

SAMPLE PROGRAM: Ph .D. Track First Year

Third Year

Fourth Year

Fifth Year

Second Year

Fall Ad1-anced Statistics

3 3 3 4 3

Clinical Supen•ision/ Consultationu•

Internship 0

3 3 3

Ad1"anced Research Design Measuremen[ & As.stssmtnl II Research Apprenticeship

3 3 3 3 4

Histm)' &: Systems of Ps-ychology

Measurement and Assts.smtnt I In troduction to Ps1·chopathology Int roduction to Psychotherapy

Practicum 11

or Ps1·chologyElective

2 3 3 3

Psychology Elective

Psyc hothernp Lib El ective Integration lectires

Practicum IV

Nature&: Scope or Srstems of Integration


Ps)'chotherapy Lib Elective

Theolob'l' I


TheolO!,']' Ill





Disse rtation

4 15

lnterterm Prepracticum I


Cross-Cuhu rnl Issues in Cl inical PsycholO!,')''


2 3

Ps1•c hology Elective




Clin ical Supervision/ Consultation'"


Research Design

Neurops1·chology• or

Ethirnl and Professional Issues

3 2 3 3 4 I

or PS)'chologyElective

2 6 2 6

Cli111cal Psychopharmacolo!,')'

3 3 3 4 3

Learn in~, Cognition&: Affect


PsycholOb'J' Elective

Psycholof Electives

Pmticum Ill

Personahty Development&: Ps)'chopathol"b']' 3

Research A(prenticeship

Advance lntegrntion Elective

Preprncticum II



Psychotheratr Lib Elective Integration ecuves


PS)'chotherapy and Religion


Psychothe;vir Lib..


Theology II




15 16 Note: • For students with uitdergraduate coursework in soda/ and physiological psychology. Students without undergraduate social psychology will take SPY608, Social Psychology, instead of SPY625 Cross Cultural Issues in Clinical Psychology. Students without undergraduate physiological psychology will take SPY607, Psychophysiological Processes instead of SPY 670 Neuropsychology or SPY 705 Clinical Psychopharmacology. These alternative courses will generally be taken during the spring of the second or third year. • •second year students elect one of the following psychotherapy lab courses: SLB613 PsychotheraP)' with Adolescents, SLB642 Ps ychotherapy with Children, SLB64J Behavior Modification with Children and Parents , or SLB641 Psychotherapy With Groups. 16 •••All students are requfrcd to complete at least 2 units of coursework in clinical supervision and/or con;m/tativn. This requirement may be met by taking SLB 702 Principles and Practices in Case S"per11ision to receive credit for supervision with assessment, lab or prepracticum courses. The requirement may also be met by raking SPY 713 Clinical S14pervision and U>nsultation during the student's fourth year.

Ph.D. In Clinical Psychology

mittee. For further details, refer to the Internship Guidelines in student handbook. Internship Fees are listed in the Psychology course section (STN 731 Internship) . There is some provi-­ sion for students to complete this requirement in two yea rs at half-time.

devoted to the integration of a variety of theological and psychological concepts

prehensive Examinations are specified

in the Academic Calendar.

1) Residence and Coursework

in research, theory and practice.

Nonnally, four years of residency are required unless transfer of credit is brought in and advanced standing granted , While the doctorate is not aw,u-ded simply for completion of stated

(4) Admission to Candidacy

Dissertation Research: 16 units of dissertat ion research are required

Official candidacy for the doctor, ate signifies an advanced stage in the student's progress . In order to be admitted to candidacy the student

prior to granting the Ph.D.

(2) Preliminary Oral Interview

course work, there are basic unit requireAll students have an oral interview

must have:

(7) Completion al Training Therapy

men ts for the degree (133 semester

(a) Successfully completed the

All students must receive certifica, lion of completion of training therapy from the director of clinical training. A minimum of 50 hours of group therapy plus 50 hours of individual therapy is required . See Training Therapy Guidelines in the student

with a faculty commi ttee to evaluate

hours). Each student is assigned a factheir progress and potential for successPreliminary Oral Interview

ulty advisor who assists in the planning of each semester's schedule of courses and supervises the student's progress in the program. For transfer credit, see Gen,

(b) Passed the Comprehensive

ful completion of the doctoral program. This interview is scheduled after the


completion of three semesters in resi-(c) Received approval of dissertation

proposal by the Doctoral

dence, including at least one practicum assignment The results of this interview are reported to the faculty, which votes (!) allowing the student to continue, (2) continue studies with a Preliminary Oral Interview re-examination the following year, or (3) not allowing the student to continue in the doctoral program.

eral Academic lnfonnation.


Psychology: Ph.D. students must complete a minimum of 74 semester hours of psychology in addition to a doctoral dissertation. These 74 units include 43 required units, 12 units of practicum that must be taken in resi, dence, 4 units of Master's,level research apprenticeship, and 15 units of psychology electives. Students may apply up to 6 units of graduate course­ work from the School of lntercultural Studies toward the total psychology

(d) Completed training therapy

handbook for further details.

(5) Professional Qualifying Exam

(8) Dissertation

All doctoral students must succes£A dissertation evidencing high

fully complete an examination that evaJ.. uates the student's readiness for a full, time internship . It may be taken any time after the comprehensive examina, lions have been passed and must be com,

attainment in original scholarship must be submitted by all Ph.D. candi­ dates. The dissertation topic and pro­ posal must be approved by the candi­ date's advisory committee prior to the

(3) Comprehensive Examinations

All students must pass a set of doctoral,Jevel comprehensive exami, nations covering the following areas: (I) psychological intervention and

pleted prior to acceptance of an intembeginning of the student 's internship. Three weeks prior to expected gradu­ require the student to complete addi-ation the candidate must submit to sh ip. The examining committee may

tional coursework, practicum, or other professional growth experiences prior to

the Rosemead dean the original and four copies of the dissertation

(2) psychology and theology.

unit requirement.

These examinations are given two times annually and serve as the major means of evaluating a student'ssuitability The examinations may be taken after completion of 75% (100 units) of the course work and must be taken prior to

Psydwtherapy Laboratury: Students in the Ph .D. track must complete at least 12 units selected from psychotherapy lab

beginning the internship. See the Proapproved by the dissertation commit,

fessional Qualifying Exam Guidelines in the student handbook for further details.

tee and Biola librarian . Detailed information is found in the Student

courses. These are taken during the secto continue studies tow,u-d the doctorate.

Dissertation Guidelines.

(6) Internship

ond, third and fourth years.

All students are required to com, plete a one,year , full,time clinical internsh ip prior to graduat ion . All internships are to be approved in advance by the Clinical Training Com-

17ieology: All sutdents must complete a minor in theology which includes a

(9) Final Oral Examination

The final examination is an oral defense of the dissertation before the doctoral committee and other invited

the Professional Qualifying Exam.

minimum of 17 semester units.

lnJegratiun Seminars: All students parOnly one retake of the examina,

tion is allowed. The dates of the Com,

ticipate in a series of seminars (14 units)


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