

Secondly, focused on developing skills needed to assist helpees to take respon­ sibility for their own lives and grow on to ministry. Finally, over.1ewof theoret­ ical approaches to counseling. Prereq­ uisite: IT 707. Required of M.Div. and M.A (P.C.C. ) students. PT 711 Advanced Sermon Preparation (2) A skill-refinement practicum in the essentials of expositor y preaching, including evaluation of off-campus pulpit ministry. Prerequisites: PT 609, 610. Elective. PT 715 Principles and Ethics of Communication (2) An explanation of the principles of communication and how they effect learning and change. An examina­ tion of the ethical issues of persuasion such as emotional appeals , use of guilt, fear and personalities. Elective. PT 717-718 Research Seminar (1-2) In-depth investigation of a topic under the guidance of the Christian Ministry and Leadership department using standard research procedures. Topic selection and course enrollment is by department approval. Elective. PT 721 Pastoral Skill Development (2) Combining of classroom experience with field trips to jails, prisons, hospitals, san~ tariums and various self-help groups. Exposure to the problems of humanity and specialists who work with those prob­ lems. Prerequisite: IT 602. Elective. PT 722 Small Group Discipleship (3) An examination of the role of small groups in the local church for develop­ ing biblical community. Emphasis is placed on understanding interpersonal relationships, character development and skills for organizing and leading a small group ministry. Elective. PT 725 Counseling Troubled Families (3) Acomparison of positive and negative family systems in Scripture, in theory and in church life. The development of a team approach to intervention, enrichment and equipping for min­ istry to families. Prerequisite: IT 628, 706, 707 or their equivalents. Required of M.Div., (P.C.C.) , (M.F.M.) , M.A. (P.C.C.) and M.A Min. (M.F.M.) students. Elective. PT 726 Creative Preaching (2) An exploration of several ways to pro­ claim God 'sWord such as topical, tex­ tual , inductive, dialogical, dramatic narrative, evangelistic and life situa­ tion preaching. Prerequisites: IT 609, 610. Elective.

PT 728 Mentoring in Ministry (3) Study and prac tice of mentoring in the context of ministry and prepara­ tion for ministry. Student s will be exposed to mentoring in a variety of contexts and distill the most impor­ tant processes of mentoring for min­ istry. The major proportion of th e course wi ll put students into the prac­ tice of mentoring wh ere mentoring processes can be experienced fir st hand. Elective. BySignature only. PT 730 Biblical Leadership and Management (3) The biblical basis for organizational management and leadership. Exami­ nat ion of the process of planning, organizing, leading and supporting from a biblical basis and made appli­ cable to Christian service and min­ istry. Required of M.Div. (Pastoral and General Ministries). PT 734 Church Finance and Administration (2) An examination of the biblical principles of stewardship, fund raising and financial accountability. Office and physical plant administration as well as the use of the computer will be addressed. Prerequi­ site: IT 730. Elective. PT 740 Issues & Ethics in Ministry (2) Astudy of the ethical issues unique to the pastor, his family and the congre­ gation. An examination of theological and psychological aspects of pastoral care, including ethical issues, network­ ing with other health care profession­ als, management of the practice of church discipline, and equipping of the laity for pastoral ca re ministries. Required ofM.Div. , and M.A (P.C.C. ). PT 750 Directed Study (1-4) Reading and research in selected areas of study. PT 760 Seminar (1-3) Selected topics in the field of ministry. May be repeated with different content. PT 774 The Family of the Christian Leader (2) A consideration of the special and unique challenges faced by vocational Christian workers and their families. Includes all phases of occupational Christian ministry. Elective. PT 775 Parent Education In Ministry (2) Review of the history of parenting, biblical injunctions and models of par­ enting, and current research on par­ enting. Then the development of par­ ent education modules for confer­ ences, seminars, workshops, learning groups or preaching series.

Elective for Th .M. students; others by departmental permiss ion. PT 807 Integration of Psychology and Theology (3) A survey of the different approaches, models and attitudes for the integra­ tion of psychology and theology. Elec­ ti ve for Th .M. stud ents; others by departmental permi ssion. (Cross listed with RSTP 721. ) PT 880 Directed Research (1-3) In-depth investigation of a topic under the guidance of the Christian Ministry and Leadership department using standard research procedures. Topic selection and course enrollment is by department approval. Elective. PT 891-892 Research Seminar (3,2) Discussion and application of the cen­ tral areas of Christian Ministry and Leadership research and related fields of study. Instruction in research methodology, including the identifica­ tion of a problem, the steps taken to resolve it, and writing the results.

PT 791-792 Field Internship (2, 2) Int eg rat ion of all the di sc iplines of mini stry and se minary education . It provides super.•ised experien ce in var­ ious ph ases of Chri stian mini str y. One hundred hours of field experi­ ence each semes ter are evaluated in classroom interacti on. Required of M.Di v. (Pastora l and Ge neral Min­ istri es, Evangeli sm and Disc ipl eship, Marriage and Famil y) stud ents. (Christian Education students see CE 791-792; Urban Ethnic Ministries stu­ dents see CL 791-792. ) Prerequisites: PT 602, 708; completion of 64 hours of the M.Div. program. PT 802 Spiritual Conflicts and Counseling (2) A study of the conflict between the kingdom of darkness and the king­ dom of light with an emphasis on the authority, power, protection as well as the vulnerability of the believer. The techniques of counse ling the spiritu­ ally afflicted are also considered.

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