Advanced Standing
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS App li ca nt s must possess a bac calaureate degree. Each shou ld be a graduate from a recognized or accred ited co ll ege with a minimum grade point average of3.0 (on a 4.0 scale). All applicants must submit a writ ten statement out lini ng th eir voca tional objec ti ves and how the degree might relate to those objectives. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS A. Satisfactorily compl ete 64-66 semester un its as outlined in the cu r riculum charts below. B. Submit an acceptable thesis, chosen in consultation with the major advisor, or at the option of the major advisor and in lieu of the thesis, com plete four additional units of electives. Students who write a thesis will have a total requirement of 64 units and those who take two addi tional units in lieu of a thesis will have a total requirement of 66 units. C. At least 24 unit s must be taken at this seminary. D. Obtain a 3.0 average with no grade below a "C." in all courses to be credited toward graduation. E. Complete the entire program in no more than fi ve years. Students are placed on academic probation if their grade point average for anysemester falls below 3.0 and will remain on probation as long as the sin gle semester or cumulative grade point average remains below 3.0. Probation students are granted one semester in which to bring their academic work up to the required level (3.0) for continu ance in the seminary. A student can not graduate while on probation. EMPHASES REQUIREMENTS Program Structure The academic programs leading to the degree Master of Arts in Christian Ministry and Leadership with emphases in Pastoral Care and Counseling, and Women's Ministries are comprised of 64-66 units structured in common to include: I) biblical and theological foundations, 2) academic specialization in one of four disciplines requiring bib lical language studies, or general stud ies in which biblical languages are not required, and 3) additional elective courses determined by the student in consultation with the advisor.
PT 708 Advanced Pastoral
Coun se ling .......... . ... ......... .....3
App li cants who have taken under graduate courses in biblical or theolog ica l studi es may req uest advanced standing based on collegiate work. See AdmissionsRequirements for details. CURRICULUM First Yea r First Semester BE 517 Hermeneuti cs/ Bible StudyMethods ........... .3 BE 519 Survey of Ge nesis - Malac hi .. 3 TH 51 1Theology I - Introduction: Revelation and Na ture of God ................... ... .. ... .. ... .....3 PT 706 Personal Foundations of Ministry .. ...... .. .... ...... ......... .2 SS 510 Theological Research Methodologies ... ....... ... .... .. .. .. I Emphasis or electives* ................... =:d 15 Second Semester BE 520 Surveyof Matthew- Revela- tion .. ....... ... ... ... ....... ............ ..... 3 HT 514 Historical Theology Survey ... 3 TH 512 Theology II- Works of God, Angels, Man and Sin ...... ...... .. 3 PT 706L Personal Foundations Lab ...0 PT 707 Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counseling ..... .. ...... 2 Emphasis or electives*....... .. .. .... ... =:!! 17 Second Year First Semester TH 613 Theology Ill - Christ, Salvation and the Spirit ...... ... 3 Emphasis or electives* .............. .. ... =1_1 17 Second Semester TH 614 Theology IV- The Church and Last Things... ...................3 Emphasis or electives*................ ....... 12 Thesis** or electives* .......................0.2 l!'>-17 • Up to 6 graduate elective units may be taken in other schools in Biola Uni versity with advisor's approval. **Consult the Talbot student hand book for preliminary steps that must be completed prior to enrolling in the thesis course. EMPHASES REQUIREMENTS Pastoral Care and Counseling CL 622 lnt.ercultural Communication ..3 PT 604 Pastoral Care and Chaplaincy...3 PT 628 Marital Counseling ... .............3 PT 696 Internship............ ..... ............ ..3 PT 703 Church and Society................3
The Mas ter of Arts in Christian Ministry and Leadership with emphases in Pastoral Care and Counse ling, and Women's Ministries, is designed as a professional program for spec ial ized ministry. It has been developed for those whose call ing to Christian service is to positions of leade rship for which the Master of Divinity or other profes sional degrees are not normall y required. It is structllred to provide: I. An understanding of Scrip tures for students anticipating Chri st ian ministries that would include pas toral or lay counselors, para-church organization counseling, women's ministries, specialized "tent-making" occupations in other cultures, lay lead ers in the local church and others. 2. A biblical background for those who are preparing for counsel ing in secular fields . 3. Aprogram of studyfor mission ar ies who have only a brief furlough time in which to pursue formal study of the Scriptures and would like to empha size pastoral counseling, women's min istries or a specialized ministry. 4. Sustainable skills in specific min ist ries furth er deve loping yo ur abilities and sp iritual gifts, and strengthening your areas of weakness. Women 'sMinistries The Master of Arts, Women's Min istries emphasis, is designed to equip you for a specific ministry to women in a local church context. It is set up to develop strengths in both Bible/ theol ogy and counseling/ teaching. The program emphasizes pr eparation, enrichment, equipping and renewing ministries in such classes as Counseling Ministry, Group Counseling, Women and Men in Ministry, Sex Rol es in Soci ety, and Psychology ofWomen. A major focus is on actual practice in women's ministries in local churches. Our purpose is to provide local churches with specialists in the field of Women's Min istries who have built their counseling, administrative and teaching skills upon a solid biblical and tJ1eological base. The program will prepare you for such professional posi tions as director of women's ministries, or associate pastor of Christian educa tion, while providing special emphasis in the area of women 's concerns.
PT 725 Counseling Troubled
Families .... ........... ....... . .. ... .... ..3 PT 740 Issues and Ethi cs in Ministry .2 PT 807 Systems of Integration .. ....... ..3 Electives CE 514 Women and Men in Chri st ian Ministry CE 521 Psychological Foundations of Christian Mi ni stry CE 543 Counse ling Adolescents and Their Parents CE 675 FamilyLife Education CL520 Interpersonal and Intercultural Adjustment PH 624 Seminar in Ethical Issues I PT 750 Directed Study Research PT 775 Parent Education in Ministry PT 802 Spiritual Conflicts and Counseling TH 717 Theology of Human Nature Women's Ministries Emphasis CE 512 Education Administration .....3 CE 514 Women and Men in Ministry ...2 CE 691 Practicum in Ministry I .... ...... ! CE 692 Practicum in Ministry II ..... ... . I CL 520 Interpersonal and Intercultural Adjustment .. .....3 PT 628 Marital Counseling .. .. ... ......... 3 PT 632 Foundations of Women's Ministries................................2 PT 725 Counseling Troubled Families ...................... .............3 Specialization ..................................... JO Electives .. ..... .... ... .. ....... ... .. .... ....... ....... ..8
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