


SPECIAL PROGRAMS - NON-CREDIT Talbot Institute tor Biblical Studies {TIBS) Frank Pastore, Director The Talbot Institute for Biblical Studies offers a wide range of non-<:redit biblical, theological , and ministry skills study courses through a network of church-based training centers through­ out Southern California. The purpose is to equip believers with biblical/theo­ logical foundat ions essential to intelli­ gently articulate the Christian worldview and tJ1e Gospel ofJesus Christ. It is the goal of TIBS to assist churches effec­ tively to be the church in an environ­ ment that is essentially hostile to the message of God's TrutJ1. Courses meet two (2) hours each week for six (6) weeks. A list of current church centers and courses offered may be obtained through the office of the TIBS Director on the La Mirada campus. Talbot Seminary Wives Fellowship Karen Dirks, Director Seminary Wives Fellowship pro­ vides opportunity for growth and fel­ lowship for wives of seminary students. Preparation for sharing in a wide vari­ ety of ministr ies for which student husbands are studying is offered through special speakers, interaction with faculty wives, and events designed to enhance community.


their contributions and understanding tJ1eir divergences. All the while they are measured by the pattern of tJ1e Word. Talbot's program focuses on the entire person and is meant to contribute to personal spiritual formation as well as cognitive awareness and tJ1e development of ministry ski lls. 1l1e curriculum is struc­ tured to de\'elop "sustainable habits" tJ1a1 can be continued in life and ministry after graduation . The various compo­ nents of tJ1e curriculum are designed to complement one anotJ1er and to rein­ force basic principles to which students have been exposed in otJ1er parts of their seminary program. Agoal of the pro­ gram is to equip students to think bib!~ cally and to respond appropriately to the variety of chal lenges oflife and ministry. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS All applicants, to be accepted, must hold the Bachelor of Arts degree, or its academic equivalent They must have a 2.6 (on a 4.0 scale) grade point average. Those not meeting this latter require­ ment, if accepted, will be placed on pro­ bation. Graduates from approved unac­ credited colleges, if accepted, will be granted provisional acceptance, though exceptions may be made when the grade point average is 3.0 or higher. Graduates from approved unaccredited colleges may be required to take certain addi­ tional liberal arts course work (not appl~ cable toward the graduate degree), if tJ1eir undergraduate program did not include these courses. Students who have not had Greek but wish to take it in seminary may take Beginning Greek at Talbot and receive elective credit applica­ ble toward the graduation requirement EMPHASIS REQUIREMENTS Emphases are offered in the follow- ing areas of professional preparation: Pastaral and General Ministries Christian Educatian Pastaral Care and Counseling Marriage and Family Ministries Evangelism and Discipl£ship Missions Urban/Multi-Ethnic Ministries Each student is to select an emphasis and satisfactorily complete its requirements. Students should indicate their cho ice of emphasis at the beginning of their program. Changes of emphasis may be author­ ized under certain circumstances prior to the completion of 48 units, but are discouraged after that point


The Master of Divinity curriculum at Talbot School of Theology is designed to foster the purposes for which the seminary was established - preparation for th e propagation of the faith. This purpose emails an accurate knowledge of the Word of Goel, the sourc e or faith , and the effective means of its commun ication. The course of study is therefore designed around these two basic foci. Believing firmly that God in love and grace has provided an answer for the needs of the world in Jesus Christ and that this Jesus is the Christ of the Scriptures, Talbot emphas izes a knowledge of the content of the Word of God. So that the Word may be known and expounded accurately and authoritatively, matters of biblical background, including the languages of the Old and New Testaments, are studied. Sound principles of literary interpretation are also explored as a basis for the interpretation of the Scriptures. On the basis of such inter­ pretation there comes systematic study so as to organize various parts of the Word into theological categories. Since the faith of today does not stand alone, but is rooted in past cen­ turies during which God has preserved and instructed His people, cognizance of this heritage is taken in a study of the history of the church and its doc­ trine. Previous interaction between faith and the world provides a basis for understanding modern times. It is the sem inary's aim that this knowledge of the faith first grip the life of the student, and then motivate the student to share it with the world. In accord with this latter aim instruction is given in vital areas of ministry and com­ munication. From tJ1e preparation and delivery of sermons to individual involve­ ment in counseling, the curriculum is designed to provide instruction which will facilitate propagation of the faith in the various fields of God's call. Oppor­ tunity is also given for the development of ministry skills as principles are applied in tJ1e context of ministry in the church. With recognition that the Great Commission commands the church to go into the world to minister to all peo­ ples, the cross-currents of modern thought are considered relevant to the preparation of God's minister. Throughout the course of instruction, interaction is provided with various per­ spectives for tJ1e purpose of inculcating

The fo llowing are special studies courses to assist students in becoming proficient in writing skills essential for an effective seminary education. Spe­ cific enro llment requirements are indicated in each course description. SS 500 Theological Writing (0) Grammar, sentence structure and paragraph development for theologi­ cal writing. Critical thinking and com­ position including extract ing informa­ tion from sources, synthesis, format for written papers. Experience in wr iting papers in theological and related areas. Atwo-semester-hour, non-credit course required in the first semester of seminary study for students assigned by the Talbot Writing Proficiency Exam or certain students who have completed the ESL sequence. Fee: A fee equivalent to two semester hours of tuition is required. SS 510 Theological Research Method­ ologies (1) Research skills for use of library and theological reference works. Methods of theological writing witJ1 emphasis on critical thinking, persuasion, and evalu­ ation. Must be taken within the first 15 units of study. Required of all M.Div. and M.A. students. Prerequisite: SS 500 (no concurrent enrollment), or passing score on Talbot Writing Profi­ ciency Exam (TWPE).

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