

Caring Couples

Baccalaureate Service

indexes and a number of special collec­ tions. The principal tl1eological journals in English are received regularly. Family Fellowship Seminary studies make sign ificant demands on the time of tl1e student. A side-effect is that family members may feel they are not a part of the seminary experience. Talbot has a deep-rooted commitment to the famil y, especially tl1e families of its students. A111de-rang­ ing variety of programs, events, activi­ ties, opportunities, and services have been developed to foster family partic~ pation in tl1e seminary experience. Aguide for families is available to new students at Talbot. The following are examples of the opportunities and services available to student spouses: I) Chapel services featuring a vari­ ety of prominent Christian speakers, and opportunities for mutual worship; 2) spouses may attend classes with their mates, at no charge to the spouse, space permitting and with professor approval; 3) the Spouse Tuition Reduction Schol­ arship allows spouses of full-time stu­ dents to take seminary courses for aca­ demic credit, at only one-third the stan­ dard tuition rate; 4) Talbot Seminary WJVes Fellowship (seep. T4); 5) major social events, such as the annual Fall and Spring Banquets, student family picnics, and the Senior Retreat; 6) tl1e Biola Bookstore features a wide selec­ tion of Christian and secular titles, dis­ counted Bibles, gift items, computer equipment, greeting cards, music, tapes, and CDs, logo clothing, refreshments, and supplies; 7) the Biola swimming pool, track, weight room, and tennis courts, are available at scheduled times for family use; 8) a wide variety of music events featuring student groups, faculty artists, and guest performers, are sched­ uIed throughout the school year; 9) intercollegiate sporting events, including men's and women's basket­ ball, men's and women's volleyball, men's baseball, men's and women's cross-country and track; IO) special and annual lectureships, missions and Bible conferences; and, I I) other special cul­ tural events and presentations. Accreditation Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Talbot, as a school of Biola University, is included within Biola Un~ versity's accreditation by the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association ofSchools and Colleges.

chape l services of the university com­ munity are highly encouraged. Student Christian Service The seminary recognizes the neces­ sity of act ive service in Christian work while students are pursuing their courses of study. From the time of enrollment students are asked to engage in some t)1JC of approved weekly ministry. The high population density of Southern Cali fornia creates extensive service opportunities of many types. Field Education Field education is that part of the student's academic program in which there is active participation in a super­ vised experience 1vithin a church setting. A full-time M.Div. student must register for field education each semester. (A part-time M.Div. student must register for field education once within every 16 units completed.) For specific course numbers see the Christian Ministry and Leadership sec tion under course descriptions. After completing 64 units of class work in the M.Div. program, stu­ den ts become eligible to register for field education internship. This inten­ sive supervised practice of the ministry is composed of three clusters of learning: I) supen1sed field experience for a min­ imum of 100 hours in each of two semes­ ters; 2) seminars with other students reg­ istered for field education internship; 3) individual counseling with the direc­ tor of field education on specific aspects of the student's experience. The Biota Campus The seminary has classroom, chapel and administrative office facili­ ties located in Myers Hall and Feinberg Hall. Metzger Hall houses University administrative offices including the Admissions and Registrar's Office. In addition, the seminary shares the library, cafeteria, coffee shop, residences, gymnasium, infirmary and prayer chapel with Biola University. Also available are a crushed brick quarter mile track, a soc­ cer field, a baseball diamond, tennis courts and a short course Olympic swim­ ming pool. See general information sec­ tion for a full can1pus description. Library The library contains over 220,000 volumes, including bound journals and microforrns with their respective readers. Special features of the library include an extensive index file of sermon outlines and illustrations, an excellent collection of bibliographic tools and journal

This will be a celebration of what God has done in your life and the goals you have accomplished in your Inten­ tional Character Development. This banquet attended by spouses, famil y members, caring couples, mentors, etc. and faculty will focus on thanksgiving and acknowledging the people who encouraged and supp orted you throughout your Talbot journey. Women at Talbot School of Theology Talbot School of Theology affi rms the equality of women and men, and affirms the giftedness and roles ofwomen within the guidelines of Scripture con­ cerning order and complementarity. It is the desire of Talbot School of Theology to encourage and support women in preparation for ministry. We value the complement that each gen­ der's uniquenesses, male and female, bring to ministry. Talbot seeks to pro­ mote this complementarity by all mem­ bers of the seminary community: admin­ istration, faculty, staff and students. Talbot School of Theology is an educational institution, and as such does not have authority for ordination of any­ one seeking Christian ministry, recogniz­ ing this as the appropriate function of church bodies. However, Talbot is com­ mitted to full inclusion of women in stu­ dent recruitment, admissions, degree programs, chapels, convocations, faculty and administration, within the princi­ ples of biblical roles of men and women. Chapel The purpose of chapel is to pro­ vide opportunities for worship, instruction and exposure to current issues, ministries, missions and gifted individuals. Chapel is an important part of a student's educational experi­ ence, contributing significantly to individual spiritual formation and the unity of the seminary community. Chapel services are conducted each Tuesday in Calvary Chapel audi­ torium. Additional special chapels are held as announced. Special chapel series, such as the Lyman Stewart Lec­ tures and the Faculty Series (Fall and Spring), are held Tuesday and Thurs­ day. Joint university-wide chapel serv­ ices are held several times a year. Stu­ dents are required to attend Tuesday chapel services if they have classes either immediately before or after the chapel hour. This requirement also applies to each day of the special chapel series. Participation in the

You will select a coupl e in yo ur ch urch or area who will support, encourage, and meet with you monthly throughout your seminary experience establishing of pattern of

support for ministl)'. AWeekend Retreat

Will set the direction and pattern for a semester-long focus on intimacy with God through the support and accountability of a small Growth Group. Growth Group Experience An opportunity to experience building more intimate relationships with God, other students, and a group leader to continue growth in character. Progress Reviews and Interviews After completion of 30 units, Progress Reviews and Interviews will take place so Talbot Faculty can encour­ age you to continue what you are doing that is working well while completing seminary and to adjust those areas in which you need additional assistance. For most students, this will be a celebra­ tion of progress, an opportunity to dis­ cuss struggles early enough to work on them together, and an opportunity for better discipleship. For some, it will be an opportunity to make course correc­ tions, review progress in specifically assigned "Focused Needs" areas, or pro­ vide accountability for Character Devel­ opment assignments. The Progress Interview may also be a time when a stu­ dent is referred to the Focused Needs program. More information can be found in the Intentional Character Development material you will receive at the New Student Retreat. Ma"led Students' Weekend Retreat An opportunity to develop stronger commitments to your spouse and family. Semester-Long Mentoring Experience You will choose a mentor outside of Talbot, and develop a contract to work on one of your Growth Covenant areas. Networking Just before your Commencement you will be networked with Talbot alumni who live in the area in which you have chosen to minister following graduation. Alumni will also be alerted to your presence and be encouraged to be available to mentor you as you enter ministry.

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