TS 573 Reformation Church History (3) W. Robert Godfri:y, Ph.D. Astudyof the deve lopment of the the ology, the piety and the churches of the Reformation against the backdrop of the social, political and intellectual character of the 16th century. TS 574 The History of the Church Since the Reformation (3) Garth M. Rosel~ Ph.D. The course is designed to provide the student with a bas ic introduction to the development of th e Christian church since the time of the Protes- tant Reformation to the present day. TS 575 The History of Christianity in America (3) John D. Hannah, Th.D., Ph.D. A study of the Protestant churches in America from colonial beginnings to the present with emphas is on th e numerous influences that have forged the current religious scene. TS 576 The Theology of Jonathan Edwards (3) john H. Gerstner, Ph,.D. An examination of the theology of Jonathan Edwards in detail. Taking a topical approach , the course covers Edwards' teachings regarding all the major points of Systematic Theology with particular emphasis on Edward's unique theological contributions. TS 577 The Theology of Martin Luther (3) Robert Kolb, Ph.D. The Theology of Martin Luther reviews the presentation of biblical doctrine according to topics in historical con text. The presuppositions of his theol ogy are set forth in his distinction of the two kinds of righteousness and the theology of the cross. Against this background Luther 's treatment of cen tral Christian doctrines, particularly justification in the faith and the means of grace, are explored. Significant treatment is given to his understanding of life in human culture and society. TS 578 The Radical Reformation (3) Ailraham Friesen, Ph.D. This course examines the history of the Radical Reformation. It follows a topical, chronological, and historical progression , covering the genesis of th e movement , its relation to the Renaissance and the Reformation, its various manifestations and the even tual development of the movement. TS 579 Contemporary Theology (3) John S. Feinberg, Ph.D. In this course we shall attempt to exam ine some of the major trends in contem porary thought. In order to set the back ground for contemporary theological
TS 567 The Doctrine of Salvation (3) Roger R Nimle, Th.D., Ph.D. The plan and order of salvation outlin ing the process from regeneration to glor ifi cation are discussed. Special anention is given 10 differing 1iews and objections to the Refo rmed doctrine on th is subject, and evidence for both sides is carefullyweighed. Specific top ics include the quest ion of the attain ment of perfection in this life, the rela tionship of bapti sm to salvat ion, the Roman Catholic concept of justifica tion , and the reasons for believing in the perseverance of the saints. TS 568 The Doctrine of the Trinity (3) Peter Toon, D. Phil. (Oxon) The doctrin e of the Trinity is pre sented from biblical, historical, dog matic and contemporary perspectives. Special attention is paid to the formu lation of the classic and orthodox doc trine of the Trinity in the fourth cen tury at the Councils of Nicea (325) and Constantinople (381). The manner in which the doctrine developed in the East and West is also noted. Further, the commitment of the church to the ontological Trinity (God-as-God-is-in Himself) as well as to the economical Trinity (God-as-God-is-toward-us/the world) is explained and commended. Finally, a survey of recent attempts to present a modern doctrine of the Trin ity (e.g., by Barth, Rabner, Moltmann, Pannenberg and "the feminist" Cather ine Mowry Lucgna) is provided. TS 570 Survey of Church History (3) Garth M. Rosel~Ph.D. The course is designed to provide the student with a bas ic introduction to the development of the Christian church from its founding at Pentecost to the present day. TS 571 The Ancient Church (3) Richard C. Gamble, Th.D. From the close of the New Testament in 95 A.D. to approximately 600 A.D.; the church and th e Roman Empire; ecclesiastical organization; develop ment of theology and dogma; Christ ian life and worship . TS 572 The History of the Church to the Reformation (3) Garth M. Rosel~ Ph.D The course is designed to provide the student with a basic introduction to the development of the Christian church's doctrine, faith and practice from its founding at Pentecost to the time of the Protestan t Reformation.
Pastoral Theology TS 550 Church Leadership and Administration (2) Kenneth 0. Gangel, Ph.D.
tion of the Sermon on the Mount and upon the theological issues and histori
cal interpretationsof that passage. TS 521 New Testament Survey: Gospels/life of Christ (3) Terry C. Hurlbert, Th.D.
A course designed to del'elop leader ship potemia l in students and to give them a· familiarity with the various ele ments of the admini strati ve process, including: goal se tting and ac hi eving, organi zation, delegation, human rela tions, group d)11amics, supervision and tl1e training of other leaders. Though the principles are universal, in tl1e focus of the course is the Christian organiza tion, particularlythe local church. TS 551 Spiritual Formation (3) j ohn R Lillis, Ph.D. An investigation into the meaning of Biblical Christianity and its relation ship to faith and prac tice . TS 555 Interpersonal Communication and Conflict Management in Churches and Christian Organizations (2)
A chronological synthetic study of the four gospel records, emphasizing the time, place, circumstances and per sons invo lved in th e even ts of our Lord's ministry, with a view to a full er understanding of the significance of His words and works. TS 522 The Parables of Jesus (2) Craig L. Blombetg, Ph.D. Methods of interpreting Jesus ' para bles are surveyed and then an eclectic model drawing on the best insights of each is applied to each of the major narrative parabl es in the gospels. Conclusions are drawn concerning the theology and significance of this portion ofJesus' teaching. TS 523 The Acts of the Apostles (3) Darrell L. Bock, Ph.D. An exegetical examination of the Acts of the Apostles with concentration on the biblical theology of the Book of Acts, the historical background of events, and tl1e theological emphasis of the speeches. Special attention is given to the relation ship between tl1e church and Israel in the early church era. This course assumes a basic skill in Greek exegesis. The ability to make grammatical evaluations and to do Greek word studies is recommended. TS 524 The Epistle to the Romans (3) Harold W Hoe/mer, Th.D. , Ph.D. An exegetical-theological study of Paul's epistle to the Romans in the Greek text. It involves the treatment of selected historical, grammatical, struc tural, and lexical data which evaluate the meaning of this important New Testament document. Special empha sis is given to the theological themes and over-all argument of the Epistle. This course assumes a basic skill in Greek exegesis and the ability to make grammatical and textual critical evalua tions and to do Greek word studies. TS 527 The Pastoral Epistles (3) john R Stott, M.A., D.D. An exposition of I and II Timothy and Titus. Emphasis on the authority of Pattl and his message and the need to guard that message, as well as the responsibil~ ties of the local church and its leaders.
I T-35
Kenneth 0. Gangel, Ph .D. Samuel D. Canine, Ph.D.
An examination of the process of inter personal communication and conflict management in human relationships within Christian organizations , with attention given to communication models, self-concept, non-verbal mes sages, stress and other strategies that will assist the Christian leader in devel oping interpersonal communication skills and the productive use of conflict. TS 565 Phenomenology of Emotional Disorders (2) BasilJackson, M.D., Ph.D. An introduction to the phenomenol ogy of psychopathology for the pastor, and the seminary or graduate student. It is a descriptive overview of various emotional disorders and their relation ship to one another. (The seri es is also available on six VHS 120 video cas settes with four lectures per cassette.) Theology and Church History TS 566 The Doctrine of Man and Sin (3) Roger R Nim/e, Th.D. , Ph.D. The Reformed Doctrine concerning the origin of humanity and the influx of sin into the world is explained. The course addresses the issues raised by the theory of evolution as it relates to the creation of human ity. It exp lains the effects of the Fall in the Garden on our current condition. In addition , detail is given to the promise of the restoration of our original image in the likeness of Christ.
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