Christian churches or organizations. Participants will examine the biblical, th eo logica l, and hi storical deve lop ment of leadership th eory. Various strategies and mode ls for developing leaders in th e context of Chri stian organizations will be revi ewed. OM 837 Multiple Staff Ministry (6)
deve lopment. Parti cipants have th e opportunity to exam ine their leader ship style and 10 del'elop styles through group experi ences and case studi es that will make themmore effective leaders. OM 831 Conflict Management (6) Th e course will lead the student th rough the biblical principles of han dlin g conflict betwee n person s and with in Christi an orga ni zation s and ministries. Models of conflict manage ment will be an alyzed and practical conflict management skills developed. OM 833 Discipleship in the Local Church (6) An in-depth examination of the bibli cal principles, history and methodol ogy of discipleship. The course will emphasize the practical concern of how to develop an ongoing disciple ship program in the local ministry. OM 834 Advanced Church Growth (6) An in-depth look at cross-cultural issues facing churches in the U.S.A. Emphasis will be placed on under standing the mosaic of culture both within the typical Anglo churches and ethnic groups, as well as introducing the potential for chur ch planting. Prerequisite: DM 826. OM 835 Christian Spirituality (6) This course explores the dynamics of spirituality as related to Christian life and ministry. Human development , character development, spiritual war fare , discipleship , spiritual disciplines, and leadership development are important aspects of the course. OM 836 Leadership Development (6) A coursed designed to sharpen under standing of the leadership role in
OM 801 Pastor's Symposium (6) An in-depth study of the vari ed tasks of the contemporary pas tor, with par ticular consideration of hi s rol es as expositor, discipler, evangeli st, coun selor and leader of worship . Pastors who have distinguished themselves as thoughtful practition ers of th e art serve as resource leaders. OM 810 Contemporary Biblical Preaching (6) The goal of the course is to increase a speaker's ability to develop messages which are tme to the biblical text, clear and well--Organized, interesting to listen to, and specifically relevant to the lis tener 's needs. Particular attention is given to "relevancy" anc! "clarity." Stu dents will learn (a) how to determine the specific applications of a biblical pas sage and (b) how to help listeners foUow the unfolding progression of the mes sage. Though su1dents do not preach in clas.s, these practical skills are developed through instruction, examples, group interaction, and personal use. OM 812 Advanced Communication Skills (6) The course will explore creative preaching forms, writing for the ear, and the invisible issues in sermon effectiveness (credibility, seating arrangement, scripture reading, ser mon mood, and persuasion through guilt or fear). Students will combine their efforts to prepare a series of mes sages through a narrative portion of scripture, combining accurate hermeneutics and relevant homiletics. OM 814 Contemporary Issues In Marriage and Family Ministries (6) A course designed to broaden and deepen the pastoral understanding of Christian marriage in the contempo rary world. Emphasis on the sociology of marriage as an institution, the psy chology of intimate relationships, and the nature of love and sexuality. Hus band-wife roles studied in the light of Scripture and the movement toward egalitarian marriage. Attention given to the problems of divorce and remar riage, single parent, blended family and other current issues. OM 817 Biblical Principles of Church Renewal (6) An examination of biblical principles for church life with the aim of spiritual and mission renewal. Course emphases will center on the pastor's style of lead ership, involvement and training of lay leaders, congregational creativity, impacting the community, and preach-
ing style and content , plus the pas tor 's and congrega tion's spiritual life. OM 818 Creative Models of Ministry (6) Th is course ass ists the Christian leader in understanding and usi ng newer mod els of mini stry. Defi nitions , str engths, and wea kn es ses of new models will be analyzed to assist par ti cipants in determining which new models may be appropriate to their own contex t. Change management skills for implementation of newmin istries will be explored. OM 823 Family Living for All Seasons (6) A course designed to provide the pas tor or Christian worker with a devel opmental approach to family living. Exposure to developmental life changes in persons and how change events in life - such as birth of a child, job change, death of parent - can affect marriage and family. (Required for all persons in Marriage and Family Ministries.) OM 826 Dynamics of Church Growth (6) A course designed to understand sci entific principles developed to date in the field of church growth, to cover relevant contemporary literature on the subject and to acquire the basic skills necessary for diagnosing the health of the local church and design ing programs for the future growth . Course is designed to provide labora tory field expe rience in studying church growth . Involves direct research into growing churches in Southern California. (Additional work will be expected outside of class hours during the course.) OM 829 The Pastor as a Crisis Counselor (6) Student will develop skills to help individuals confronting typical crises such as the birth of a child, illness, the loss of a job, marital conflict, career adjustment, bereavement, pre-marital pregnancy, retirement and terminal disease. Attention given to prevention of stress in predictable developmental crises as well as recovery management following a crisis. A combination of clinical exposure, case study and stu dent experience used in this seminar. OM 830 Administrative Leadership In the Local Church (6) A course designed to lead student through a biblical, organizational and psychological understanding of leader ship, motivation, planning, managing conflicts, worker training, evaluation, change principles and organizational
A study of multiple-staff dynami cs for effective team ministry. Explores the roles of both the seni or pas tor and associate staff in developing processes I T-21 that facilitate cooper ative ministry, including: building common vision , key elements of teamwork, communi cation patterns , conflict resolution skills, mutual support , supervisory style, evaluation procedures, spiritual vitality, and issues regarding male female staff relations and the role of office staff. Geared for senior and associate staff members. OM 850 Independent Study (1-6)
A directed individual study whereby the student may do advanced reading or research into an area of special interest. Aproposal must be prepared according to guidelines available in the D.Min . Office and approved by the D.Min. director. OM 890 Dissertation Seminar (6) The study of research methods appro priate to the Doctor of Ministry pro gram. Attention is given to principles and procedures of research design and students produce their disserta tion proposal as the final course proj ect. Prerequisite: Must be taken between the third and fifth courses. OM 899 Dissertation (6) Prescribed for D.Min. students.
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