

Team structures and the ski lls needed to lead, coach and participate as a team member will be s1t1died and practi ced. OL 513 Conflict Management and Negotiation (1) Every organi zation has connict. The successful ones knowhow to use it con­ struct ive ly. This course wi ll address th e individual and group dynami cs of get­ ting to common ground. OL 514 Leading Culturally Diverse Organizations (2) Iss ues of cult11re and eth nic ity are increasi ngly becoming the barriers to unifi ed purpose. The Christian per­ spective and its app li ca tion in the sec­ ul ar workp lace will be explored. OL 530 Character Development in Leaders (2) An introduction to the roles of charac­ ter, se lf- awareness , and trust in the practice of effective leadership. Partici­ pants explore their own foundations for leadership effec tiveness personal leader­ ship development strategies. Required. OL 550 Leadership Challenge Program (2) An intensive weekend experience in the outdoors, preceded and fo llowed bysessions in team leadersh ip skills and personal growth assessmen t. Practical appl ications of problem-solving, deci­ sion making, team work models and interpersonal sensitivity will be empha­ sized. Required. Fee: $195 OL 610 Leadership and Group Behavior (2) Part icipants explore the interpersonal dynamics that characterize successful group leadership. Practical aspects dis­ cussed: group formation and behav­ ior, group decisi on making , task design , motivation theory and tech­ niques, the role of power and poli tics, connict and negotiation and fac ili ta­ tion skills. Required. Fee: $50. OL 620 Communication for Organiza­ tional Leadership (2) Participants will learn to apply the fun­ damentals of communicati on theory to the creation and support of effec­ tive communication in their organiza­ tions. The skills and tools of effective personal communication as an organi­ za tional leader will be app li ed and individually evaluated for effectiveness and improvement. Required. OL 630 The Leader and Organizational Development (2) Participan ts wi ll learn how to assess organiza tions in light of strateg ic objec tives and make recommenda­ tions for improvement. Topics include: strategic planning, organiza­ tional culture, large scale change , sys-

tems th inki11 g, entrep reneuri al and intrap reneuri al behavior and "new leaders hip" development. Required OL 632 Strategic Human Resource Management (2) An understanding of human resource management is essen tial for leadership in the information age, and plays an increasi ngly im portant strateg ic fun c­ tion in the de,·elopment of future orga­ ni za tional dir ec tions. Th e develop­ ment , design and im plementation of human resource policies and pract ices to reach strategic organizational objec­ ti ves wi ll be examined along with the expanding role of HR professionals. OL 633 Recruiting, Interviewing and Selecting Employees (1) Selecting the right peopl e is one of the most difficul t tasks of leadershi p. Participants will learn how to use the bes t techniques fo r improving their selection processes. OL 634 Organizations of the 21st Centu ry (2) The organi zat ions of the new century wi ll be far more diverse and dynami c. Success will increasingly depend upon how th ey are structured, the man age­ ment of th e organizationa l culture , and the organ ization's abi lity to learn and adapt. These emerging dimen­ sions will be exam ined and applica­ tions made to current situations. OL 636 Utilizing Information Technology in 21st Century Organizations (2) Participants will examine th e rapid change s in organizat ions caused by informati on technol ogy. Through readings and case studies, this global tran sfo rmati on wi ll be examined for its impact on productivity, its redefini­ tion of products and markets, and its effect on the individual. OL 637 Training the Organization's Workforce (1) Students wi ll learn a process for iden­ tify ing training needs , selecting th e appropri ate learning environments, creat ing curriculum, delivering and evaluating program effectiveness. OL 638 The Quality Movement Method· otogies (2) The prin ciples behind th e va rio us Quali ty programs are powerfu l forc es changing the workplace. Twenty-first century leaders must understand qual­ ity logic and how to apply it in their organizations. OL 640 Strategic Planning and lmple· mentation (2) The strategic planning process with its assessments of ex ternal and internal

st rengths and weaknesses, determina­ tion of core ral11es , mission and di rec­ ti on will be studied and practi ced. Th e process of building conse nsus and worker commitment to orga ni za­ tional goa lswil l also be examined. OL 642 Financial Management for Organizations (2) Parti cipant s will learn essential 10ols for managing the assets and resources of organizat ions, including: termi nol­ ogy and meanings of fin ancial repons, evaluation of dec isions in light of bud­ getary princip les and essential account­ ing 10ols. Individuals will learn to ana­ lyze operati ons and make good deci­ sions in light of finan cial information . OL 650 The Inner Leader (2) Ajourn ey int o th e perso nalit y and charac ter qualities of effective leaders. A recognition of th e re latio nships between the leader 's behavior and the organizationa l behavior. Parti cipants deve lop an understanding, with per­ sonal applications, of the psychological dimens ions of leadershi p. Required. OL 654 Decision Making Methods and Decision Traps (2) Th e mo st advanced too ls and te ch­ niques fo r sorting information and making wise choices wi ll be presented and practiced. OL 660 Ethical Decision Making (2) Students will consider opposing ethi­ cal and mo ral viewpo ints frequentl y confronted by individuals in organiza­ tions today. While controversial ques­ tions wi ll be guided byJudeo-Christi an perspective, part icipan ts will deve lop their own personalized philosop hy regard ing such topi cs as: individual moral responsibilit)' in organizations, social respons ibilit)' of co rporations, morality of capi talism , and market­ ing/ advertising ethi cs. Required . OL 662 Legal Responsibilities of Orga­ nizations (2) A study of the lega l charac ter istics, responsibilities and liabili ti es of orga­ nizations with a focus on effect ive str ateg ies and management tech­ niqu es to avoid nega tive conse­ quences and exposure to legal ri sk. OL 670 Leading the Non-profit (2) The role of the non-profit in society contin ues to expand and with it the many unique dimensions of this com­ plex structure. Course emphasis wi ll focus on new models of management, board relationships , resource develop­ ment and voluntee rism.

OL 674 Non-Profit Marketing (2) Th e course wi ll sun·e)' the principl es and skills necessary to plan, implement , manage and eva luate th e marketing effort to a non-profit sen•ice organiza­ tion or church. The outcome of the class will be the development of a mar­ keting plan for a sen1ce organi zation. OL 676 Customer Based Marketing (2) The course wil l survey the principles and skills necessa ry to plan, im ple­ ment , manage and eva luate the mar- ket ing efforts of a business or organ i- zat ion. Both product and service mar- keti ng will be examined from a cus­ tomer-based pa radi gm tha t emp ha- sizes vision and leadership. The out- come of the class wil l be the develop- ment of a marketing plan for a busi- ness, organization or individua l. OL 680 Special Topics in Organizational Leadership (1 -3) Seminars and courses by spec ial lec­ ture rs or visiting scholars addressing areas of specific interest. May be repeated for credit. OL 694 Seminar: Selected Topics (1·3) Sem inars and courses by special lec­ turers or visi ting scholars addressing areas of specific int ere st. Ma y be repeated fo r credit. OL 695 Directed Study (1 -3) Supervised research and/ or reading in se lected areas of Organizationa l Leadership. OL 697 Research Project & Methodology (1-4) Participants utilize classroom learning in a practical way to solve and imple­ ment real life solutions to an organiza­ tional problem chosen by the student. Students learn informational anal ysis, problem so lving, and research meth­ ods and apply leadership theory, change managemen t, and communi­ cat ion skill s. Normally taken one unit per term. Required. OL 698 Organizational Leadership Internship (1·3) An approved leade rship internsh ip within an organization or in a ministry se tting.


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