


MASTER OF jj:j:(•l!•l?i'•

GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Degrees are awarded to qualified candidates at the university's winter and spring commencements. Students are required to be present for graduation unless advance permission to graduate in absentia has been secured. To qua~ ify for graduation , candidates must have completed all required coursework (26 units) with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.25 and satisfactorily passed their comprehensive examina­ tions. No grade less than a C (2.0) will be credited toward the Th.M. degree units. Students who repeat courses for the purpose of raising their GPA must adhere to the University's general policy for grades, as spelled out in the gradu­ ate program catalog. Candidates for the Th.M. degree should also manifest promise of usefulness in Christian min­ istry, exhibit exemplary and consistent Christian character and evidence sound theological beliefs in accordance with the university's doctrinal statement. Additional requirements are as follows: A. Residence Requirements A minimum of two semesters in residence at Talbot is required for the Th.M. degree. B. Transfer Credit Up to four units of Th.M.-level credit above from another accredited seminary or theological school may be accepted toward fulfillment of Th.M. course requirements. C. Time Limit for Degree All course, examination, and the­ sis requirements must be completed within five years, beginning on the date of the student's first registration for Th.M. courses at Talbot. D. Major Areas of Academic Study Majors in the Th.M. program are offered in the following areas: ■ Bible Exposition: For students who want advanced training in English Bible as preparation for teaching or preaching the Scriptures. Courses emphasize the historical and cu~ tural background, hermeneutical issues, synthesis, analysis and unique theological contributions of Old and New Testament books, provid­ ing examples of a sound exposi­ tional approach to Scripture. For those students who wish to empha­ size preaching and communication techniques, elective courses may also be taken in the area ofChrist­ ian Ministry and Leadership.


Note: The minimum for admissilm to Bio/a 's graduate school is a lo/al of 550 paper/ 213 computer (with a score of 55 o,· abovefor each of the three test sections) . APPLICATION PROCEDURE All applicants are required to submit a Personal Statement of one to two dou­ ble spaced typewritten pages expressing their career goalsand personal objec tives in seeking the 111.M. degree. Graduates of other seminaries must file a full application with the Office of Graduate Admissions. Master of Divinity students cur­ rently enrolled at Talbot may file for admission by submitting a written request to the Graduate Committee in care of the Office of Graduate Admis­ sions. This request should indicate any changes in marital status or doc­ trinal convictions since enrollment in the Master of Divinity degree. In addition , applicants should signify their intention to abide by the Stan­ dards of Conduct ofBiola University. Talbot Master of Divinity students who have completed 80 or more units, and whose rnrrent cumulative GPA is 3.25 or above may be granted a con­ current enrollment option. Inter­ ested seniors should contact the Office of Graduate Admissions for detailed information. Applicants who have graduated from Talbot with a Master of Divinity degree may file for admission accord­ ing to the following guidelines: Less than two Jean since graduation from Talbot: ■ ReAdmit Application ■ Personal Statement &tween two and five years since graduation: ■ ReAdmit Application ■ Pastor Reference on form pro- vided by the Admissions Office ■ Personal Statement Over five yea11 since graduation: ■ Full application ■ Personal Statement Talbot graduates should include in the Personal Statement any changes in marital status or doctrinal convictions since graduation with the Master of Divinity degree . In addi­ tion , they should signify their inten­ tion to abide by the Standards of Con­ duct ofBiola University. Note: Official documents presented for admissitm or evaluation bec.ome part of till! student's academic fik and normally can­ not be returned or c.opied for distribution.

Program Director:

Clinton E. Arnold, Ph.D.

The Certificate in Biblical Studies program is designed with two specific needs in mind. The first is for persons who seek a year of study in preparation for a lay service with an overseas mis­ sion agency, or for more effective lay involvement in the life of their local congregation. It also serves as a "trial year in seminary" for persons who wish to test their gifts and skills with a view toward possible further preparation for full-time Christian ministry. Certificate course work may later be applied toward a Master of Divinity or Master of Arts degree. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Applicants must possess a bac­ calaureate degree from an accredited college with a minimum grade point average of3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) . All applicants must submit a writ­ ten statement outlining their voca­ tional objectives and how the certifi­ cate relates to those objectives. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS A Satisfactorily complete all courses for a total of 32 semester units as outlined in the curriculum below. B. Obtain a 3.0 average with no grade below a "C-" in all courses to be credited toward graduation. C. At least 24 units must be taken at this seminary. D. Complete the entire program in no more than five years. Students are placed on academic probation if their GPA for any semester falls below 3.0 and will remain on pro­ bation as long as the single semester or cumulative GPA remains below 3.0. Probation students are granted one semester in which to bring their academic work up to the required level (3.0) for continuance in the seminary. Astudent cannot graduate while on probation. CURRICULUM BE 517 Hermeneutics/ Bible Study Methods.......................3 BE 519 Survey of Genesis-Malachi .....3 BE 520 Survey of Matthew-Revelation ...3 TH 511 Theology I- Introduction: Revelation and Nature of God..3 TH 512 Theology II - Works of God, Angels, Man and Sin .... .. .. .. ....3 TH 613 Theology Ill- Christ, Salvation and the Spirit .........3 TH 614 Theology IV-The Church and Last Things ......................3 SS 510 Theological Research Methodologies ....................... 1 Electives in BE, NT, OT, TH, PH.......6 Electives .................. ..... ... .. ..... .. ... ..... .... .4


The Master of Theology currirn­ lum is a challenging post-graduat e degree program designed to equip stu­ dents with specialized academic knowl­ edge and adl'anced professional skills in one of the th eological disciplines.. The program is of special interest to students who aspire to teac h - whether in the church, a Bible college or seminary, an extension center, or in a cross-cultural setting. This is in accord with both A.T.S. (the Associa­ tion of Theological Schools) and A.AB.C. (the American Association of Bible Colleges) which consider the Th.M. degree the minimum educa­ tional credential for teaching biblical and theological subjects at accredited seminaries and Bible schools. The pro­ gram also provides an excellent prepa­ ration for those who anticipate further study at the Ph.D. and Th.D. level. Qualified students aspiring to exce~ lence and leadership in many areas of ministry and service for Christ find the Th.M. program personally enriching and academically stimulating. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS The student must present accept­ able Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor or Master of Divinity degrees. Specifi­ cally they must have maintained at least a 3.25 average in their Divinity program and have completed at least nine semester hours of Greek beyond beginning Greek and nine semester hours of Hebrew, three of which may be Aramaic. App licants deficient in the biblical languages may take the prerequisite units at Talbot while tak­ ing other Th.M. courses, but such deficiencies must be made up before more than 16 units in other subjects may be taken . Divinity degrees pre­ sented from non-accredited seminar­ ies and theological schools are individ­ ually evaluated. Deficiencies dis­ cerned in such cases may be made up by course work at Talbot or other specified accredited institutions. Stu­ den ts must also have the personal qualifications necessary for a minister of Christ, including promise of future usefulness. They must be spiritually qualified by providing evidence of a born-again experience and a consis­ tent Christian manner of life.

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