ministri es i11 this age 10 the individual believe r and the rh111 ch. Elec1ive. TH 712 Current Theological Iss ues (2) A11 i11 1ensi re stud~· of the though1 of parti rn lar co11 te mporarv th eo logians, pro mi11 e111 theological or theolog i ca ll y signifi cant r1hiral issues i11 th e light of bibli ca l rt'rci:uio11 . Electire. TH 717 Theology ot Human Nature (2) Explorati on of key areas relating to the nature of man from both a theological and psychologica l perspec tive; the bib li cal nature of man in comparison to teaching theori es of human develop ment. The meani ng and significance of man crea ted in the image of God; nature and dynami cs of sin which lead to sins or psycholog ica l maladjust ment s; prac ti cal app lica ti on of the above concepts to the areas of personal growth and dis cipl e, education and chil d rearin g an d church mini stry. Team taught byfawlt ywith strength in theology and psychology. Prerequisite: TH 512, or equirale 11t. Requi red of reduced M.A.C.E. students. Elective. TH 718 Theology of Christian Nurture (2) Designed for th e student with bac k ground in the biblica l a11d theological knowledge of sot eriology. Co11sidera tion of the nature of personal trans formation in rege nera tion, the means and dynami cs of nurture in cl udin g th e relat ion of cog 11i1i ve and re la ti onal aspects. Exami11 a1i on of th e nature of spiriwal maturity and its relation to psychological maturity and hindran ces to growt h. Team taught by faculty with stre11gth in theology and psycho logy. Prerequi sit e: TH 5I2, 613 or equi val ent. Required of reduced M.A.C.E. s1mlents. Elective . TH 720 The Theology and Practice of Prayer (2) A study of th e bibl ica l th eology of prayer including its meaning, purpose and prac ti ce . Electire. TH 724 Eschatological Problems (2) Typical exegeti cal a11d doctrinal prob lems in the area of Ilib le prophecy. Lectures, assigned problems with writ ten and class room reports , diswssion and library research. Elective. TH 725 The Dispensational System (2) An intensive study of that system of biblical interpretat io n known as di1r pensati onali sm; it s hi stori cal back ground , modern fo rm and objections. Emphasizing primary theological and exegetical iss ues o r di sagreement between dispensati onal and non-di1r pensational positions. Elective.
TH 728 Theological Systems (2) Seve ral maJor theol og ical syst ems of thought emph as izing those wi th in the Prote stant pe rspec ti ve, but also including sign ificant Roman Catho lic and Jewish systems. Elective. TH 729 The Theology of the Gospels (2) An examination of the th eological teaching ofJesusas recorded in the four gospel narratives. Special allention is paid to the chronological development of themes taught by Christ in the light of His presentation and rejection. (Cross listed with NT 729). Elective. TH 730 Pauline Theology (2) The main themes of Paul's doctrine from the biblical theological perspec tive . (Cross lis ted with NT 759). Pre requisite: NT 501-502. Elective . TH 740 The Doctrine of the Atonement (2) A study of the biblical meaning and significance of the aton ing work of Ch ri st including a surveyof the signifi cant historical interpretations of the doctrine. Elective. TH 751 Theology of Mission (3) An introduct ion to theology of mis sions that focuses on the biblical bas is for mission. This study seeks to exam ine the motives, aims and methods of mission from both the Hebrew Bib le and the New Testament. TH 761 Directed Study (1-4) Supervised reading and research in selected areas of systematic theology. Elective. TH 771 Theology Seminar (1-4) The study of selected areas of system ati c or biblical theology. May be repeated for credit with different con tent. Elective. TH 802 Millennial Views (2) A careful and intensive study of the three main eschatological views rela tive to the millennium; the historical and biblical strength of the premillen nial system; consideration of the lead ing amillennial writings . A detailed analysis of the four positions relative to the time of the rapture; a biblical and theological defense of the pretribul a tional view, with exeges is of crucial passages of Scripture. Prerequisite: TH 614. Elective for Th.M. students; others bydepartmental permission. TH 806 Theology Seminar (1-4) Selected problems in the fields of sy1r tematic or biblical theology. Elective for Th.M. students; others by depart mental permission.
tion including the person and work of th e Sp irit. Spec ial emph as is on th e practice of sanctificati on in personal Christian livin g. Required of M.Div. and M.A. studen ts. TH 614 Theology IV - The Church and Last Things (3) Astudyof the broad kingdom purpose of God and the future events re lated to the destiny of his tory and ind ividu als including Christ's second com ing in its phases, the millenni al reign of Christ , the resurrections , the judg ments and eternal state. The incep tion and nature of the church, both as a living organism and an organization, its function, ordinances and place and mission in God's purpose. Required
Chair: Alan Gomes, Ph .D. FACULTY Distinguished Professo r: Saucy Professors: Holloman, Issler Associate Professor: Gomes OBJECTIVES
It is the purpose of the emphasis of theology to give the student a thorough grasp of the great doct rin es of the Christian fai th . Based upon the Scrip ture as the ultimate source of authority the doctrines are developed through the systemat ic examination and integra tion of relevant Scriptures with consid eration given to doctrinal interpreta tions throughout church history. Along with the acquisition of a knowl edge of the theological doctrines of the Scriptures, it is the goal of the depart ment to develop in the students a facil ity which will allow them to continue their own theological development COURSES TH 511 Theology I- Introduction: Revelation and Nature of God (3) The nature, method and rationale of Christian theology. Revelation , both general and special, inspiration , canon icity and illumination of Scripture. The doctrine of God, including His exis tence, attributes and Trinitarian nature. Required of M.Div. and M.A. students. TH 512 Theology II - Works of God, Angels, Man and Sin (3) God 's eternal plan including His king dom purpose and redemptive focus; His work of creation and continued activity within creat ion. The ange ls, both good and evil; including their origin, present state, work and destiny. Creation of mankind in God 's image, human nature, the fa ll and the effect of sin upon human ity. Human life in relation to the divine institutions of the family and civil government. Required of M.Div. and M.A. students. TH 61 0 Advanced Theology (3) An in-<lepth study of the major theo logical issues in the areas of bibliology, theology proper , anthropology , hamartiology, soteriology. This course is specifically designed for those stu dents who receive reduction in theol ogy due to prior studies. Required of M.Div. and M.A. students who are not required to take TH 512 and TH 613. TH 613 Theology Ill - Christ, Salvation and the Spirit (3) The person and saving work of Christ. The nature and applicat ion of salva-
I T-27
of M.Div. and M.A. students . TH 700 The Doctrine of God (2)
Advanced study of the reality, attributes and Triune nature of God . Includes discussion of the human knowledge and the nature of encounter with God.
Prerequisite: TH 51 I. Elective. TH 701 Christian Spirituality (2)
Th is course exp lores the means to developing a deep relationship with God. Based on scriptural teaching about knowing God, it is geared partin~ larlyfor those preparing for or engaged in Christian ministry. Considers barri ers that hinder us and what spir itual di1r ciplines and practices may be used to nurture a deeper friendship with God. TH 702 Advanced Blbliology (2) Intensive study of revelation, inspira tion, inerrancy and authority in the light of contemporary issues. Prereq uisite: TH 51 I. Elective. TH 707 Roman CatholicTheology (2) A detailed study of th e tene ts of Roman Catholicism; read in g from representative Roman Catholic li tera ture; particular attention give n to the distinctions between Roman Catholic and Protestant doctrines. Especially helpful for those contemplat ing mi1r sionary service in countries dominated by Roman Catholicism. Elective. TH 709 Contemporary Theology (2) The study of contemporary theologi cal positions, including a survey of the philosophical and theological thought leading up to the present scene. Required of M.A. (Th.) and Th .M. (Systematic Theology) students. TH 710 Pneumatology (2) The person and work of the Hol y Spirit both in the Old and New Testa ments with particular attention to His
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