CHRISTIAN •=l•J•X-t·iH•j:t Chair: Richard J. Leyda, Ed.D. FACULTY Professors: Anthony, Dirks, Issler Assoc iate Professors: Garland, Lawson, Leyda Assistant Professo r: Cunni ngham OBJECTIVES The aim of th e departme nt of
tional ministry as a discipline, renecting on the tradition we have inherited and considering th e changing ministry scene. Also includes an investiga tion of current practices of ministry through an analytical perspective. Designed to help the minister evaluate ministry pro grams and respond with remed ial or en ri chment strateg ies. Required of M.A.C.E. , M.Div. (C.E. non-thesis) stu dents. Offered spring semester. CE 623 Theological Foundations and Issues In Christian Education (2) Examines the biblical/theological foun- dations fo r educational ministry from an evangelical perspective, and a variety of theological issues impacting its prac- tice in the past, presen t, and future. Required in Accelerated M.A.C.E. pro-
CE 570 Special Studies in Christian Education (2) Designed for student s wh o desire a specific course coment not COl"ered in any of th e regularl y offered classes . May be take n twi ce with differen t emph asis. Content will differ based on need/ interes t. Poss ible requ ired fee. Admi ss ion to course by advisor approval. By arrangement. CE 591 Teaching Mini stry Practicum (1) Structured experiences in teaching of the Bible in chu rch or paraclrnrch vocati ona l se tt ings. Re lates to develop ment of speakin g sk ill s requi red in professional min istry positions. Lesson preparati on and presenta tion are emphasized. Requir ed of M.A.C.E. students with limi ted minist ry experi ence. OITered fall/ spri ng. CE 592 Ministry Leadership Practicum (1) Structured exper iences in leadership in a church or parachurch voca tional setting. Emph asizes applicati on of leadership and management skills to ministr y situation s. Required of M.A.C.E. students wit h limit ed min istry experience. OITered fall/s pring. CE 600 Educational Ministry in the Church (3) Analysis of ministries of edi fi ca tion as they relate to the personal , the congre gational and the administrative aspects of mini stry with peop le of all ages. Focus is on the explanation of various methods and resources ava ilable fo r ministry and on the development of individual skills in communicating and leading in th ese ministries. Required of M.A (Min.), M.A (B./ T.S.), and M.Div. students. Offered fall/s pring. CE 612 Missionary Education (2) Objectives, programming, ac ti,1Lies and administrative methods of implement ing a programof missionary education. Investiga tion into the auxil iary organ i zation of the church's educa tional pro gram through whi ch mi ss ions are taught. Elective. Byarrangement CE 616 Principles of Curriculum Development (2) Consideration of essent ial elemen ts in curriculum formation. lmensive study of var ied ex isting curricula. Analys is of contemporary trends in curriculum production. Electi ve. Prerequisite: CE 521. Offered In tertcrm/ summer. CE 622 Philosophy of Ministry (3)
cept, human nature, social deve lop ment, and personality deve lopment. Discussion of major theories and theo ri sts of psychology. Integrati on of the ology and psyc hology an emphasis . Req uir ed of M.A.C.E. students. Offered fall semester. CE 543 Counseling Adolescents and Their Parents (3) An overview of the issues related to providi ng pastoral counseling to ado lescents and their parents in cluding addictive behavioral problems, abnor mal developmen tal concerns, inter ve ntion and enrichment counse li ng and awareness of when and to whom to refer adolescents for professional therapy. Required of M.A. in Youth Ministry. Offered fa ll , even years. CE 552 Life Span Development in Ministry (3) A survey of human deve lopment research with attention given to physi cal, cognitive , socio-emotional, moral, and faith aspects as they relate to spiri tual deve lopment of the individual and the family as a basis for a holistic Christi an education ministry. Required of M.A.C.E. and M.A. in Min . (Pastoral Emphasis) students . Offered spring semester. CE 555 Para-church Youth Ministry (2) Focus on the var ious types of para church ministry to junior high and high school age students available. Includes principles which make para-church yo uth ministry different fr om loca l church youth ministry and principles fo r beginning a new para-church cam pus club. Elective. Byarrangement CE 562 Personal and Interpersonal Development (3) Emphasis on personal and interper sonal growth through individual assignments and small group interac tions. Opportunitygiven for spiritual, physical, emotional, mental and rela tional development. Required of two year M.A.C. E. students. Offered spring semester. CE 566 Youth Group Development and Programming (2) A step by step approach to the build ing of a youth group and developing a yearly youth group ministry program. Emphasis may be on either junior high or high school age group and course will contain an emphasis on development of community within the group. Required of M.A. in Youth Ministry. Offered spring, odd years.
Christian educat ion is that of develop ing Christian educators who un de r stand the significance of an educational ministry and who possess the skills nec essary to fun ction as Christian educa tors. To this end, course offerings have been designed to blend theo ry and practice. Most electi_ve courses are designed for tracking to accommodate the student's vocational specialization. COURSES CE 511 Foundations ol Leadership (3) Investigation into leadership theory and practice lead ing to the deve lop ment of a bibliocentric philosophy of leadership; practi ce in basic leader ship skills; study of application of con cepts in the church and para-church agencies. Elective. By arrangement. CE 512 Education Administration (3) An analysis of administrative princi ples and processes as they apply to the church and para-church agencies. Special attention to the relation of administrative functi ons and min istry. Required of M.Div. (C.E.), M.A Min . (C.E.), and M.A.C.E. students. Offered spring semes ter. CE 514 Women and Men in Christian Ministry (2) An investigation of the role of women and men in ministry and leadership in the light ofSaipture. Also includes a dis cussion of issues men and women in the ministry face when working together. Elective. Offered spring, even years. CE 518 Staff Development (2) An in-depth look at issues surrounding the development, supervision, and sup port of volunteer staff as well as the dynamics of multiple-staff ministry and ways to enhance the work of ministry ieams. Required in Accelerated MAC.E. program. Offered spring, odd years. CE 521 Psychological Foundations ol Christian Ministry and Lifestyle (3) Investigation into the major issues of educational psychology and human development, including developmen tal theories, learning theories, motiva tion , individual differences, self-con-
I T- 23
gram. Offered fall , odd years. CE 624 Child Development and Teaching I (Birth-Age 5) (2)
A study of the deve lopment of the child from birth to age 5 with an emp hasis on the development of elTective educational approaches and teac hing processes that encourage moral , cognitive, and social develop ment , and growt h in kn owledge of and faith in God. Required of Chil dr en's Ministry Specialization stu den ts. Offered spring, even years. CE 626 Child Development and Teaching II (Ages 6-12) (2) Astudy of the development of the child from ages ~12 with an emphasis on the development of effective educational approaches and teaching processes that encourage moral, cognitive, and social development, and growth in knowl edge of and faith in God. Required of Chi ldren's Ministry Specialization stu
den ts. Offered spring, odd years. CE 633 Principles of Research (2)
Basic methods of educational research with assessment of each method for use in religious education. Introduction to statistical measurements. Formulation and implementation of research projects in ministry situations. One hour lecture and one hour laboratory required per week. Required of all M.AC.E. students. Offered fall semester. CE 635 Models of Children's Ministry (2) An exploration and assessment of vari ous contemporary approaches to chil dren's ministry, from bi rth to age 12. Includes practice in the development of ministry strategies involving family, com munity , and church resources. Required of Children's Ministry Special ization students. Offered fall , odd years.
Investigation into the theo logical, hi:; torical, and philosophical foundations which underli e Chr isti an mini stry. Examines the devel opment of educa-
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