Testament in th e second semester. Des igned fo r studen ts who have not completed a full sequence of begin ning Greek courses. AP 617 Advanced Biblical Apologetics (2) Asc holarlyel'aluat ion and response to a va riety of cont emporary att acks on the histori cal reli ability and inerrancy of Scripture includi ng so lu tions to a range of alleged con tradict ions in the
AP 632 AHistory of Christian Apologetics (2)
AP 651 Comparative Religions (2) A surl'ey of th e beliefs , practi ces and sacred texts of the maj or non-Christian religi ous traditi ons of th e Eas t and West. Special a11 e111ion is gil'en to the critique of th e l'ari ous beli ef sys tems along with wa ys i11 which Christians can effectil't:l y communi cat e and defend the Gospe l to people of other faiths. AP 653 Cults of America (2) The di sti nctil'e features of the cults of America with their significan ce in the developm ent of reli gious thought. Special attention is paid to their mis treatment of th e centra l fe atures of orthodox Chri stian doct rin e and apologetic responses. AP 655 AHistory of Mormonism (2) A sumy of the history of the Church of Jes us Chri st Latt er-day Sa int s from 1820 to the prese nt with an emphas is upon Joseph Smit h,Jr. , and the begin ning of the church, Mormon doctrinal development and change and a cri tique and response vis-a-vi s th e Bibl e and the origina l Gospe l ofJesusChrist. AP 656 The Occult (2) An Ol'en1ew of and Ch ri st ian response to a range of occult ideas and prac tices. Topics include divination , ri tual magic, sorce ry, sp iritism, witc hcraft, Satanism, as well as occult elements in various New Age beli efs and prac ti ces. AP 658 Jewish Evangelism and Apologetics (2) Acourse focusing on the special evange listic and apologe tic needs of theJewish commun ity including responses to tradi tional objec ti ons to belief in Jesus as Messiah, the case for Christ from the Hebrew Bible, effective methods of com munication and an a1vareness of the sen sit ivities ofJews toward Ch ristiani ty. AP 680 Special Topics in Christian Apologetics (1-3) The prog ram occasionall y offers courses by special lecturers or vis iting scho lars to addr ess their areas of expertise on an elec ti ve basis. May be repeated for credit. AP 691 Seminar: In Defense of the Resurrection (2) An investigat ion of a wide range of issues th at have been used through hi s tory to call into question the bodily res urrection of Jesus Christ such as mira cles, the nature of hi story, the histori cal reli ability of th e New Testament, contrad ictions in th e resurrection accoun ts, the Shroud of Turin and so on. Legal methodologies are employed to determine whether or not the resur-
rec ti on ca n be co nsid ered proved beyond a reasonable doubt. AP 693 C.S. Lewis Seminar (2) A reading and discussion course co,·. ering th e breadth of Lewi s' work as one of the premier apologists of the 20th Century. AP 694 Seminar: Selected Topics (1-3) Occasional seminars and courses by spec ial lecturers or visiting scho lars addressing areas of specifi c interest
A survey of apo logists and apologe ti c ac ti l' ity from the time of the apostl es and the early Church fathers to th e grea t apo logists of om own century. AP 636 Foundational Issues in Apologetics (2) A study and evaluation of th e various modern approaches to the apologe tic task (e.g. , e\identialism, presuppositiona~ ism and combinationalism) and religious epistemology, \\1th constant reference to the theological underpinnings and the nature and value of Christian apologetics inside and outside the church. AP 638 Spiritual Formation and the Life of the Mind (2) Acourse designed to enhance the pe r sonal spiritu al devel opment of th e apolog ist. Special emphasis is give n to the importance of defending the faith wi th humility and reverence, as well as defining the ro le of apologet ics in the overall mission of the Church. AP 641 Contemporary Theology: Survey and Critique (2) A sun•ey of contemporary theological trends with special emphasis on apolo ge tic critique of the unorthodox ele ments in positions such as process, lib eration / poli tica l, femin ist/ goddess, gay/ lesbian, em1ronmental, racial/eth nic and postmodern theologies. AP 643 Culture and Truth (2) Astudy of the ways in which the truths of the Gospe l and the Chri st ian world view are ren ected in elite and popul ar cultural prod ucts such as art, lit era ture, film, music and television. AP 645 Christian Faith in the Public Square (2) An exploration of the proper model for Christian involvement in public discourse, policy and act ivity. Atten tion is given to the intelligent analys is and critique of key social issues wi th respect to th e Christian world view and techniques for the defense of the Christian position in public forums. AP 647 Religion , Law and Human Rights (2) An analysis of the way in which th e Christ ian faith can provide the on ly defensible basis for legal absolutes and basic human rights. Cases in domes tic and international law are used to illus trate the need for a transcendent per spective on such issues and that the biblical revelat ion is the only reason able source of such a perspect il'e.
text. Prerequisite: 521,522, 527. AP 619 Biblical Archaeology (2)
May be repeated for credit. AP 695 Directed Study (1 -4)
An int roduction to th e sci ence of archaeology in biblical lands. Special emphasis is given to the role speci fi c archaeological exploration has played in providing objective confirmation of the accuracy of the. biblical narrative. AP 621 Logic (2) Astudy of the methods and principles used to make distinctions betwee n good and bad reason ing with spec ial emphasis on analysis of arguments for
Supervised research and/ or reading in selected areas of Chri st ian apologeti cs. AP 697 Apologetics Project (1-4) Astudent proposed project related to the defense of the Christian faith that may invo lve teaching, wr iting, research , debating, \1deo/ audio productions, etc. AP 698 Apologetics Internship (1-4) An app ro ve d int ernship with an apologe ti cs orga ni za tion or an apolo ge tics related ministry. Organizational Leadership DL 504 Principles of Accounting and Finance (3) An introduction to fin ancial and man age rial acco untin g. The course includes a review of fin anc ial state ments and their use. Reviews some of the bas ic termino logy related to finan cial stateme nts , both th eir general ovemew and their specific line items. Required for students ad\1sed to take the Busin ess Leve ling Course. DL 508 Principles of Management and Marketing (3) Graduate-l evel introduction to the func tions of management focusing upon goals and structures of organizations, feedback and control, change and inno vation, organizational decision-making and biblical ethics. Introduction to the functions of management focusing upon goals and structures of organiza tions, feedback and control, change and inn ovation , organ izationa l decision making and biblical ethics. DL 510 Practical Leadership Theory (2) An introduction to the major theories and con temporary research concern ing the practice of effective leadership. Participants explore the landscape of leadership "know how," integrate a Bibli cal leadership model and initiate personal leadership development strategies. Required. Fee: $235 OL 512 The Dynamics of Teams (2) The small group is the fundamental building block of organizational success.
and aga inst the Christian faith. AP 623 World View Analysis (2)
A sun•ey that includes a philosophical and theo logical anal ys is of the major types of non-Christian world \1ews such as pan theism, at heism, polytheism, finite godism and deism. AP 625 Philosophy of Religion (2) A sun•ey of philosophical issues th at arise in relation to theisti c religions. Problems such as the existence of God, the problem of evil, religious language , fa ith and reason, etc. are discussed in the context of demon strat ing that historic Christiani ty can provide reasonable so lutions. AP 626 Ethics (2) Aphilosophical and theological evalu ation of various ethical systems and the appli cat ion of those systems to high profile moral issues in society. AP 627 Bioethics (2) A survey of and Christian apologe tic response to some of the most critical ethical issues of the day coming from biomedical research and practice. The course addresses the difficult ques tions involved in areas such as human reproduction , cloning, abortion, end of-life issues, organ transplant, genetic engineering, euthanasia and more. AP 629 Scientific Apologetics (2) Asurveyof the issues and ideas involved in the relationship between science, ph~ losophy and the biblical world view. Spe cial emphasis is given to scientific issues and controversies that are used by skep tics to call Christianity into question.
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