General Christian Education Electives CE 51I Foundations of Leadership CE 514 Women and Men in Christian Ministry CE 570 Special Studies in Christian Education CE 612 Missionary Education CE 616 Principl es of Curriwlum Development CE 638 Current Trends in Christian Education CE 644 Music in the Church CE 649 Instructional Technology CE683 Camp Leadership CE 724 Advanced Methods of Educational Instruction Vocations or positions for which the MAGE. program preparesstudents are: Minister/Director of Christian Education Minister of Youth Parachurch Children a,ul Youth Ministries Staff Pastor/Direclor ofChildren's Ministries Pastor ofAdull/Family Ministries Pastor/Direclor ofSingle Adult Ministries
Specializations Available Master of Arts in Christian Education - Children's Ministry CE 624 Child Development and Teaching I (Birth-Age 5) ....... 2 CE 626 Child Development and Teaching II (Ages 6-12) ........ 2 CE 635 Models ofChildrens' Min isll)' .2 One of: CE 646 CLLrren t Trends in Children's Ministry .. .. .....2 Or a general C.E. elec tive. .. ..2 Master of Arts in Christian Education - Youth Ministry CE 566 Youth Group Development and Programming.............. .... 2 CE 661 Adolescen t Culture and Development ..........................2 CE 663 Youth Education and Leadership........ ...... ..... .. .. ... ....2 One of: CE 555 Para-church Youth Ministry... 2 CE 648 Current Trends in Youth Ministry ..... ......... ................. .... 2 CE 681 Development of Youth Speaker Skills ................ .. ....... 2 Or a general C.E. elective ...................2 • Students in this specialization sub stitute CE 543 Counseling Adolescents and Their Parents, for PT707 Founda tions ofPastoral Care a,ul Counseling. Master of Arts in Christian Education - AdulVFamily Ministry CE 675 FamilyLife Education in the Church ........ .. ........ ...... .....3 CE 678 Adult Development and Education ...............................2 Two of: CE 716 Ministry to Single Adults ....... 2 PT 627 Premarital Preparation and Counseling .............................2 PT 628 Marital Counseling ................3 PT 722 Small Group Discipleship ......3 PT 775 Parent Education in Ministry2 Or a general C.E. elective ................. .. 2 Master of Arts In Christian Education - General Christian Education Two age-level courses on development and education (from CE 624, 626, 661, 678) One course on models of ministry (from CE 566,635,675, 716, PT 722, 775) One other C.E. elective Master of Arts In Christian Education - Crosscullural Education Ministry One of either: SCL 575Multi-cultural Education ...... .3 SCL 721 Crosscultural
SCL 556World Religions .... . ............ .2-3 SCL 622 Intercultura lCommunication .3 SCL 640Applied Ant hropology for Christian Wo rkers.. .. .. ..3 SCL 765Crosscu ltll ral Leadership.....3 * Sludents sekcting this specialization slwuld also take SCL 520 lnterpenonal and lnter cultuml Adpistmenl (3) in their CE co1e. Master of Arts in Christian Education - Christian Formation The following co ur ses are requ ired for this specialization: CE 7!0 Christian Sp iri tuality ........ ..... 2 TH 717TheologyofHuman Nature*........... ............. .. ..... 2 Four additional units from the follow ing courses should be chosen: CE 723 Friendship and Community: Contexts for Growth ..............2 CE 725 Formation of Moral Character ..... ...................... ....2 CE 727 Faith Development ................2 TH 718 Theology of Christian Nurture* ...... ..... ......................2 Other courses in this specializa tion are being developed and may be available soon. *Accekraled students already required to take these classes will substitute other Christian Formation specialization courses.
CE 592 Teaching Min istry Practicum or CE 692 Practicum in Ministry II ......... 1 CE Specialization course ... . ............2 15 *The "literature review" is a research pro;ecl on a minist,y issue which is begun in Cf. 633 P,incipks of Research a,ul com pleted in a ministry specialization coune. Its focus is on the identification, evalua tion, synthesis, and application of releuant social science research and biblical/theolagi cal p,incipks to a ministry need in the stu dent's area of specialization. Details cm the literature review can be obtained in Cf.633. It is important that MACE students not wail lo take Cf. 633 in their last semester. Advanced Standing Applicants who have taken under graduate courses in biblical or theolog ical studies may request advanced standing based on collegiate work. See Admissions Requirements for details. Master ofArts in Christian Education Accelerated Program: 36 Units Students entering this program must have the following: I) An undergraduate degree in Christian Education with a 3.0 GPA in courses taken in the major. 2) A total of at least 30 hours in Bible/theology. 3) An overall GPA of 2.6 (Those with a GPA of 2.6-2 .9 will be placed on probation. See ea rlier section on admission qualifications.) 4) In addition to the above, demonstration of competency in the content of any waived or substituted courses will be assessed at the time of admission. 5) At least two years of vocational experience in educational ministry after completion of undergraduate degree. For students who qualify for this program, graduation requirements may be satisfied in 36 semester units. Bible/Theology ..... ........... .... ...... ..... ....9 (including BE 517, TH 717, TH 718, Bible elective) Christian education core ..................18 (including CE 518,552,623, 633* , 691,692, IT706, 707; select one of CL 520, 680, or PT703) C.E. Specialization .... ................... .. ......8 SS 510 Theological Research Methodologies ....................... 1 Literature Review......... .... .............. =::2 Total 36
I T-11
Church Business Administrator Counseling a,ul Family Ministries Christian uimp Administration
Teaching/Learning Strategies for Curriculum .......................3
Two courses from: SCL 531 Peoples of Ethnic America ... .3
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