PT 696 Internship (1-2) Directed experience in preparation , enrichment, equipping and remedial ministries in selected churches. May be taken for a maximum of four units. Prerequisite: PT 707. Req uired of M.A. P C.C. maJors in th eir 2nd, 3rd or 4th semesters. PT 703 The Church and Society (3) A study of biblical ethics and the role the local church plays in the commu nity. Special attention will be given to major social problems such as sanctity of life, chemical abuse, domestic violence, social ills , and the political process. Required of M.A. P.C.C., all M.Div. except mission and urban ministries. PT 706 Personal Foundations of Ministry (2) Focused on the importance of self understanding for spiritual and emo tional well-being as well as effective ministry to hurting people, an investiga tion of the impact of personal and fam ily history on theological outlook, emo tional congruence, relational attrac tions and moral decisions. Several per sonal assessments as well as one or more therapy sessions are an integral part of this course. Required of M.Div., and M.A students. Test fee: $5. PT 706L Personal Foundations Lab (0) Continued weekly meeting in the small group you developed in PT 706 to work on issues and minister to each other as you work to apply the concepts you were exposed to the previous semester and are are being exposed to in current courses. Lab section to be taken in the immediate semester following PT 706 and is arranged with the professor. Grading on a Credit/No Credit basis. Required of all M.Div., M.A students. Fee: A fee equivalent to one semester hour of tuition is required. PT 707 Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counseling (2) The development of relationship skills as a foundation for helping ministries, and the setting of limits of ability as a founda tion for referrals. Secondly, exploration of a short-term structure model of pas toral counseling. Finally, an overview of issues presented to pastors and perspec tives on ministry to people struggling with these issues. Required of M.Div. and M.A students, except TAPH, TMTR PT 708 Advanced Pastoral Counseling (3) Focused on developing counseling skills needed beyond relationships to assist helpees to deal with physical , relational , spiritual, emotional and moral reality.
PT 625 Issues in Asian-American Ministry (2)
PT 604 Pastoral Care & Chaplaincy (3) Study of minisuy to the physica lly, emo tionally or relationally sick, crisis min istry, and ministry to the dying and bereaved. Th e spec ial natur e and demands of hospital and military chap laincy and hospice minisuy will also be studied. Prerequisite: PT 707. Required
Chair: Mick Boersma, Ed.D. FACULTY
A research and disrnss ion based sympo sium addressing ,;irious issues related to pastoral minisuy within the As ian Amer ican context. Among the many issues addressed are inter-generat iona l, theo logical, and ministry philosophy co n cern s. Rrcolllmc:ndccl for all students in1 erested in or currently in vo lved with Asian Ame ri can Ministries. Elec tive. PT 626 Group Counseling Leadership (3) Learn group leadersh ip skills that can be applied to va rious contexts includ ing church, cmmseling and commu nity. Course focuses on content and skills development and you will actually lead a new group with supervision pro vided through the course. Required of M.A. Minisuy and P.C.C. students. PT 627 Premarital Preparation and Counseling (2) Counseling techniques applied to dat ing and courtship , engagement and premarital adjustments. Principles and structures of premarital counseling are stressed and demonstrated. Emphasis on the use ofTJTA, Prepare and Family History analysis. Prerequisite: PT 706 or permission of professor. Required of M.A.C.E. Reduced Program stu
Professors: McIntosh, Sunukjian Associate Professors: Boersma, Johnson, Peisner, Ten Elshof OBJECTIVES The purpose of the Christian Min istry and Leadership department is to prepare the student for three areas of service: to lead the body of Christ in worship; to lead and equip Christians to build up one another; and to train them to reach their community for Christ. COURSES PT 510 Evangelism and Follow-Up (3) The biblical principles and practice of evangelism and discipleship. The class will seek to develop the skills of per sonal evangelism, determine strategies for a discipleship ministry, and explore the theory and practice of small group ministries. Required of M.Div., and M.A (B/T.S. emphasis) students. PT 521 Computer & Internet Technology for Ministry (2 ) This course is designed to introduce students to resources for creative min istry currently available through com puter and Internet technologies. Stu dents will learn how to use the Inter net for study, research and interactive communication, aod the computer for desktop publishing, PowerPoint presentations, and various multimedia applications. Elective. PT 591 Introduction to Field Education (1) Introduction into the practical elements of ministry. Emphasis will be placed on career planning, field experience and preparation for Field Education Intern ship in the M.Div. program. Required ofM.Div. students. Lab fee: $40. PT 592 Fleld Education (0) Weekly involvement in ministry with satisfactory completion of student's self-evaluation form, supervisor's eval uation form and pastoral interview form. Required of M.Div. students. PT 602 Pastoral Ministry (3) Astudy of a pastor's call, purpose, and role in ministry. Special attention will be given to providing leadership in worship, music, ordinances, weddings, funerals, and hospital and home visita tion. The priority and care of ministe rial staff families will be addressed as well as community relations. Required of M.Div. (Pastoral and Gen eral Ministries, Christian Education).
of M.Div. P.C.C. and MA PC.C. PT 609 Expository Preaching (3)
The process of preparation that results in sermons that are biblicallyaccurate , easy to follow, interesting to listen to and relevant to contemporary needs. Required of M.Div. and M.A.(Min.)
students. Prerequisite: BE 517. PT 61 O Contemporary Biblical Preaching (3)
A study of factors leading to preaching effectiveness, including: creative preach ing forms, speaker credibility, listener motivation, auditorium size and shape, filing systems and organizing the work week. Required of M.Div. (Pastoral and General Ministries; Evangelism and Dis cipleship). Prerequisite: PT 609. PT 611 Practical Theology Seminar (1-2) Discussion of one or more facets of the ministry with an emphasis on serv ing in the local church. Elective. PT 614 Church Growth and Church Planting in the USA (3) A study of the biblical principles and practices for church growth and church planting in the North American con text. Special emphasis placed on defin ing current trends and contemporary models of ministry. Elective. PT 617 The Pastor and Music (2) A study in the theory and practice of church music, an analysis of contem porary music and the development of basic skills in leading congregational
dents. Offered fall, even years. PT 628 Marital Counseling (3)
Explores the foundations of marriage and marital conflict from Scriptural and psychological perspectives. Reviews approaches to counseling and explores change and growth procedures and skills. Prerequisite: PT 707. Required of M.Div. (P C.C) and MA Min. (M.F.M.). PT 632 Foundations of Women 's Ministries (2) This course is designed to prepare a stu dent to validate, develop and maintain a Biblical , contemporary ministry to women in the local church. Issues such a philosophy of ministry, life stages of women, leadership development, cur rent and future trends and program development will be addressed. Required of M.A. Women's Ministries. PT 691 Field Education (0) Weekly involvement in ministry with satisfactory completion of student 's self-evaluation form , supervisor 's eva~ uation form and lay leader's interview form. Required of M.Div. students. PT 692 Field Education (0) Weekly involvement in ministry with satisfactory completion of student ' s self-evaluation form , supervisor 's eval uation form and sermon eva luation form. Required of M.Div. students.
singing and worship. Elective. PT 618 Psychopathology and Assessment (3)
An overview of various models of psy chopathology and introduction to some of the tools of personality assessment with the goal of being able to determine which people to work with and which to refer to other helpers with more specia~ ized training. Elective. PT 620 Principles and Practice of Worship (2) Exploration of biblical, psychological, practical, historical and contemporary dimensions of Christian worship. Elective.
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