

CE 636-637 Independent Study (1 ·2, 1·2) In-depth investi gat ion of a topic under the guidance of the Christian education department using standard research procedures. Topic selection and course enrollment is by advisor 's approval. Elective. By arrangement. CE 638 Current Trends in Christian Education (2) Identifyi ng and understanding those issues which are of primary concern Lo the field of Christian education today. Opportunity will be provided for indi­ vidual and group research in areas of personal concern. The course will investigate current educational trends, alternative church education patterns and new forms of _ministry. Elective. By arrangement. CE 644 Music In the Church (2) The place of music in the church's program. Criteria for the selection of appropriate music. Techniques for leading music and teaching various groups. The relationship of music to worship, instruction and fellowship. Elective. By arrangement. CE 646 Current Trends in Children's Ministry (2) Examines contemporary movements and trends in children's ministry. Addresses legal, social, and administrative issues sur­ rounding the practice of children's min­ istry today. Offered fall, even years. CE 648 Current Trends In Youth Ministry (2) Emphasis on trends and issues related to life on a contemporary junior high or high school public school campus. Includes principles for development of relationships between the youth minister and local school administra­ tors which will enable both to func­ tion effectively. Also contains princi­ ples for blending students from pub­ lic, parochial and Christian campuses into your youth group. Elective. Offered spring, even years. CE 649 lnstruclional Technology (2) Development and administration of media for ministry. Uses of the com­ puter, print, audio, video, mixed media and multimedia technology for promotion, education and motivation. Elective By arrangement. CE 661 Adolescent Culture and Development (2) Finding and meeting adolescent needs, writing objectives for youth ministry, leadership of learning experiences and outreach experiences, disciple-building and review of available resources.

part of a larger discipleship ministry. Offered fall, even years. CE 724 Advanced Methods of Educational Instruction (2) Consideration given to th e various philosophies of education, theories of learning, and the factors that influence learning. Emphasis given to becoming a more effective teacher. Variables in motivation , retention , transfer and high level thinking will be discussed. A supervised classroom teaching experi­ ence is required. Prerequisite: CE 461 or its equivalent, or by permission of the professor. Required of Th.M. stu• dents. Offered spring semester. CE 725 Formation of Moral Character (2) Analysis of critical issues related to character and habit formation and the practice of moral education for Christ­ ian education. Opportunity for stu­ dents to develop character formation plans as part of a larger discipleship ministry. Offered spring, odd years. CE 727 Faith Development (2) Analysis of current theories and mod­ els of faith development and how it is enhanced in family and congrega­ tional ministry settings. Focuses on the application of faith development theories to the practice of ministry across the lifecycle. By arrangement. CE 791-792 Educational Practicum (1, 1) Directed experiences in educational ministries conducted through a local church. Praxis in leadership for major educational functions for various age levels. Aminimum of 100 hours field involvement per semester. Prerequi­ site: 48 units of class work. Required of, and limited to , M.Div. students majoring in C.E. Offered fall/spring.

CE 692 Practicum in Ministry II (1) Structured experiences in a C.E. min­ istry fi eld site with an approved super­ visor focusing on leade rship develop­ ment including assessing needs, set· ting goals, planning strategy, imple­ mentin g programs and eval uatin g programs. Course may be repeated. For those with equi va lent of two yea rs full-Lim e ministry expe ri ence . Required of th e M.A.C.E. and M.A.

Development of personal plans for ministry. Required of M.A. Youth Min­

istry. Offered fall, even years. CE 663 Youth Education and Leadership (2)

Emphasis on the leadership role in the local church, college campuses and mis­ sion fi eld . Development of a yo uth leadership program within the local church. Studyof extra-church organiza­ tions and parent-Leen relationships and ministry emphasized. Required of M.A. Youth Ministry. Offered fall, odd years. CE 675 Family Life Education in the Local Church (3) Objectives, organization and administra­ tion of a program of family life education in the local church. Includes an analysis of current trends in family life education. Required of M.A. Min. (M.F.M.) stu­

Min. Offered spr ing semester. CE 710 Christian Spirituality (2)

This course exp lores the means to deve loping a deep relationship with God. Based on scriptural teaching about knowing God, it is geared partic­ ularly for those preparing for or engaged in Christian ministry. Consid­ ers barriers that hinder us and what spiritual disciplines and practices may be used to nurture a deeper friendship with God. Offered spring, even years. CE 716 Ministry to Single Adults (2) Investigation of single adult ministries in the context of the local church. Emphasis in the development of an effective single adult ministry. Various proven and experimental models of sin­ gle adult ministries will be examined. Elective. Offered spring, odd years. CE 723 Friendship and Community: Contexts for Growth (2) A study of Christian community and close friendship relationships from both theological and social science perspec­ tives. Concepts to be studied include: friendship , justice and vengeance, for­ giveness, church discipline, accountabil­ ity. Students will develop a proactive model for nurturing community as a

dents. Offered fall, odd years. CE 678 Adult Development and Education (2)

A study of issues and developmental tasks of adults. Attention Lo the min­ istry of meeting the needs and utiliz­ ing the potential of adults. Elective. Offered spring. CE 681 Development of Youth Speaker Skills (2) Emphasis on the package of skills neces­ sary to become an effective youth speaker. Includes the various types of speaking such as; evangelistic, discipling, teaching, preaching, testimony, story• telling and more. Class will enable the student to evaluate his/ her potential for this area of ministry and to sharpen those skills during the semester. Elec­

tive. Offered spring, even years. CE 683 Camp Leadership (2)

The philosophy, objectives, adminis­ tration, program and leadership of a church-related camp. The use of wor­ ship, study, crafts, recreation and counseling in church camping. Inves­ tigation into trends of camping, cen• tralized and decentralized camping. Techniques in planning and directing a camp program, including counselor training. Elective. Offered lntert­ erm/summer. CE 691 Practicum in Ministry I (1) Structured field experience in a C.E. ministry field site with an approved supervisor focusing on the develop­ ment of students' spiritual gifts and personal skills applied to teaching the Bible. For those with equivalent of two years full-time ministry experience. Required of the M.A.C.E. and M.A. Min. Fee: $20. Offered fall semester.

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