ofstudy: l. The Christian Apologet ics Bible and Theology Core (13 units ): AP 521 Genesis -Malachi (3) AP 522 Survey of Matthew - Revelation (3) AP 527 Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods (3) AP 54 1 Essential Christian Doctrine I (2) AP 542 Essential Christian Doctrine II (2)
Studyof1he Old Testament (I) Study of the New Testamen t ( l) Bible In1erpreta1ion & Applicat ion ( I) Christian Thought I ( I) Ch ri st ian Thought II ( I) One Integration Cou ,sp; Chris1ia11 Thought and the Sciences ( I) Ch ris1ia11 Thought and Business Ma11 agemen1 ( l ) Christian Thought, Commu11i ca1ion and the Performing Ans ( I) Christian Thought and the Humaniti es (l) Christian Thought and Behavioral Science (I) These cou rses may be waived for students who have ach ieved eq uiva lent learning th rough personal study or th rough undergraduate courses at Christian colleges or Bib le Institutes. Foundation s of Fai th must be replaced with a minimum of six units of approved gradu ate leve l bibli ca l studies or theology courses (th ese are in cluded in the curriculum of the Christian Apologetics program). MASTER OF ARTS IN CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS Direc tor: Craig]. Haze n, Ph.D. Farnl1y: Cox, Geivell , Gomes, Hazen, Lewis, Mo reland, Rae, Reynolds, Russe ll PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Ma ster of Arts degree in Christian Apologet ics is designed for individuals who des ire academic and practi cal preparation for proclaiming and defending the historic doctrines of the Chr isti an fait h. Students are prepa red to articulate a Christian worldview reverentl y, with intelligence, confidence and love. The program fos ters personal sp iritual growth and maturity through guided study of the Scriptures and theology and mutual encouragement in the Christian life. The program incorporates knowl edge and perspective frommanyacad emic disciplines and provides stimulat ing graduate education for those who wish 10 engage unbelievers effectively in the world of ideas. The curriculum is designed for students who may have little or no for mal academic training in biblical stud ies, theo logy, or phil osophy. The MA in Christian Apologetics is offered in association with Talbot School of Theo logy. Applicants who plan to pursue advanced academic degrees in philosophy or ethics should investigate
requested, but 11 01required al th e present time. Note: Official documents p,mnlfd for admission or eualuation become part of thP student's academic file and nonnally ca 11- not be 1durnedorcopied for dist,ibution . Non-Degree Students Individuals who take courses aud seminars for credit , but do not wish 10 pursue degrees, must app ly for Bio la University specia l stude nt admission. Special st uden t admission does not guaran tee admiss ion 10 Biola University as a degree sllldent. Spec ial students must have earned bachelors degrees. Non-Credit Students Individuals who take courses and seminars , but do not wish 10 receive academic credit, shoul d contact th e School of Continuing Studies fo r con tinuing educat ion options. Admission of International Students In order to receive the full beuefit of Continu ing Studies courses, inte r nat ion al stud ent s must be able 10 understand lec tures completely and express thoughts clearly in English. Internat ional students should take the Test of English as a Foreign L.n guage (TOEFL) at an Educational Testing Service ove rseas examination center and receive written notification of adm iss ion to Biola Uni vers it y before traveling to the United States. The minimum score fo r ad mi s sion to Conti nuing Stud ies graduate deg ree programs is a total of 550 paper/2 13 computer (and a score of 55 or above for each of the three sec tions). Students who are not ready for graduate work in English should investigate Bi ola 's English Language Studies Program (ELSP). See the admissions and regis tration sections of the univmity catalog for addi
In addi ti on lo its unde rgraduate educationa l programs, the School of Continuing Studies se rves the Ch ri st ian community by offering in terdisc i plinary mas ters degrees as we ll as con tinuing education semi nars, courses, and certificates. DELIVERY FORMATS Th e primary "building blocks" of our grad uate leve l certificates and degrees are theme "modules" composed of designated courses and seminars. These enable students 10 concentrate on one specific theme or mix emphases for specialized personal enrichment Courses, semi nars, conferences and related learning experiences are scheduled in the· eve nin g an d on weekends for th e conven ience of working adults. Courses are usually six to eight weeks in length with one four-hour class per week. Alternative schedu ling is often emp loye d for en hanced instructional effective ness. Seminars are normally four eve nin gs or two days in length . ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Graduate Degree Students Individuals who take courses and seminars for cred it and who wish to pursue degrees must apply for Biola University degree student admission. Admission requirements include the following: ■ The general admi ssion standards for all graduate students at Biola University.
2. The Christian Apologetics Program Core (6 units)
AP 529 Biblical Apologeti cs (2) AP 550 Historical Theology (3) AP 5 IO Theological Research Methodologies (I) 3. Approved Christian Apologetics, Continuing Studies, or University Elect ives (13 units) B. Maintaining a 2.5 average with no grade beunu a C in all courses to be cred ited toward graduation. Students cannot graduate while on probation. C. (,Ompleting a minimum of 24 units at Bio/a University. All degree components must be completed as graded courses. D. Completing the entire program in no more than five years. MASTER OF ORGANIZA• TIONAL LEADERSHIP Directo r: Daniel E. Maltby, Ph.D. Farnlty: M. Cavin , R Johnson , Rae PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Master of Organizational Leadership degree is designed for individ uals who wish to shape and develop their leadership capabi lit ies. Principles and practices emphasized in thi s program enhance personal knowledge and ski ll s for busin ess, non-p rofit, and min istry leadership. Students prepare to deal with the growing complexity and challenges that leaders face daily as th ey guide people toward shared goals. The program is designed for pro fessional men and women with under graduate degrees and supervisory expe rience who are searching for a profes-
A bachelor's deg ree from an accredited co ll ege or university with a grade point average (GPA) equivalent to a B, or higher in all undergraduate study. A limited number of applicants from unac credited schools or with low GPA's are admitted , however achieve ment of a 3.0 GPA in the first six units of study is requir ed for removal of probationary status. A portfolio including a profes sional resume, a short autobiogra phy, and a statement of vocational goals and objectives. An admi ssion interview and documentation of oral and written communication proficiencymay be requested One pastoral and at least one profes sional or academic recommendation. Scores from the Graduate Records Examination (GRE) taken within five years prior to enrollment are
tional application info1111ation. FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH PROGRAM
TI1e Foundations of Faith Program is a six-unit ove rvi ew of th e Bibl e, hermeneutics, systematic theology and Christian thought for graduate students who have not taken similar undergradu ate courses. Specialized adult education methods are utilized with a view to prepa ration for disciplines lifelong learning. The following seminars, or their equi valent , are required as prerequi sites or program components for all degree students in the School of Con tinuing Studies:
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