


year student who has demonstrated a keen interest in Phil osophy of Reli­ gion and/ or Theology. The Inez Gooden Memorial Scholar­ ship Award - To a seminary student with financial need. Th e Go rdon Johnson Scho larship Award - To a seminary student per­ for ming well academically in one of the Bible related fi elds. The Walk er Scholarship Award - To a seminary student with specia l interes t and ab ility in the area of out­ reach, established by the International Fisherman's club. TheBill Bynum Memmial Sdwlarship Award- To the Doctor of Education student who does exemplary work in the study and practice of Christian Education. The Baker Book Award in Christian Edur.ation -To the graduate who has distinguished himself or herself in the studyof Christian Education. The North American Professors of Christian Education Award - To a graduate student in Christian educa­ tion for outstanding academi c and scholarship achievement. The Bible Society Award - To the student who has distinguished himself/ herself in Greek studies dur­ ing graduate work at Talbot. Tlie Louis T. Talbot Memarial Sclwl­ arship Award - To a cont inuing stu­ dent preparing for the ministry who has demonstrated academic excel­ lence, exceptional Christian commit­ ment and zeal for practical ministry. The Rotary Club Scholarship Award -To a continuing student who is out­ standing in Christian character and spiritual leadership. The Baker Book Award - To the graduate who has distinguished him­ self/herself in the study of theology. Tlie Robin Finley Memorial Award in Missions - to a continuing student preparing to serve on the mission field. Th e Outstanding Master's Thesis Award - awarded to the student who produces a thesis of the highest quality at the Th .M., M.Div. or M.A. leve l. The recipient of the award is chosen by a faculty panel from among all stu­ dents who submitted a master's thesis during the academic year. The stu­ dent who receives the award has writ­ ten a thesis that exhibits a high level of academic research coupled with a con­ cern to draw out the implications of the research for the life of the church.

TS 585 Theologies of Liberation (2) Ke11neth B. Alulholland, D. Th.P. A survey of liberation th eo logies wit h particular anemion to their historical deve lopme nt and themat ic elabora­ tion in the social and religious contex t of Latin Ameri ca. TS 586 AHistory of the Church in China Since 1949 (3) Jonathan Chao, Ph.D. This course treats the history of Protes­ tan t Christianity in Sociali st China since 1949 and outlines this period in 12 sections dealing with the changing political moveme nts and their impact on religious policy; the rise of th e Three Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM); Christian suffering during the cultural revolution; and the emergence and growth of the thriving hous e churches. Detailed development of the house church evangelistic and lead­ ership training methods is verified with illustrations from field experience. Philosophy of Religion and Ethics TS 591 Exploring Approaches to Apologetics (3) Gordon R Lewis, Ph.D. The course compares biblical, historical and recent approaches to defending faith in God, Christ and Scripture. It empha­ sizes the contrast between Peter's method of reasoning among the Jews in Jemsalem (Acts 2) and Paul 's among the Gentiles in Athens (Acts 17). It compares the still influential approaches of Augus­ tine and Aquinas. However, the bttlk of the course examines six approaches of apologists who led in the resurgence of evangelicalism during the last half of the 20th century. Each approach uses differ­ en l starting points and forms of argu­ ment: empirical/inductive, rational/ deductive, self-authenticating presuppos~ tions, self-authenticating mystical exper~ ences and hypothesis/verification. Stt~ dents are encouraged to integrate the strengths of the varied approaches. The last three lectures, exhibiting the lec­ turer 's synthesis, are entitled: "Why I Believe in God," "Why I Believe in Jesus Q1rist"and 'Why I Believe the Bible." TS 592 Christian Ethics: ABiblical Theology of Morality (3) James M. Grier, Th.D. An examination of the theories of obli­ gation and the theories of value from a philosophical perspective. A Biblical theology of obligation and a Biblical theology of value are presented along with their implications for decision­ making in personal life and church life.

1 student in th e seminary whose con­ cern and zea l, in th eo • and practice, are outstanding in the area of the evangeli za tion of th eJews. The Audrey Talbot Award i11 Bible Exposit ion - To the student in th e semina ry who does th e bes t work for the yea r in the Department of Bib le Exposition. The William W Bass Award - To a Th e awards th at fo ll ow are pre­ se nted annually to qualified stude nts on the bas is of cr iteria indicated: The Louis T. Talbot Award - To a student in the seminary whose co n­ cern and zeal, theoretically and prac ti­ cally, are exemplary in the interest of the evangelization of the Jews. The John and Jennie So/,omon Award in Qui Testament - To the student in the seminary who does the best work for the year in th e Department of Semitics and Old Testament. The Library Award - To the stu­ dent completing a thesis or tl1esis proj­ ect who, in the opinion of the Librar­ ian , has made the most intelligent and effective use of the Library during the year of his or her graduation. The Robe,t N. Oliver Award in Sys­ tematic Theo/,ogy - To the student with the best work for the year in System­ atic Theology. 11ie Award in Homiletics-An annual award to two students in tl1e seminary who distinguish tl1emselves in preaching. The Kenneth D. Archinal Award in Christian Education - An annua l award to the outstanding second-year student in the Department of Christ­ ian Education . The Award in New Testament - To the student who has clone outstanding work in New Testament studies throughout the seminary program. The Rev. & Mrs. David Doerksen Award in Missions - To the student in the seminary who does the best work for theyear in the Department of Missions. The Marge Niquette Award in Bible Exposition - An annual award to the student in the seminary who has done outstanding work in the Depart­ ment of Bible Exposition in the final year of training. Tlie Alumni Award - To a contin­ uing student in the seminary by the Alumni Association . The Charles Lee Feinberg Award - To the senior who best exemp lifies the image of a st udent at Talbot School ofTheology. The William W. Bass Memarial Schol­ arship Award - To a second or third

and phi losophical discourse, we begi n with a brief phi losophical o\'e rl'iew of the major developments in Western phi­ losophy prior lo Hege l. Discussion then turns directly to Hegel whose influence extends throughout the modern period. Kierkegaard represents not only a reac­ tion to Hegel , but is also the first of the existentialist ori ented theo logians we consider. After Kierkegaard, the course turns lo Barth, Bultmann and Tilli ch. Parallel to these developments in theol­ ogy was the development of analytic ph~ losophy. Our emphasis will be philoso­ phyof the earlier and later Wittgenstein. The course culminates in the God is Dead Theologies of Paul Van Buren and Thomas Altizer. Missions Studies · TS 581 Introduction to World Chrislian Missions (4) William D. Tay/,or, Ph.D. An introductory survey of the theol­ ogy, history, culture , politics, and methods of the Christian mission , with special emphasis on recent devel­ opme nts , crucial issues and future trends, ending with a study of mis­ sions in the local church. TS 582 The History of Missions (3) ]. Herbert Kane, L.H.D. This course traces the historic develop­ men t of the Christian mission in chronological sequence from Pente­ cost to William Carey ( I 793). The modern period is developed along geo­ graphical lines: Asia, the Middle East, Africa , Latin America and Europe . The course closes with an attempt to evaluate the achievements of the past and the prospem of the future . TS 583 Urban Mission and Minislry (2) Roger S. Greenway, Th.D. A course that focuses on Christian Mis­ sions and ministry in the world 's grow­ ing cities. The Biblical basis for urban ministry is presented and case studies of effective urban strategies worldwide are examined. Attention is give to urban issues such as ministry to the poor and homeless, pastoring and raising a fami ly in the city, and planting urban churches. TS 584 Missionary Encounter with World Religions (3) Harvie M. Conn, Th.M., Litt.D. An introduction to the theology of religions. A biblical theology of reli­ gions is developed against the back­ ground of extensive study of current models of approach. Using major rel~ gious systems as examples, five charac­ teristics of all religions are sketched. Some practical suggestions for evan­ gelistic approach are proposed.

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