

TYPICAL COSTS The combinat ion of tuition, fees and associated expenses at Biola Uni1·ersity is suHicientlyhigh that it isnecessa1y fo r students to carefullycalculate their financial resources and costs. The fo l­ lm,ing estimated student budget refl ects the average cost to full­ time students fo r the 1998-99 academic year (ninemonth ): Undergraduate With 011 OJ) Parent, Camj,us Ct1 111/1us Tuition & Fees $15,912 $15,912 $15,91 2 Room & Board 2,396 5,456 7,038 Books & Supplies 810 810 810 Personal/Mi sc. 1,530 1,368 1,656 Transportation 720 540 810 TOTAL $21,368 $24,086 $26,226 Graduate: Master's Programs and Specials (Bil.le;/ an 9unils With On Off J,er semester) Parents Cam/JUS Campus Tuition & Fees $5,886 $5,886 $5,886 Room &Board 2,396 5,456 7,038 Books & Supplies 810 810 810 Personal/ Mi sc. 1,530 1,368 1,656 Transportation 720 540 810 TOTAL $11,342 $14,060 $16,200 Doctoral- Ed.O. and O.Miss. (IJase.J on 12 units With On Ojf per semester) Parents Ct1 m/ms Cm11/1us Tuition &Fees $15,912 $1 5,912 $15,91 2 Room &Board 2,396 5,456 7,038 Books &Supplies 810 810 810 Personal / Misc. 1,530 1,368 1,656 Transportation 720 540 810 TOTAL $21 ,368 $24,086 $26,226 Graduate Psychology With On Off Pt1renls Cllm/JUS Cllm/tus Tuition &Fees $15,862 $15,862 $15,862 Interterm 1,983 1,983 1,983 Prof. Growth Fee 1,000 1,000 1,000 Room &Board 2,396 5,456 7,038 Books & Supplies* 810 810 810 Personal/Misc. 1,530 1,368 1,656 Transportation** 720 540 810 TOTAL $24,301 $27,019 $29,159 *$850 for first year students **May be adjusted for practicum travel expense. PAYMENT OPTIONS Astudent's account must be current (no outstanding bal­ ances) prior to re-enrollment in subsequent sessions. Cost of tuition, room and board and special fees may be paid in one of the following ways: Plan 1 - Payment of each session in full on or before the day of registration. Plan 2 -A down payment at the time of registration with payment of any remaining balance by the first payment due

elate (October 15 - fal l semeste r; March 15 - spring semes­ ter). Down payments in clude 60%of the balance of tu it ion, room and boa rd, class fees and vehi cle registration less con­ firmed fi nancial aid plus 100% of in surance charges . No fin ance charges are assessed. Plan 3 - Adown pa)111ent as desc1i bed in Pl.AN 2 with the remaining balance in three pa)111ents (October-December or March-May) . A fin ance charge of 1.5% per month of the first $1,000 of unpaid balance and I%per month of unpaid balance over $1 ,000 isadded at each billing to cany the account. Al l pay­ ments are due in the Student Accounting Office on or before the 15th of the mon th as indicated in the billing summa1y PERSONAL CHECKS All personal chec ks submitted for anypayment to the Uni­ versity for any charge or payment 11ill have your student I.D. number w1itten on them. If you prefer not to have your I.D. numbe r written on your check, please submit your payment by cashi er's check, money order or when appropriate (other than "mail-in" payments) in cash . Un iversity staff will write student I.D. numbers on checks wherea student has not alreadydone sa. DOWN PAYMENT Minimum down payments 1 are calculated according to the fo llowing schedule: er'., & Special Undrrgrrulu11iel Programs! On Campus $6,411 $3,403 Off Campus $4,774 $1,766 1-3 units 100% 100% 4-6 units 75% 75% 7 units and above 60% 60% Graduate Ed.D.&D.Miss. 3 Psyrholagy 2 On Campus $5,170 $7,944 Off Campus $3,580 $5,948 1-3 units 100% 100% 4-6 units 75% 7 units and above 60% 4 units and above 75% Notes 1 Down payments include the anwunts shown on this sched­ ule plus the appliwble percmtages for class fees and vehicle registration. Charges for insurance must be paid in full at the time of registration. 2 Down payments in the Graduate Psychology program include the amounts slwwn on this schedule plus the appli­ cable percentages for class fees and vehicle registration. Charges for insurance must be paid in full at the time of registration. At the time of registration , 75 % of the appli­ cable Professional Growth Fee must also be paid. 3 Assumes 9unzts per semester. FINANCE CHARGES Afinance charge of 1.5%per month of the first $1,000 of unpaid balance and I% per month of unpaid balance over $1,000 is added at each billing to carry the account. Tran-


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