

■ In a three or four week class, 30% refunded dur­ ing the second week, none thereafter. ■ In fire week cl asses, 58% the second week, 30% the third week, none thereafter. ■ Classes that do not fa ll within the regular session dates will still follow the refund schedul e under the first session. All arranged courses fo llow the refund schedule of the first session. No course may be dropped after its ending date, and no tuiti on will be refunded if a student unofficially wi th draws after the fin al day to officiall y drop a class has passed. Class fees are not refundable after the second dayof the session. Tuition refunds for class changes (where app licable) will be made in the same manner as refunds for withdrawals (i.e., full refund within first two weeks of classes and pro-rated refund after second week until end of eighth week) . All refunds must be requested by properly completing and submitting a departure card or class drop form, the offi­ cial withdrawal date determ ining the amoun t of refund. Class, laboratory, health , insurance, parking, activity and other fees are refundable only if withdrawal is on or before the final date of late registration. Music fees are for private music lessons and are refund­ able in the same manner as tuition , except no refund after the sixth week. OUTSTANDING BALANCES As Biola is an educational institution, any balance owing on a student's account is an extension of credit by the Univer­ sity and is considered an educational loan within the meaning of section 523 (a) (8) of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. If a loan becomes in default, Biola may disclose the default, along with other relevant information, to credi t bureau organizations and tum the educational loan over to a coll ection agency for collection. Should this action be instituted by the University, there will be additi ona l charges for reasonable co ll ection of the balance due. All transcripts and diplomas shall be with­ held until the outstanding amount is paid in full. An account is considered paid in full when all checks clear the bank. REFUNDS- OVERPAYMENT Payments to student accounts which result in a credit bal­ ance will be refunded upon request, or in accordance with cash management regulations as required by federal regula­ tions for students having federal aid. Requests for adjustments to charges must be made within four months from the date of the student's statement on which the charge first appears. FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION It is the desire of Biola University, within the limits of its resources , to provide financial assistance to students with demonstrated need, especially those who, without such aid, would not be able to attend Biola. The Financial Aid Office provides counseling and assis­ tance to students and their families in structuring the most appropriate package of financial aid. The University is commit­ ted to locating sufficient financial aid to permit enrollment of every student wishing to attend. This commitment is based on

scripts (official and unofficial) are withheld if a student has an outstanding obligation to the University or is in defau lt on any government based loans. All payments to a student 's account after enrollment should be addressed as follows: Accounting Department Biola University 13800 Biola Aven ue La Mirada, CA 90639-0001 In addition, to insure timel y processing, the swdent name and ID number must be clearl ynoted on all payments. A student is not registered and cannot attend classes until sati sfactory financial arrangements have been made with the Student Accounting Office. REFUNDS - WITHDRAWAL Inasmuc.h as facu lty engagements and other commitments are made by the Un iversity for the entire year in advance, the following refund schedule has been established in order that the University and the student may share the loss equitably when it is necessary for a student to withdraw from school : Fall and Spring Semester Refund Policy Withdrawal within the first two weeks of classes: I. Tuition - full amount , less enrollment deposit (stu­ dents with six or fewer units, $25; auditors, $20). 2. Room - end of the month in which the student offi­ ciall ychecks out of the residence hall. Withdrawal after the second week and before the end of the eighth week of classes (except for special programs): I. Tuition - pro-rated as of encl of week in which stu­

dent withdraws. Week 3 - 80% Week 6- 60%

Week 4 - 74% Week 7- 54%

Week 5 - 67%

Week 8 - 47% Week 9- (first-lime students receivingfedeml aid) - 40% 2. Room - end of the month in which the student offi- ciallychecks out of the residence hall. Withdrawals after eighth week of classes: I. Tuition - no refund. 2. Room - end of the month in which the student offi­ cially checks out the residence hall. First-time students receiving Federal Student Financial Assistance are subject to the Statutory Pro Rata Refund as prescribed by federal law. /nterterm and Summer Session Refund Policy I. Room and Board is pro-rated to the end of the week of official withdrawal. 2. $25 of the tuition charge is considered a registration fee and is non-refundable. 3. Official withdrawal from Summer Session must be made through the Registrar 's Office. Refund rates are determined by the date in which the written request for registration change or withdrawal was made. Refunds are subject to the following schedule: ■ First week - comp lete refund, except $25 registration fee . ■ In a two week course - no refund the second week.

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