


Fulfillment of the above basi c requir ements does not necessa ril y gua ran tee admission into the program because individual cases and circum­ stances, such as ava ilable openi ngs in the program, maydictate other factors to be considered. In general, a high standard of overall performance, espe­ cially in prac tice of min istry, will be the govern ing cr iterion. Note: Official documents presented for admissio11 or evaluation beaime part of the student 's academicfik and nonnally can­ not be returned or aipied for distribution. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS A. Resident Study Six courses of st udy (six units each) plus a dissertation comprise the basic residency requireme nt. Each course will require signi fi cant prelimi­ nary reading in preparation and a fol­ low-up project at th e conclusion of

Program Director:

DE 875 Selected Topics in Educational Research (1-3) Exploration of selec ted issues led by res ident facultyor visiting professors. DE 879 Readings Seminar (3) Research and wri ting on a topic of the student's choosing. The student is expected to work out, with the profes­ sor's supervision , a detail ed course proposal and bibliography and submit with a Learning Contract. Independent Studies Up to four units of directed study opportunities may be arranged with resident faculty. DE 880 Directed Research (1-4) DE 881 Directed Re.adings (1·4) Internship DE 884 Professional Internship {1 ·3) An opportunity to implement educa­ tional theory into practice in an applied setting. Studen ts may emphasize edu­ cational leadersh ip or teaching , or both. Adetailed growth contract must be developed and approved by th e supervising faculty member, field super­ visor and student, and be filed in the Ed.D. program office prior to receiving a registration signature for the course. Pre-evaluation of the experience will be based on a portfolio of documents, etc., developed by the student during the internship term, as well as formative and summative written evaluations sub­ mitted by the field supervisor and addi­ tional persons identified from the min­ istry context. A minimum of three units is required for all students. The course may be repeated for up to 6 units of credit. Students preparing for college teaching may substitute two of the three required uni ts of internship with an advanced course on teaching. Comprehensive Examination DE 887 Comprehensive Examination (0) Following the completion of all course­ work, or in the final term of coursework, the student completes the various com­ ponents of the Comprehensive Exam. Cenain components must be identified and approved prior to receiving a pre­ registration signature. The student is considered full-time while enrolled for DE 887. Fee: $100. (See the Doctoral Handbook for a detailed explanation.) DE 888 Comprehensive Examination Extension (0) If all components of DE 887 Compre­ hensive Exam have not been success­ full y completed within the semester

for which a studem was enroll ed in DE 887, a stude nt may petiti on the Ed.D. commillee for an extension LO permit one addi ti onal semes ter for complet­ ing the exam. If approved , th e stu­ dent may enroll in DE 888 and will be designated as a part-Lime student fo r studen t load purposes. The Compre­ hensive Exam must be successfully completed within this second semes­ ter, otherwise the stude nt will be with­ drawn from the program. Fee: $300. Dissertation DE 891 Dissertation (3) After successfully completing the Com­ prehensive Exam, the student begins dissertation studies with enrollment in DE 891. Subsequent enrollment in DE 891 for fall and spring terms is continu­ ous and automatic up to four terms of DE 891, for which the student is con­ sidered a full-time student. A studen t must register for at least two terms of DE 891 and must be enrolled in the semester of graduation. DE 892 Continuous Enrollment (0) Continuing students who fail to enro ll for classes wi ll be enrolled under this title. Fee: $100. DE 895 Dissertation Extension (3) If a student has not graduated afte r completing four terms of DE 891 , the student must enroll in DE 895 each fall and spring term until the student graduates. The student will be consid­ ered less than half time. DE 897 Leave of Absence (0) For students who have been granted an official leave of absence from the Ph.D. program. A fee equivalent to one unit of tuition is normallycharged.

Stephen E. Peisner, Ph.D.


"The purpose of the professional doc tora te is to equ ip one for a high leve l of exce llence in the practice of Ministry" (Association of Theo logical Schools, Standards for Accrediting). Th e Talbot Doc tor of Min istry degree in Christi an Leadership is the high est professiona l deg ree for orda ined persons in th e church or related ministri es. It is distinct from the Ph.D. in that its primary emphasis is on the practice of ministry rather than on research and teaching. This program builds on the basic theological degree , the M.Div., or its equivalent, and provides an opportu­ nity for the person in ministry to strengthen abilities and correc t defi­ ciencies. In order to accomplish these ends, the student will be expected to integrate theological education in the context of ministry by demonstrating high levels of competence. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Admission to the Doctor of Min­ istry program will be gran ted on a very selective and individual bas is with the following basic requirements applying to all applications: I. An M.Div. degree or its equiva­ lent from an accredited seminary with a G.P.A. of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale). 2. Aminimum of three years of ful~ time "in minist ry" experience after the student has received the M.Div. degree or its equivalent. The student must be engaged in professional ministry throughout the durationof the program. 3. Completion of such diagnostic and/ or theological tests that the Grad­ uate Committee determines necessary. 4. Written recommendations from the following: a clergy colleague, a denominational official or other recog­ nized Ch ristian leader, a lay person in the congregation , agency or board served by tJ1e applicant, a former pro­ fessor in the fie ld of Christian Ministry and Leadership and if married a letter of support from the applicant's spouse. 5. Apersonal statement of approx­ imately 10 typewritten pages (double­ spaced) detailing ministerial experi­ ence, strength s, weaknesses, and the candidate's personal objectives for the Doctor of Ministry program. 6. A personal interview with the D.Min. director maybe required.


the classroom experience. B. Academic Graduation Requirements

Aminimum grade of "B-" must be maintained in each course acceptable toward completion of the program. A minimum of a "B" (3 .00) average is required for graduation. C. Time Limit For Degree Complete the program in no less than three years and no more than five years. 0. ADissertation Project The student will conduct research and develop a project in his major field of study. The project mayfocus on the writing of a book manuscript, th e research of a critical issue, the develop­ ment of a new program or an in-<lepth case study of a ministry situation. Ordi­ naril y, the minimum length will be IOO pages and the maximum length of 250 pages. Complete information on the Dissertation Project is available from the Doctor ofMinistry office. A schedule of classes is ava ilable upon request. For more information , please contac t: Dr. Stephen E. Peis­ ner, Director of the D.Min. Program, Talbot School of Theology, La Mirada, CA 90639-000 I. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Courses in this section are con­ ducted at the postgraduate level, with enrollment restricted to those who have been granted admission to the D.Min. program at Talbot.

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